Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Giff »

well this is gonna be someone's new signature - bronto
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

Flynn timeline copied from Reddit: (Placed it in a spoiler because it's just too much text.)
[+] spoiler
**April 2014** — Flynn is fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ("abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." per Colin Powell).

**Oct. 2014** — Flynn founds Flynn Intel Group. In a letter from the DIA, Flynn is warned that he is prohibited from receiving "consulting fees, gifts, travel expenses, honoraria, or salary ... from a foreign government unless congressional consent is first obtained".

**Summer 2015** — Flynn is paid by ACU Strategic Partners to travel to the Middle East to promote a trillion-dollar Saudi-financed U.S.–Russian business to develop nuclear power capabilities in the Arab world. Flynn does not disclose this trip when applying for his security clearance renewal in Jan. 2016

**Late Summer 2015** — Flynn begins advising the Trump campaign.

**Aug. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, a Russian airfreight company that the U.N. had suspended from its list of approved vendors after a corruption scandal involving an indicted Russian U.N. official.

**Oct. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from a subsidiary Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky's computer incidents investigation unit is arrested in Russia, for treason, in December 2016.

Flynn travels to Saudi Arabia to again promote the Saudi/Russian nuclear project. He fails to disclose the nature of the travel and reports a fictional hotel name as his residence during the trip.

**Dec. 2** — Flynn and his son meet with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at his Washington, D.C. residence. In a subsequent email to the Russian embassy, Flynn’s son described the meeting as “very productive”. The meeting came to light publicly only in April 2018.

**Dec. 10** — Seated [directly at Vladimir Putin's right hand](, Flynn appears in Moscow at a gala hosted by Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT). RT pays Flynn $45,000 for his participation and provides airfare, accommodations and other expenses for Flynn and his son.

U.S. intelligence notices an uptick in communication between Flynn and Kislyak shortly after.

**Feb. 2016** — Flynn increases his role with the Trump campaign and is later vetted as a possible VP pick.

**Feb. 11** — While applying for renewal of his security clearance, Flynn tells Pentagon investigators that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals.

**May 2016** — Flynn joins the advisory board of OSY Technologies, part of the NSO Group, a secretive cyberweapons dealer founded by former Israeli intelligence officials. NSO's spyware is subsequently found to have been used to attack and surveil prominent journalists and human rights activists.

**July 18** — Flynn leads crowds at the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock her up!", saying "if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today!".

**Aug. 9** — Flynn signs a contract with Inovo, a firm owned by Ekim Alptekin, a close ally and appointee of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Flynn is assigned to run an influence campaign to discredit Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and was blamed by Erdogan for a failed coup.

**Summer 2016** — Flynn Intel begins work on a pro-Turkey documentary, hiring professionals to shoot it, misleading them about the intentions of the project and working to conceal its role in producing the film.

**Aug. 17** — Flynn begins attending classified intelligence briefings with candidate Trump.

**Sept. 3** — Flynn and associates begin reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to obtain Clinton's personal e-mails and transmit them to Flynn through an intermediary.

**Sept. 19** — Flynn meets with Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs and energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and other officials at an undisclosed New York hotel, in a meeting arranged by Alptekin. Among other topics, Flynn discusses a plan for "a covert step in the dead of night to whisk [Gulen] away" without going through the legal extradition process.

**Sept. 20** — Flynn, his son and business partners meet with Dana Rohrabacher, a U.S. congressman best known as a staunch advocate of pro-Russia policies.

**Nov. 8** — Election day. Flynn publishes a lengthy op-ed entitled "Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support". He states that "we need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective" and brands Gulen as "a radical Islamist". Flynn does not disclose to the publisher that he was being paid by Alptekin.

**Nov. 10** — Obama, in a face-to-face conversation with Trump, warns against hiring Flynn to be part of Trump's national security team.

**Nov. 11** — Media reports expose Flynn's contract with Alptekin to lobby on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 14** — Flynn receives the final installment of $530,000 from Alptekin.

**Nov. 18** — Flynn accepts Trump's offer of the position of National Security Advisor. Pence receives a letter from Rep. Cummings notifying him of Flynn's work on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 30** — The Justice Department notifies Flynn that it is scrutinizing his work lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government.

**Nov./Dec. 2016** — Flynn meets with Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache at Trump Tower. Strache announces weeks later that his party has signed a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Putin's ruling party.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn meets with Russian ambassador Kislyak and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Tower. The men discuss the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities to shield their discussions from monitoring.

**Mid-Dec.** — Flynn meets with the Turkish government to discuss an offer to pay him and his son as much as $15 million to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to a Turkish prison island.

**Dec. 22** — Flynn secretly asks Kislyak for Russia's help to delay or defeat a pending UN Security Council resolution.

**Dec. 29** — Flynn secretly discusses relief from U.S. sanctions with Kislyak on the same day the Obama administration announces its response to Russian interference in the campaign.

**Jan. 4** — Flynn tells Trump’s transition team that he is under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign.

**Jan. 6** *(approx.)* — The FBI begins investigating Flynn's late December phone conversations with Kislyak.

**Jan. 12** — Conforming to the wishes of Turkey, Flynn instructs the Obama administration to hold off on a military operation to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces.

**Jan. 18** — Flynn attends a “working breakfast” with the Foreign Minister of Turkey and others, including Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

**Jan. 20** — Trump is inaugurated. Flynn becomes National Security Advisor.

Eleven minutes into the Trump presidency, [Flynn texts ACU managing partner Alex Copson]( that the Russian nuclear plan is "good to go" and "to put things in place". Copson tells associates that Flynn would ensure that sanctions against Russia are "ripped up" and that "this is going to make a lot of very wealthy people".

**Jan. 22** — The WSJ reports that Flynn is under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents regarding his communications with Russian officials.

**Jan. 24** — The FBI interviews Flynn regarding his Russian contacts.

**Jan. 26** — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informs the White House that Flynn misled the FBI in his interview, that the DOJ knew that Flynn’s public accounts were untrue, and expressed concerns that he was vulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence.

**Jan. 30** — Trump fires Yates.

**Feb. 13** — Flynn is forced out of his role as NSA after The Washington Post reports on Yates's warning to the Trump White House.

**Feb. 14** — In a private conversation with FBI director Comey, Trump asks Comey to end any investigation into Flynn, stating “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

**March 7** — Flynn files paperwork acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent representing the interests of the Turkish government.

**March 22** — Trump asks Director of National Intelligence Coats to intervene with Comey to get the FBI to back off its focus on Flynn.

**March 30** — Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution, with his lawyer stating that “General Flynn has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit”.

**April 25** — Flynn tells associates, “I just got a message from the president to stay strong”.

**April/May** — Federal prosecutors issue grand jury subpoenas to Flynn associates seeking “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” relating to Flynn and Alptekin.

**May 9** — Trump fires Comey.

**May 22** — A House committee reveals that Flynn lied to Pentagon investigators about the source of money he received from RT when applying for security clearance in 2016.

Flynn announces that he will not cooperate with a subpoena requiring him to hand over documents related to his dealings with Russians.

**June 2** — Special Counsel Mueller assumes control of a grand jury investigation into Flynn.

**August** — Flynn files paperwork disclosing payments from SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn pleads guilty to willfully and knowingly lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Kislyak.

**Dec. 4, 2018** — Mueller cites Flynn's "substantial" assistance with several criminal investigations when he recommends a sentence includes little to no jail time.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by rass »

uh huh
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Brontoburglar »

The Sybian wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:14 pm
Brontoburglar wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:41 pm19!
WTF are you talking about? Scrolling through news sites, still not sure.

ETA: But Brian Flynn lost the Dem primary for NY 19.
19 interviews with Mueller
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

The Sybian wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:19 pm Man, Mueller asking the Judge to give Flynn no jail time after months of delayed sentencing and absolutely no word in the media about Flynn at all during that time... He must have delivered something enormous, and they must have substantiating evidence to back it up. Fuck, this is exciting and making me nervous at the same time.
I'm just mostly impatient at this point.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Joe K »

Johnnie wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:13 am I really wanted that fuck to go to prison. I mean, unless we're trading him for the Trump family and Pence, then damn. It literally says treason in the quoted text.
This is why I’m skeptical of the maximalist view outlined in that post. If Flynn were part of a huge quasi-treasonous conspiracy, it’s hard to imagine Mueller would recommend no jail time whatsoever. It’s possible, I guess, that Flynn gave such incredibly valuable info that he skated. But if you’re really part of a “crime of the century” type conspiracy then it’s hard for me to imagine that cooperation plus a military background would really be enough to dodge incarceration altogether. The same could be said about Pappadapolous, who didn’t have the miltary background and didn’t give valuable cooperation and still got only 14 days.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by The Sybian »

Joe K wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:29 pm
Johnnie wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:13 am I really wanted that fuck to go to prison. I mean, unless we're trading him for the Trump family and Pence, then damn. It literally says treason in the quoted text.
This is why I’m skeptical of the maximalist view outlined in that post. If Flynn were part of a huge quasi-treasonous conspiracy, it’s hard to imagine Mueller would recommend no jail time whatsoever. It’s possible, I guess, that Flynn gave such incredibly valuable info that he skated. But if you’re really part of a “crime of the century” type conspiracy then it’s hard for me to imagine that cooperation plus a military background would really be enough to dodge incarceration altogether. The same could be said about Pappadapolous, who didn’t have the miltary background and didn’t give valuable cooperation and still got only 14 days.
I thought I would have been massively disappointed by Mueller recommending no time served, but my initial reaction is this means Flynn provided enormous help, and they were able to corroborate his story. I think this also sends a massive message to everyone else Mueller is hoping will cooperate. Spill the whole story, stay out of prison. With Manafort lying to Mueller and Trump still talking pardon, I think Mueller just signalled he is the option to avoid prison time. Fuck, Manafort is in prison right now, with Trump supporting him. If it came down to trusting Mueller if you cooperate, or trusting Trump will pardon you if you obstruct, I'm going with Mueller.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Nonlinear FC »

Yeah, I agree with Syb... Mueller has plenty of stuff he could ring up Flynn for, and to me this really signals he's going after Trump and probably the family, too. That's his goal, Flynn/Cohen/Manafort etc are all bit players here. Manafort is angling for a pardon when that won't even matter because NY is going after him anyways.

The Trumps are despicable, and like I've been saying for awhile... You are absolutely fucking crazy to go after the intelligence community AND the DOJ/FBI.

I mean, it's the kind of hubris we all know they possess, but the idea that anyone else not in that fucked up bubble would align with the Trumps is insane to me.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by A_B »

It just occurred to me...if somehow Trump/Pence get caught up completely in some of this shit (and it's being reported that Pence knew about Flynn's meetings)...Pelosi? Would be a wild way to get the first woman president!
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Joe K »

A_B wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:25 pm It just occurred to me...if somehow Trump/Pence get caught up completely in some of this shit (and it's being reported that Pence knew about Flynn's meetings)...Pelosi? Would be a wild way to get the first woman president!
I haven’t seen anyone credible suggesting that Pence has exposure. And surely if he did, he would just resign so that Trump could appoint a different VP.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by A_B »

To be sure, I don't know how credible reports are. I have somehow already lost the tweet from my Twitter timeline, so it was probably all the deep state stuff I follow.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

Joe K wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:27 pm
A_B wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:25 pm It just occurred to me...if somehow Trump/Pence get caught up completely in some of this shit (and it's being reported that Pence knew about Flynn's meetings)...Pelosi? Would be a wild way to get the first woman president!
I haven’t seen anyone credible suggesting that Pence has exposure. And surely if he did, he would just resign so that Trump could appoint a different VP.
I can't imagine the Rs would even *possibly* remove both Trump and Pence unless they made a deal to replace Pelosi with a Republican as Speaker.

It'd probably be Paul Fucking Ryan.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

Saudi Lobbyist Block Books Rooms at Trump's Hotel
At the time, these lobbyists were reserving large numbers of D.C.-area hotel rooms as part of an unorthodox campaign that offered U.S. military veterans a free trip to Washington — then sent them to Capitol Hill to lobby against a law the Saudis opposed, according to veterans and organizers.
Glad the swamp was drained...
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Ryan »

Bill Cross wrote:And on Pearl Harbor Day too
Sorry, gotta get one in every year
he’s a fixbking cyborg or some shit. The

holy fuckbAllZ, what a ducking nightmare. Holy shot. Just, fuck. The
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by rass »

Ryan wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:31 am
Bill Cross wrote:And on Pearl Harbor Day too
Sorry, gotta get one in every year
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Gunpowder »

I am buying so many stock puts and this time I'm going to hold them until they really get into the money.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by EnochRoot »

Yale psychiatrist explains how devotion to Trump is based on emotional patterns most people grow out of by age five.
The sense of grandiose omnipotence that he displays seems especially appealing to his emotionally-needy followers. No matter what the world says, he fights back against criticism, continues to lie in the face of truth, and above all is still president. What matters is that he is winning, not whether he is honest or law-abiding. This may seem puzzling to the rest of us, but when you are overcome with feelings of powerlessness, this type of cartoonish, exaggerated force is often more important than true ability. This is the more primitive morality, as we call it, of “might makes right,” which in normal development you grow out of by age five.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Gunpowder »

I don't think we can say "normally" here when something like 30+% of the country is still supporting it very strongly.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by mister d »

Eh, there's a strong split between those who see him as a deity and those who would vote for Hitler Jr. because "my portfolio has never looked better!" but would prefer Romney did the same thing for them instead because its more polite.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by rass »

brian wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:14 pm The fact that Trump keeps freaking out on Twitter is honestly a good sign. He's prone to being a bitch, so you never really know, but it doesn't sound like he thinks it's going to be very good for him.
"For added effect, we will present this Message from the President in the stream-of-consciousness format in which it was undoubtedly born:"
Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest. And bye the way, wasn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of “legal” at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt.......Will Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report. Will Andrew Weissman’s horrible and vicious prosecutorial past be listed in the Report. He wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies, only to be.............overturned, 9-0, in the United States Supreme Court. Doing same thing to people now. Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton........Foundation be listed at the top of the Report? Will the scathing document written about Lyin’ James Comey, by the man in charge of the case, Rod Rosenstein (who also signed the FISA Warrant), be a big part of the Report? Isn’t Rod therefore totally conflicted? Will all of.......the lying and leaking by the people doing the Report, & also Bruce Ohr (and his lovely wife Molly), Comey, Brennan, Clapper, & all of the many fired people of the FBI, be listed in the Report? Will the corruption within the DNC & Clinton Campaign be exposed?..And so much more!
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Gunpowder »

mister d wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:43 am Eh, there's a strong split between those who see him as a deity and those who would vote for Hitler Jr. because "my portfolio has never looked better!" but would prefer Romney did the same thing for them instead because its more polite.
I already split those. Maybe split a bit further but it's a solid number.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

rass wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:32 am
Ryan wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:31 am
Bill Cross wrote:And on Pearl Harbor Day too
Sorry, gotta get one in every year
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

They've been promising a Kelly resignation for so long.

It's like Sessions. What other job would give Kelly the chance to do the ethnic cleansing he so clearly loves?
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Shirley »

Johnnie wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:22 am Flynn timeline copied from Reddit: (Placed it in a spoiler because it's just too much text.)
[+] spoiler
**April 2014** — Flynn is fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ("abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." per Colin Powell).

**Oct. 2014** — Flynn founds Flynn Intel Group. In a letter from the DIA, Flynn is warned that he is prohibited from receiving "consulting fees, gifts, travel expenses, honoraria, or salary ... from a foreign government unless congressional consent is first obtained".

**Summer 2015** — Flynn is paid by ACU Strategic Partners to travel to the Middle East to promote a trillion-dollar Saudi-financed U.S.–Russian business to develop nuclear power capabilities in the Arab world. Flynn does not disclose this trip when applying for his security clearance renewal in Jan. 2016

**Late Summer 2015** — Flynn begins advising the Trump campaign.

**Aug. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, a Russian airfreight company that the U.N. had suspended from its list of approved vendors after a corruption scandal involving an indicted Russian U.N. official.

**Oct. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from a subsidiary Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky's computer incidents investigation unit is arrested in Russia, for treason, in December 2016.

Flynn travels to Saudi Arabia to again promote the Saudi/Russian nuclear project. He fails to disclose the nature of the travel and reports a fictional hotel name as his residence during the trip.

**Dec. 2** — Flynn and his son meet with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at his Washington, D.C. residence. In a subsequent email to the Russian embassy, Flynn’s son described the meeting as “very productive”. The meeting came to light publicly only in April 2018.

**Dec. 10** — Seated [directly at Vladimir Putin's right hand](, Flynn appears in Moscow at a gala hosted by Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT). RT pays Flynn $45,000 for his participation and provides airfare, accommodations and other expenses for Flynn and his son.

U.S. intelligence notices an uptick in communication between Flynn and Kislyak shortly after.

**Feb. 2016** — Flynn increases his role with the Trump campaign and is later vetted as a possible VP pick.

**Feb. 11** — While applying for renewal of his security clearance, Flynn tells Pentagon investigators that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals.

**May 2016** — Flynn joins the advisory board of OSY Technologies, part of the NSO Group, a secretive cyberweapons dealer founded by former Israeli intelligence officials. NSO's spyware is subsequently found to have been used to attack and surveil prominent journalists and human rights activists.

**July 18** — Flynn leads crowds at the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock her up!", saying "if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today!".

**Aug. 9** — Flynn signs a contract with Inovo, a firm owned by Ekim Alptekin, a close ally and appointee of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Flynn is assigned to run an influence campaign to discredit Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and was blamed by Erdogan for a failed coup.

**Summer 2016** — Flynn Intel begins work on a pro-Turkey documentary, hiring professionals to shoot it, misleading them about the intentions of the project and working to conceal its role in producing the film.

**Aug. 17** — Flynn begins attending classified intelligence briefings with candidate Trump.

**Sept. 3** — Flynn and associates begin reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to obtain Clinton's personal e-mails and transmit them to Flynn through an intermediary.

**Sept. 19** — Flynn meets with Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs and energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and other officials at an undisclosed New York hotel, in a meeting arranged by Alptekin. Among other topics, Flynn discusses a plan for "a covert step in the dead of night to whisk [Gulen] away" without going through the legal extradition process.

**Sept. 20** — Flynn, his son and business partners meet with Dana Rohrabacher, a U.S. congressman best known as a staunch advocate of pro-Russia policies.

**Nov. 8** — Election day. Flynn publishes a lengthy op-ed entitled "Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support". He states that "we need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective" and brands Gulen as "a radical Islamist". Flynn does not disclose to the publisher that he was being paid by Alptekin.

**Nov. 10** — Obama, in a face-to-face conversation with Trump, warns against hiring Flynn to be part of Trump's national security team.

**Nov. 11** — Media reports expose Flynn's contract with Alptekin to lobby on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 14** — Flynn receives the final installment of $530,000 from Alptekin.

**Nov. 18** — Flynn accepts Trump's offer of the position of National Security Advisor. Pence receives a letter from Rep. Cummings notifying him of Flynn's work on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 30** — The Justice Department notifies Flynn that it is scrutinizing his work lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government.

**Nov./Dec. 2016** — Flynn meets with Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache at Trump Tower. Strache announces weeks later that his party has signed a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Putin's ruling party.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn meets with Russian ambassador Kislyak and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Tower. The men discuss the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities to shield their discussions from monitoring.

**Mid-Dec.** — Flynn meets with the Turkish government to discuss an offer to pay him and his son as much as $15 million to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to a Turkish prison island.

**Dec. 22** — Flynn secretly asks Kislyak for Russia's help to delay or defeat a pending UN Security Council resolution.

**Dec. 29** — Flynn secretly discusses relief from U.S. sanctions with Kislyak on the same day the Obama administration announces its response to Russian interference in the campaign.

**Jan. 4** — Flynn tells Trump’s transition team that he is under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign.

**Jan. 6** *(approx.)* — The FBI begins investigating Flynn's late December phone conversations with Kislyak.

**Jan. 12** — Conforming to the wishes of Turkey, Flynn instructs the Obama administration to hold off on a military operation to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces.

**Jan. 18** — Flynn attends a “working breakfast” with the Foreign Minister of Turkey and others, including Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

**Jan. 20** — Trump is inaugurated. Flynn becomes National Security Advisor.

Eleven minutes into the Trump presidency, [Flynn texts ACU managing partner Alex Copson]( that the Russian nuclear plan is "good to go" and "to put things in place". Copson tells associates that Flynn would ensure that sanctions against Russia are "ripped up" and that "this is going to make a lot of very wealthy people".

**Jan. 22** — The WSJ reports that Flynn is under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents regarding his communications with Russian officials.

**Jan. 24** — The FBI interviews Flynn regarding his Russian contacts.

**Jan. 26** — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informs the White House that Flynn misled the FBI in his interview, that the DOJ knew that Flynn’s public accounts were untrue, and expressed concerns that he was vulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence.

**Jan. 30** — Trump fires Yates.

**Feb. 13** — Flynn is forced out of his role as NSA after The Washington Post reports on Yates's warning to the Trump White House.

**Feb. 14** — In a private conversation with FBI director Comey, Trump asks Comey to end any investigation into Flynn, stating “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

**March 7** — Flynn files paperwork acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent representing the interests of the Turkish government.

**March 22** — Trump asks Director of National Intelligence Coats to intervene with Comey to get the FBI to back off its focus on Flynn.

**March 30** — Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution, with his lawyer stating that “General Flynn has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit”.

**April 25** — Flynn tells associates, “I just got a message from the president to stay strong”.

**April/May** — Federal prosecutors issue grand jury subpoenas to Flynn associates seeking “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” relating to Flynn and Alptekin.

**May 9** — Trump fires Comey.

**May 22** — A House committee reveals that Flynn lied to Pentagon investigators about the source of money he received from RT when applying for security clearance in 2016.

Flynn announces that he will not cooperate with a subpoena requiring him to hand over documents related to his dealings with Russians.

**June 2** — Special Counsel Mueller assumes control of a grand jury investigation into Flynn.

**August** — Flynn files paperwork disclosing payments from SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn pleads guilty to willfully and knowingly lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Kislyak.

**Dec. 4, 2018** — Mueller cites Flynn's "substantial" assistance with several criminal investigations when he recommends a sentence includes little to no jail time.
What was Jill Stein, of all people, doing at that table with Putin and Flynn (See the picture linked above from 12/10/2015)? What an odd combination.
Totally Kafkaesque
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by EdRomero »

Shirley wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:55 am
Johnnie wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:22 am Flynn timeline copied from Reddit: (Placed it in a spoiler because it's just too much text.)
[+] spoiler
**April 2014** — Flynn is fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ("abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." per Colin Powell).

**Oct. 2014** — Flynn founds Flynn Intel Group. In a letter from the DIA, Flynn is warned that he is prohibited from receiving "consulting fees, gifts, travel expenses, honoraria, or salary ... from a foreign government unless congressional consent is first obtained".

**Summer 2015** — Flynn is paid by ACU Strategic Partners to travel to the Middle East to promote a trillion-dollar Saudi-financed U.S.–Russian business to develop nuclear power capabilities in the Arab world. Flynn does not disclose this trip when applying for his security clearance renewal in Jan. 2016

**Late Summer 2015** — Flynn begins advising the Trump campaign.

**Aug. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, a Russian airfreight company that the U.N. had suspended from its list of approved vendors after a corruption scandal involving an indicted Russian U.N. official.

**Oct. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from a subsidiary Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky's computer incidents investigation unit is arrested in Russia, for treason, in December 2016.

Flynn travels to Saudi Arabia to again promote the Saudi/Russian nuclear project. He fails to disclose the nature of the travel and reports a fictional hotel name as his residence during the trip.

**Dec. 2** — Flynn and his son meet with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at his Washington, D.C. residence. In a subsequent email to the Russian embassy, Flynn’s son described the meeting as “very productive”. The meeting came to light publicly only in April 2018.

**Dec. 10** — Seated [directly at Vladimir Putin's right hand](, Flynn appears in Moscow at a gala hosted by Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT). RT pays Flynn $45,000 for his participation and provides airfare, accommodations and other expenses for Flynn and his son.

U.S. intelligence notices an uptick in communication between Flynn and Kislyak shortly after.

**Feb. 2016** — Flynn increases his role with the Trump campaign and is later vetted as a possible VP pick.

**Feb. 11** — While applying for renewal of his security clearance, Flynn tells Pentagon investigators that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals.

**May 2016** — Flynn joins the advisory board of OSY Technologies, part of the NSO Group, a secretive cyberweapons dealer founded by former Israeli intelligence officials. NSO's spyware is subsequently found to have been used to attack and surveil prominent journalists and human rights activists.

**July 18** — Flynn leads crowds at the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock her up!", saying "if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today!".

**Aug. 9** — Flynn signs a contract with Inovo, a firm owned by Ekim Alptekin, a close ally and appointee of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Flynn is assigned to run an influence campaign to discredit Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and was blamed by Erdogan for a failed coup.

**Summer 2016** — Flynn Intel begins work on a pro-Turkey documentary, hiring professionals to shoot it, misleading them about the intentions of the project and working to conceal its role in producing the film.

**Aug. 17** — Flynn begins attending classified intelligence briefings with candidate Trump.

**Sept. 3** — Flynn and associates begin reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to obtain Clinton's personal e-mails and transmit them to Flynn through an intermediary.

**Sept. 19** — Flynn meets with Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs and energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and other officials at an undisclosed New York hotel, in a meeting arranged by Alptekin. Among other topics, Flynn discusses a plan for "a covert step in the dead of night to whisk [Gulen] away" without going through the legal extradition process.

**Sept. 20** — Flynn, his son and business partners meet with Dana Rohrabacher, a U.S. congressman best known as a staunch advocate of pro-Russia policies.

**Nov. 8** — Election day. Flynn publishes a lengthy op-ed entitled "Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support". He states that "we need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective" and brands Gulen as "a radical Islamist". Flynn does not disclose to the publisher that he was being paid by Alptekin.

**Nov. 10** — Obama, in a face-to-face conversation with Trump, warns against hiring Flynn to be part of Trump's national security team.

**Nov. 11** — Media reports expose Flynn's contract with Alptekin to lobby on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 14** — Flynn receives the final installment of $530,000 from Alptekin.

**Nov. 18** — Flynn accepts Trump's offer of the position of National Security Advisor. Pence receives a letter from Rep. Cummings notifying him of Flynn's work on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 30** — The Justice Department notifies Flynn that it is scrutinizing his work lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government.

**Nov./Dec. 2016** — Flynn meets with Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache at Trump Tower. Strache announces weeks later that his party has signed a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Putin's ruling party.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn meets with Russian ambassador Kislyak and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Tower. The men discuss the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities to shield their discussions from monitoring.

**Mid-Dec.** — Flynn meets with the Turkish government to discuss an offer to pay him and his son as much as $15 million to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to a Turkish prison island.

**Dec. 22** — Flynn secretly asks Kislyak for Russia's help to delay or defeat a pending UN Security Council resolution.

**Dec. 29** — Flynn secretly discusses relief from U.S. sanctions with Kislyak on the same day the Obama administration announces its response to Russian interference in the campaign.

**Jan. 4** — Flynn tells Trump’s transition team that he is under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign.

**Jan. 6** *(approx.)* — The FBI begins investigating Flynn's late December phone conversations with Kislyak.

**Jan. 12** — Conforming to the wishes of Turkey, Flynn instructs the Obama administration to hold off on a military operation to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces.

**Jan. 18** — Flynn attends a “working breakfast” with the Foreign Minister of Turkey and others, including Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

**Jan. 20** — Trump is inaugurated. Flynn becomes National Security Advisor.

Eleven minutes into the Trump presidency, [Flynn texts ACU managing partner Alex Copson]( that the Russian nuclear plan is "good to go" and "to put things in place". Copson tells associates that Flynn would ensure that sanctions against Russia are "ripped up" and that "this is going to make a lot of very wealthy people".

**Jan. 22** — The WSJ reports that Flynn is under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents regarding his communications with Russian officials.

**Jan. 24** — The FBI interviews Flynn regarding his Russian contacts.

**Jan. 26** — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informs the White House that Flynn misled the FBI in his interview, that the DOJ knew that Flynn’s public accounts were untrue, and expressed concerns that he was vulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence.

**Jan. 30** — Trump fires Yates.

**Feb. 13** — Flynn is forced out of his role as NSA after The Washington Post reports on Yates's warning to the Trump White House.

**Feb. 14** — In a private conversation with FBI director Comey, Trump asks Comey to end any investigation into Flynn, stating “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

**March 7** — Flynn files paperwork acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent representing the interests of the Turkish government.

**March 22** — Trump asks Director of National Intelligence Coats to intervene with Comey to get the FBI to back off its focus on Flynn.

**March 30** — Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution, with his lawyer stating that “General Flynn has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit”.

**April 25** — Flynn tells associates, “I just got a message from the president to stay strong”.

**April/May** — Federal prosecutors issue grand jury subpoenas to Flynn associates seeking “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” relating to Flynn and Alptekin.

**May 9** — Trump fires Comey.

**May 22** — A House committee reveals that Flynn lied to Pentagon investigators about the source of money he received from RT when applying for security clearance in 2016.

Flynn announces that he will not cooperate with a subpoena requiring him to hand over documents related to his dealings with Russians.

**June 2** — Special Counsel Mueller assumes control of a grand jury investigation into Flynn.

**August** — Flynn files paperwork disclosing payments from SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn pleads guilty to willfully and knowingly lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Kislyak.

**Dec. 4, 2018** — Mueller cites Flynn's "substantial" assistance with several criminal investigations when he recommends a sentence includes little to no jail time.
What was Jill Stein, of all people, doing at that table with Putin and Flynn (See the picture linked above from 12/10/2015)? What an odd combination.
Read the replies to her tweets and you'll see that photo every time. It was Putin disrupting things giving money, supporting both extremes to fuck with Hillary. Stein went along with it because it was free money. I'm sure she gives a more principled excuse, but it's hard to take it seriously when you see Russia's actions in Syria, the Ukraine, and everywhere else.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

Shirley wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:55 am
Johnnie wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:22 am Flynn timeline copied from Reddit: (Placed it in a spoiler because it's just too much text.)
[+] spoiler
**April 2014** — Flynn is fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ("abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." per Colin Powell).

**Oct. 2014** — Flynn founds Flynn Intel Group. In a letter from the DIA, Flynn is warned that he is prohibited from receiving "consulting fees, gifts, travel expenses, honoraria, or salary ... from a foreign government unless congressional consent is first obtained".

**Summer 2015** — Flynn is paid by ACU Strategic Partners to travel to the Middle East to promote a trillion-dollar Saudi-financed U.S.–Russian business to develop nuclear power capabilities in the Arab world. Flynn does not disclose this trip when applying for his security clearance renewal in Jan. 2016

**Late Summer 2015** — Flynn begins advising the Trump campaign.

**Aug. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, a Russian airfreight company that the U.N. had suspended from its list of approved vendors after a corruption scandal involving an indicted Russian U.N. official.

**Oct. 2015** — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from a subsidiary Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky's computer incidents investigation unit is arrested in Russia, for treason, in December 2016.

Flynn travels to Saudi Arabia to again promote the Saudi/Russian nuclear project. He fails to disclose the nature of the travel and reports a fictional hotel name as his residence during the trip.

**Dec. 2** — Flynn and his son meet with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at his Washington, D.C. residence. In a subsequent email to the Russian embassy, Flynn’s son described the meeting as “very productive”. The meeting came to light publicly only in April 2018.

**Dec. 10** — Seated [directly at Vladimir Putin's right hand](, Flynn appears in Moscow at a gala hosted by Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT). RT pays Flynn $45,000 for his participation and provides airfare, accommodations and other expenses for Flynn and his son.

U.S. intelligence notices an uptick in communication between Flynn and Kislyak shortly after.

**Feb. 2016** — Flynn increases his role with the Trump campaign and is later vetted as a possible VP pick.

**Feb. 11** — While applying for renewal of his security clearance, Flynn tells Pentagon investigators that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals.

**May 2016** — Flynn joins the advisory board of OSY Technologies, part of the NSO Group, a secretive cyberweapons dealer founded by former Israeli intelligence officials. NSO's spyware is subsequently found to have been used to attack and surveil prominent journalists and human rights activists.

**July 18** — Flynn leads crowds at the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock her up!", saying "if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today!".

**Aug. 9** — Flynn signs a contract with Inovo, a firm owned by Ekim Alptekin, a close ally and appointee of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Flynn is assigned to run an influence campaign to discredit Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and was blamed by Erdogan for a failed coup.

**Summer 2016** — Flynn Intel begins work on a pro-Turkey documentary, hiring professionals to shoot it, misleading them about the intentions of the project and working to conceal its role in producing the film.

**Aug. 17** — Flynn begins attending classified intelligence briefings with candidate Trump.

**Sept. 3** — Flynn and associates begin reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to obtain Clinton's personal e-mails and transmit them to Flynn through an intermediary.

**Sept. 19** — Flynn meets with Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs and energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and other officials at an undisclosed New York hotel, in a meeting arranged by Alptekin. Among other topics, Flynn discusses a plan for "a covert step in the dead of night to whisk [Gulen] away" without going through the legal extradition process.

**Sept. 20** — Flynn, his son and business partners meet with Dana Rohrabacher, a U.S. congressman best known as a staunch advocate of pro-Russia policies.

**Nov. 8** — Election day. Flynn publishes a lengthy op-ed entitled "Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support". He states that "we need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective" and brands Gulen as "a radical Islamist". Flynn does not disclose to the publisher that he was being paid by Alptekin.

**Nov. 10** — Obama, in a face-to-face conversation with Trump, warns against hiring Flynn to be part of Trump's national security team.

**Nov. 11** — Media reports expose Flynn's contract with Alptekin to lobby on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 14** — Flynn receives the final installment of $530,000 from Alptekin.

**Nov. 18** — Flynn accepts Trump's offer of the position of National Security Advisor. Pence receives a letter from Rep. Cummings notifying him of Flynn's work on behalf of Turkey.

**Nov. 30** — The Justice Department notifies Flynn that it is scrutinizing his work lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government.

**Nov./Dec. 2016** — Flynn meets with Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache at Trump Tower. Strache announces weeks later that his party has signed a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Putin's ruling party.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn meets with Russian ambassador Kislyak and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Tower. The men discuss the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities to shield their discussions from monitoring.

**Mid-Dec.** — Flynn meets with the Turkish government to discuss an offer to pay him and his son as much as $15 million to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to a Turkish prison island.

**Dec. 22** — Flynn secretly asks Kislyak for Russia's help to delay or defeat a pending UN Security Council resolution.

**Dec. 29** — Flynn secretly discusses relief from U.S. sanctions with Kislyak on the same day the Obama administration announces its response to Russian interference in the campaign.

**Jan. 4** — Flynn tells Trump’s transition team that he is under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign.

**Jan. 6** *(approx.)* — The FBI begins investigating Flynn's late December phone conversations with Kislyak.

**Jan. 12** — Conforming to the wishes of Turkey, Flynn instructs the Obama administration to hold off on a military operation to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces.

**Jan. 18** — Flynn attends a “working breakfast” with the Foreign Minister of Turkey and others, including Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

**Jan. 20** — Trump is inaugurated. Flynn becomes National Security Advisor.

Eleven minutes into the Trump presidency, [Flynn texts ACU managing partner Alex Copson]( that the Russian nuclear plan is "good to go" and "to put things in place". Copson tells associates that Flynn would ensure that sanctions against Russia are "ripped up" and that "this is going to make a lot of very wealthy people".

**Jan. 22** — The WSJ reports that Flynn is under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents regarding his communications with Russian officials.

**Jan. 24** — The FBI interviews Flynn regarding his Russian contacts.

**Jan. 26** — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informs the White House that Flynn misled the FBI in his interview, that the DOJ knew that Flynn’s public accounts were untrue, and expressed concerns that he was vulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence.

**Jan. 30** — Trump fires Yates.

**Feb. 13** — Flynn is forced out of his role as NSA after The Washington Post reports on Yates's warning to the Trump White House.

**Feb. 14** — In a private conversation with FBI director Comey, Trump asks Comey to end any investigation into Flynn, stating “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

**March 7** — Flynn files paperwork acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent representing the interests of the Turkish government.

**March 22** — Trump asks Director of National Intelligence Coats to intervene with Comey to get the FBI to back off its focus on Flynn.

**March 30** — Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution, with his lawyer stating that “General Flynn has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit”.

**April 25** — Flynn tells associates, “I just got a message from the president to stay strong”.

**April/May** — Federal prosecutors issue grand jury subpoenas to Flynn associates seeking “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” relating to Flynn and Alptekin.

**May 9** — Trump fires Comey.

**May 22** — A House committee reveals that Flynn lied to Pentagon investigators about the source of money he received from RT when applying for security clearance in 2016.

Flynn announces that he will not cooperate with a subpoena requiring him to hand over documents related to his dealings with Russians.

**June 2** — Special Counsel Mueller assumes control of a grand jury investigation into Flynn.

**August** — Flynn files paperwork disclosing payments from SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica.

**Dec. 1** — Flynn pleads guilty to willfully and knowingly lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Kislyak.

**Dec. 4, 2018** — Mueller cites Flynn's "substantial" assistance with several criminal investigations when he recommends a sentence includes little to no jail time.
What was Jill Stein, of all people, doing at that table with Putin and Flynn (See the picture linked above from 12/10/2015)? What an odd combination.
I dunno. A group of people who all hate Clinton and Clintonism. Like the folks who worked so hard to defeat the one presidential candidate we've ever had who really thought global warming was a serious and urgent threat.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

Steve of phpBB wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:50 am
rass wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:32 am
Ryan wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:31 am
Bill Cross wrote:And on Pearl Harbor Day too
Sorry, gotta get one in every year
1) I don't get the origin of that joke.
2) The responses make me think BC died. Did he die?
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Steve of phpBB »

Johnnie wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:35 pm
Steve of phpBB wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:50 am
rass wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:32 am
Ryan wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:31 am
Bill Cross wrote:And on Pearl Harbor Day too
Sorry, gotta get one in every year
1) I don't get the origin of that joke.
2) The responses make me think BC died. Did he die?
I don't know the origin of the joke either, but I'm pretty sure Bill is still alive. He's still listed on the faculty of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Ryan »

He'd do a literal follow-up on everyone else's subtle jokes. Which, believe it or not, clashed with my style and I think I got mad once and called him "The Overexplainer" and he left the boards (which may have not been related at all, I don't remember) and that was the last time that ever happened.
he’s a fixbking cyborg or some shit. The

holy fuckbAllZ, what a ducking nightmare. Holy shot. Just, fuck. The
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by mister d »

That's because you tend to use a lot of obscure or callback references in your humor.
Johnnie wrote: Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:13 pmOh shit, you just reminded me about toilet paper.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by A_B »

mister d wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:27 pm That's because you tend to use a lot of obscure or callback references in your humor.
Sometimes it's stuff no one knows or can't remember, though.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

All About Trump's New Ambassador to The U.N.
The United Nations came into existence to vanquish Germany, as 26 nations jointly pledged in 1942 not to surrender to “savage and brutal forces seeking to subjugate the world.”

Three-quarters of a century later, the woman who would soon become President Trump’s pick to represent the United States at the United Nations cited the D-Day landings — a cornerstone of this unwavering Allied pledge and the basis of the Nazi defeat on the Western Front — to showcase the strength of German-American relations.

“When you talk about Germany, we have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany,” Heather Nauert, the State Department’s spokeswoman, said in June. She added: “Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government.” She also pointed to the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Western Europe in the ashes of Adolf Hitler’s quest for global domination.
She makes Nikki Haley look like Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

So...collusion then.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »


Like seriously? Hard to rank the 10 least Presidential tweets, but surely this one makes it to the list?
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

Manafort and Cohen are in deep shit, so logic dictates that this...

Edit. Just cuz:

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

Always amusing to see Captain Bone Spurs wailing about Blumenthal's Vietnam lies.

ETA: He tweeted this while on his way to the Army-Navy game. You can;t make this shit up.

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

tennbengal wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:27 pm So...collusion then.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

tennbengal wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:24 pm
tennbengal wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:27 pm So...collusion then.
Doesn;t the fact that he supposedly directed Cohen to commit a felony present grounds for impeachment?
"beautiful, with an exotic-yet-familiar facial structure and an arresting gaze."
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