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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:46 pm
by The Sybian
Johnnie wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:20 pm
Or maybe this is genius, because when Congress takes months of hearings to prove Trump tried to encourage a leader to investigate Biden, the reaction will be "who cares" because he publicly says it all the time. Normalization. And the Dems will come out looking stupid wasting all the time and effort to prove Trump committed a crime, when he openly says he the exact same thing. Once again, he could murder someone on Fifth Ave and get away with it.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:52 pm
by Nonlinear FC
It's the height of cynicism, but it's absolutely part of his "strategy" to attempt to normalize things that are immoral, illegal, impeachable, etc. by simply talking about them out loud at press conferences, rallies, interviews, etc.

Guess we need to remind people "shocked" by his comments this morning that the guy very publicly asked Russia to hack the DNC and Hillary campaign email servers in July 2016.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:48 pm
by tennbengal
Nonlinear FC wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:52 pm It's the height of cynicism, but it's absolutely part of his "strategy" to attempt to normalize things that are immoral, illegal, impeachable, etc. by simply talking about them out loud at press conferences, rallies, interviews, etc.

Guess we need to remind people "shocked" by his comments this morning that the guy very publicly asked Russia to hack the DNC and Hillary campaign email servers in July 2016.
Cue me screaming into the void again.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:13 pm
by EnochRoot
Guys, remember that it’s important to not lay into people who decide to sit the 2020 election out because their hero didn’t make it through the Primaries.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:40 pm
by Nonlinear FC
It's very clearly his pattern. Think about almost everything he says... "Who knew it would be so hard to... [fill in thing everyone knew was difficult to accomplish here]"

Or the way he talked openly and brazenly about how he used the tax code to shield huge swaths of his wealth, and then out of the other side of his mouth talks about being persecuted like no other when people want to see, what, exactly, he's been doing with this taxes this whole time.

He walks right up to his misdeeds, puts his arm around their collective shoulders, and smiles for the cameras. He's not subtle about any of this. Think about all the emoluments stuff. That shit, alone, should really be so incredibly easy for the Democrats to pounce on... And it would piss off those midwestern/rust belt white struggling voters if they saw how bad it is.

You want to bullshit everyone with your Debt Counter?

Fuck you, here's an ongoing ticker of how much the American taxpayer is funneling into Trump, Inc on just travel alone. It's already way into the tens of millions.

Why aren't they pushing that? Very frustrating.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:51 pm
by The Sybian
Nonlinear FC wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:40 pm It's very clearly his pattern. Think about almost everything he says... "Who knew it would be so hard to... [fill in thing everyone knew was difficult to accomplish here]"

Fuck you, here's an ongoing ticker of how much the American taxpayer is funneling into Trump, Inc on just travel alone. It's already way into the tens of millions.

Why aren't they pushing that? Very frustrating.
I've been screaming this for 2 years. The Right (and Trump FFS!) screamed about how much money we spent on Obama's golf trips. Trump not only golfs 10 times as much, but the our money is being paid TO TRUMP DIRECTLY! How do they not have a problem with that??? If it's brought up, the response is "you didn't have a problem when Obama did it." No, and I didn't have a problem when W. Bush or Clinton or HW Bush golfed, because they didn't run a campaign on attacking their predecessor for golfing and promising they would be too busy to golf, then golf more than all the others combined AND PAY THEMSELVES with our money! I've heard pundits argue that attacks on Trump's golfing aren't fair, because he is going to properties he owns, but he is charging government officials for staying on property, charging Secret Service for use of golf carts to follow him around, and from many reports, charging much more than the usual rate. Not to mention altering foreign policy to benefit his golf course in Scotland. Fuck, the list of his crimes and ethics violations are unending!

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:58 pm
by Nonlinear FC
Your last sentence is actually a huge problem that the Dems need to solve. And what has been proven over the last 2 weeks is this:

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

Unfortunately, in this time of Idiocracy, you can't throw a Meuller report out into the world and have it resonate. But, you can say:

Trump calls foreign leader, asks them to investigate his chief political opponent. That's wicked bad.

And people don't need an executive summary, glossary, and multiple charts linking dozens of players together to get you there. It's one sentence. Done.

Which is why when it comes to all the other stuff, simply stating that whenever Trump travels, it costs millions of dollars -- and he is funneling all of that straight into his own pocketbook.

The durr hurr crowd is going to say something like "Brilliant Business Acumen*" But most of the rest of America is going to see that as a grift. It's shady as fuck.

You don't need to list all the foreign dignitaries staying at his property, or try to pull in the other scandals of his many fraudulent cabinet secretaries or anything else. Just hang this around his neck and hammer him on it.

* - I doubt they would use this word.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:06 pm
by mister d
Nonlinear FC wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:58 pmAnd people don't need an executive summary, glossary, and multiple charts linking dozens of players together to get you there. It's one sentence. Done.
The "ironic" part is this seems to stem from the one time the Trump admin didn't do exactly what you're saying. Instead of publicly asking "how did Joe Biden's coked up son get a $600K no-show board position" and let that start a fire, they attempted a deeper dig.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:25 pm
by Pruitt
From the Guardian's coverage of Trump's speech in Florida today:
Trump is running through some of his talking points about Democrats and healthcare. The majority of Democrats running for president – according to Trump – will “slash Medicare” to “pay for socialism”.

Oh, and Democrats would also drain Medicare to pay for “open borders”, Trump says.

Trump is now mis-characterizing the idea of universal healthcare. He goes on to call Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”, which is a racist slur, and riffs briefly about “Sleepy Joe”.

“Democrat lawmakers only want to wreck and destroy all the things we’ve built up over the last three years,” Trump says.

If a Democrat gets in, “the country is gonna go to hell”, Trump says.

Then he brings up Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:38 pm
by Nonlinear FC
mister d wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:06 pm
Nonlinear FC wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:58 pmAnd people don't need an executive summary, glossary, and multiple charts linking dozens of players together to get you there. It's one sentence. Done.
The "ironic" part is this seems to stem from the one time the Trump admin didn't do exactly what you're saying. Instead of publicly asking "how did Joe Biden's coked up son get a $600K no-show board position" and let that start a fire, they attempted a deeper dig.
Right, because like we discussed earlier this week, this isn't really about Biden (totally); it's about Trump's insistence that he wasn't helped by the Russians to win his presidency. His ego can't take that, so he's spent 2.5 years denying it happened and NOW we've seen Drunk Uncle-esque conspiracy bullshit (it was actually UKRAINE that was attempting to meddle, and on behalf of DEMOCRATS!).

I mean, sure, it has the ancillary benefit of smearing Biden, but his ego comes first here, so this conspiracy theory that Rudy is so tirelessly chasing down had to be put in a broader "corruption" and political scandal context.

And you are right, that level of complexity is fucking them all up. It's beautiful to watch.

Fucking morons.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:42 pm
by The Sybian
Nonlinear FC wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:58 pm Your last sentence is actually a huge problem that the Dems need to solve. And what has been proven over the last 2 weeks is this:

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

Unfortunately, in this time of Idiocracy, you can't throw a Meuller report out into the world and have it resonate. But, you can say:

Trump calls foreign leader, asks them to investigate his chief political opponent. That's wicked bad.

And people don't need an executive summary, glossary, and multiple charts linking dozens of players together to get you there. It's one sentence. Done.

Which is why when it comes to all the other stuff, simply stating that whenever Trump travels, it costs millions of dollars -- and he is funneling all of that straight into his own pocketbook.

The durr hurr crowd is going to say something like "Brilliant Business Acumen*" But most of the rest of America is going to see that as a grift. It's shady as fuck.

You don't need to list all the foreign dignitaries staying at his property, or try to pull in the other scandals of his many fraudulent cabinet secretaries or anything else. Just hang this around his neck and hammer him on it.

* - I doubt they would use this word.
I completely agree with everything you said. It would take decades to investigate Trump's crimes, and he commits more faster than they could be investigated. I think the real problem with attacking Trump is that in this day of 24 hour news and social media, nothing new comes out of investigations, as we get all the info in real time. If we learned everything in the Mueller Report when the Report was delivered, everyone would have been shocked by the level of crime and depravity, but since we learned it all very slowly, one piece at a time, we absorbed all the shock.Republicans were able to take the Report and say "we didn't learn anything," but if none of it was reported prior, they couldn't blow it off as nothing.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:04 am
by rass

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:57 am
by mister d
I might doubt whether the poster is real or just someone posing to make the point, but the point stands and its why the Dems waiting for polling or the perfect time never mattered versus treating each offense as the factual offense it was:

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:01 am
by brian
How is that dude any different than the tens of millions Trump dead-enders literally everyone on this board and in the world has acknowledged the existence of at every step in this guy's political career? Those were never the people anyone was trying to convince.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:05 am
by The Sybian
brian wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:01 am How is that dude any different than the tens of millions Trump dead-enders literally everyone on this board and in the world has acknowledged the existence of at every step in this guy's political career? Those were never the people anyone was trying to convince.
That dude is different as he has the self awareness to know it's about blindly supporting your team because doing otherwise means admitting his entire identity was based on falling for a con artist and a fraud. The cognitive dissonance is too great for most people to admit after 2 years of backing Trump. And for that reason, I'd guess the poster isn't really a Trump supporter, but making the point.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:08 am
by brian
The Sybian wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:05 am
brian wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:01 am How is that dude any different than the tens of millions Trump dead-enders literally everyone on this board and in the world has acknowledged the existence of at every step in this guy's political career? Those were never the people anyone was trying to convince.
That dude is different as he has the self awareness to know it's about blindly supporting your team because doing otherwise means admitting his entire identity was based on falling for a con artist and a fraud. The cognitive dissonance is too great for most people to admit after 2 years of backing Trump. And for that reason, I'd guess the poster isn't really a Trump supporter, but making the point.
But the acknowledgment of it doesn't make it that much different. It's still just a guy you're never gonna convince and shouldn't even bother trying. You guys might not want to hear this already, but Hillary fucking nailed it before the election -- deplorables. And they're never gonna change, that was her entire point. That's not who you're trying to sway, but there are tens of millions of people who could be compelled to vote for Trump in 2020 and those are the people the kabuki theater of impeachment has to be for.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:14 am
by mister d
I think the rare acknowledgement makes a world of difference although I'm not sure which version frightens me more.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:22 am
by Joe K
This whole issue is a big part of why I think it sucks that the US is a strict two-party system instead of a Democracy or Parliamentary system with more than two viable parties. When there are only two parties, it is about winning and losing, as that system leads to a strongly ingrained tribalism that is hardly limited to Trump supporters. Virtually everyone on this board would support a sleazy Dem over an ethical Republican (see: Clinton, Bill), and that support would be completely rational. And I doubt that foreign election interference would be a dealbreaker for any of us if it benefited the party we identify with. As a thought experiment, would anyone here really be upset if a country that hates Trump hacked his accountants in October 2020, and released all of his tax returns? Blind loyalty is maddening when it’s devoted to someone as deranged as Trump. But at the same time, that type of tribalistic loyalty is an almost unavoidable consequence of a two-party system.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:27 am
by The Sybian
Joe K wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:22 am This whole issue is a big part of why I think it sucks that the US is a strict two-party system instead of a Democracy or Parliamentary system with more than two viable parties. When there are only two parties, it is about winning and losing, as that system leads to a strongly ingrained tribalism that is hardly limited to Trump supporters. Virtually everyone on this board would support a sleazy Dem over an ethical Republican (see: Clinton, Bill), and that support would be completely rational. And I doubt that foreign election interference would be a dealbreaker for any of us if it benefited the party we identify with. As a thought experiment, would anyone here really be upset if a country that hates Trump hacked his accountants in October 2020, and released all of his tax returns? Blind loyalty is maddening when it’s devoted to someone as deranged as Trump. But at the same time, that type of tribalistic loyalty is an almost unavoidable consequence of a two-party system.
I'd be upset of Hillary actively worked with a foreign government to hack into Trump's taxes, and accepted bribes to benefit her business interests. Absolutely. I would have voted for Kucinich or a 3rd party candidate if she did something like that. Now, if the foreign government did that on their own, I wouldn't have been too upset.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:34 am
by mister d
Yeah, I'd support a far left candidate who did horrible things, but because of ideology. The Trump stuff is weird/scary because its fully a cult of personality. These people would advocate bombing the ports of North Carolina if this weekend Trump says we need to bomb the ports of North Carolina because Jamaicans are flooding in to attack our child care centers. Some are brainwashed and would believe it, maybe, but most would do it because not doing so is a concession to the libz.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:38 am
by sancarlos
mister d wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:34 am Yeah, I'd support a far left candidate who did horrible things, but because of ideology. The Trump stuff is weird/scary because its fully a cult of personality. These people would advocate bombing the ports of North Carolina if this weekend Trump says we need to bomb the ports of North Carolina because Jamaicans are flooding in to attack our child care centers. Some are brainwashed and would believe it, maybe, but most would do it because not doing so is a concession to the libz.
That's why his "civil war" comments are worrisome. A portion of his base is ready to go to war, right now.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:02 pm
by Ryan
Some of them already been at war for quite some time. Casualties and everything.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:11 pm
by Pruitt
Think it's obvious when Trump "writes" his own tweets:

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:36 pm
by EnochRoot
Hamilton Nolan with his usual post to lift spirits. This Shit is Dangerous.
The belated attempt to get rid of this fucker may or may not succeed. Either way, things are going to get ugly. The most immediate concern is: When does the violent phase begin in earnest? And how far does it go? The President of the United States is, right now, yelling about a “coup.” That’s fucking dangerous. That’s not something to play with. The president, who is quite open about the fact that he would love nothing more than to be a dictator, is held back by only the thinnest veneer of our vaunted rule of of law, which is exposed to a greater and greater degree every day as a farce. Though we constantly act surprised by Trump’s actions, none of it should be surprising any more. He is acting the way that countless aspiring dictators and strongmen and two-bit gangsters desperate for one big score have acted throughout history. This movie has played itself out over and over for hundreds and thousands of years. It doesn’t have a happy ending. By the time you get to the part where the corrupt leaders is telling his rabid followers that the political opponents trying to investigate him for his blatant corruption are staging a “coup,” you are right on the edge of chaos. The last few years of constant, half-ridiculous uproars may have lulled us to sleep a little bit. I don’t think people grasp how precarious our situation is right now. The script has unfolded all the way up to the point where the angry people start lashing out and everything slides into the fire.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:33 pm
by sancarlos
I’m sure this won’t happen but intriguing to consider...

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:39 pm
by brian
Let’s all commit to get absolutely ripshit fucked up the day/night Trump resigns (if he does of course).

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:37 pm
by L-Jam3
If he dies or resigns, it’s going to be like the night our boys put bullets in Bin Laden’s face.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:53 pm
by mister d
I’ve never had a 3 day hangover and I promise I would.

(Also he would never resign.)

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:53 pm
by Pruitt
L-Jam3 wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:37 pm If he dies or resigns, it’s going to be like the night our boys put bullets in Bin Laden’s face.
It'll be like Joe Carter's homer!

ETA: Not kidding - that was one of the greatest parties ever!

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:10 pm
by L-Jam3
It only took 15 years to exorcise those demons, Pru.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:55 pm
by BSF21
L-Jam3 wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:10 pm It only took 15 years to exorcise those demons, Pru.
The demons bestowed upon us now may take much, much longer

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:09 am
by DSafetyGuy
brian wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:39 pm Let’s all commit to get absolutely ripshit fucked up the day/night Trump resigns (if he does of course).
And how much do we drink when Pence is sworn in?

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:47 am
by brian
DSafetyGuy wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:09 am
brian wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:39 pm Let’s all commit to get absolutely ripshit fucked up the day/night Trump resigns (if he does of course).
And how much do we drink when Pence is sworn in?
If we get there let’s just try to enjoy the W for one night before worrying about the next game.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:19 am
by Johnnie
I'm throwing a similar party when Mitch McConnell is no longer in the Senate.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:54 pm
by brian
Trump throwing Rick Perry under the bus. You truly hate to see it.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:04 pm
by Johnnie
I need this hashtag on a shirt.

And we need more anger at previous Republican presidential folks.

Herman Cain. Rick Santorum. Carly Fiorina. Chris Christie.


Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:32 am
by brian
Big scoop in the WaPo this morning that the whistleblower's lawyer now represents "multiple clients".

The rats are deserting the sinking ship.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:04 am
by Johnnie
brian wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:32 am Big scoop in the WaPo this morning that the whistleblower's lawyer now represents "multiple clients".

The rats are deserting the sinking ship.
Loving it.

Also, when I watch clips like this I cannot help but think if I were in Chuck Todd's position I'd be going batshit insane sweating and calling bullshit over and over. (I also have a short fuse and immediate trigger to being cut off hallway through a sentence. I flip my shit. I'd be yanked off TV so fast.)

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:23 am
by EnochRoot
Johnnie wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:04 am
brian wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:32 am Big scoop in the WaPo this morning that the whistleblower's lawyer now represents "multiple clients".

The rats are deserting the sinking ship.
Loving it.

Also, when I watch clips like this I cannot help but think if I were in Chuck Todd's position I'd be going batshit insane sweating and calling bullshit over and over. (I also have a short fuse and immediate trigger to being cut off hallway through a sentence. I flip my shit. I'd be yanked off TV so fast.)

All he did was give a voice to Trump and his minions nodded their heads in agreement. It was a clusterfuck failure of an interview, and it’s precisely what the GOP senator aimed to accomplish: drag Clinton’s name into it and create confusion which leads to “Yep. I knew it...”

I think one thing that republicans do that is more effective in terms of communicating their message is that they don't try to tell the whole story. And then you connect the dots yourself and you feel like you see the big picture. Because you had to do that mental work on your own, you feel much more connected to the story.

Dems spell it all out for you. They don't leave any negative space. Repubs can pull on one thread and claim that it unravels the whole thing. Whereas Dems have to discredit every individual claim because repubs don't even attempt to connect the dots as part of their narrative.

It's extremely disingenuous, but also extremely effective.

Fucking media gets played again.

Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part IV - Welcome to Stupid Watergate

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:08 pm
by Johnnie
This seems like a big deal, right?