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Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:55 am
by Nonlinear FC
brian wrote:I suppose that is the million dollar question. Wisconsin and to a lesser extent Michigan and Pennsylvania have a history of progressive white voters. It wasn't just African Americans carrying the Dems to winning 6 straight elections there. What will help is if the Democrats can nominate someone who can legitimately speak truth to power about the economic forces that truly run the country. Economic resentment can run two ways and ultimately for most folks is vastly more compelling than white nationalism or gay bashing or the other sideshows that Trump offers.

Yeah, just gonna reiterate... VA is a SOUTHERN state. Obama was first to win since LBJ. VA rural is not equal to WI, PA or MI rural. Not saying those rednecks aren't rednecks. But the history just isn't the same.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:07 am
by Nonlinear FC ... or-northam

Imma be a broken record on this shit. The GOP has a historical unpopular president, and a Congress that is pushing wildly unpopular legislation.

Keep that up, please.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:12 am
by govmentchedda
brian wrote:I suppose that is the million dollar question. Wisconsin and to a lesser extent Michigan and Pennsylvania have a history of progressive white voters. It wasn't just African Americans carrying the Dems to winning 6 straight elections there. What will help is if the Democrats can nominate someone who can legitimately speak truth to power about the economic forces that truly run the country. Economic resentment can run two ways and ultimately for most folks is vastly more compelling than white nationalism or gay bashing or the other sideshows that Trump offers.


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:16 am
by brian
Nonlinear FC wrote:

Imma be a broken record on this shit. The GOP has a historical unpopular president, and a Congress that is pushing wildly unpopular legislation.

Keep that up, please.

I think the lede gets buried in that Vox piece frankly. Trump is historically unpopular in a time when the economy is relatively good (at least as far as things like the stock market and unemployment go) which is almost unheard of. If the economy starts to hiccup before the midterms next year it could be a bloodbath for the GOP.

That ties into any potential for impeachment. That's going to be based not on any kind of morality for the GOP leadership but a sense of realpolitik where they might feel compelled to cut bait and hope Pence can hang on to the White House in 2020. Losing the House would be a disaster for a lot of reasons, but the presidency is still the prize because they need to nominate one more right-wing judge to the Supreme Court to really push the most extreme parts of their agenda.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:21 am
by L-Jam3
You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:27 am
by BSF21
L-Jam3 wrote:You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

I'm all for youthful infusion here, but what's so bad about Liz being 70? Hasn't been an issue for a while has it?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:30 am
by Brontoburglar
BSF21 wrote:
L-Jam3 wrote:You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

I'm all for youthful infusion here, but what's so bad about Liz being 70? Hasn't been an issue for a while has it?

If Trump was a 40-year-old guy, I see the youthful argument.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:31 am
by Pruitt
BSF21 wrote:
L-Jam3 wrote:You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

I'm all for youthful infusion here, but what's so bad about Liz being 70? Hasn't been an issue for a while has it?

Dare I say it?

In 2020, Elizabeth Warren will still be a woman. That's not going to help.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:33 am
by DSafetyGuy
L-Jam3 wrote:You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

I don't follow politics that closely, but with how the country has become divided in the last decade, how many of you feel that a non-white male or female could win for the Democrats? I ask because of the obvious reaction to Obama based on skin color and Hilary based in some part to her gender ("bitch" and "c*nt" being popular descriptors in some parts, which have obvious ties to her gender).

Obviously there are numerous other attributes, such as age, charisma, policy, and on and on. Maybe another way to ask is "how much of a hit would a Democratic candidate automatically take just on skin color or gender/is that hit survivable?"

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:34 am
by brian
It's interesting that there still hasn't been any Democrats to really stick their neck out there and make it clear they're going to run in 2020. Maybe because everyone you might think is going to run -- Warren, Harris, Booker, Gillibrand, maybe even Uncle Joe.

I'll less concerned about age than about ideas and being able to delivery a comprehensive defeat of Trumpism.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:38 am
by brian
I doubt this will happen but what the Democrats really need is a James Polk-type candidate to come in and say "I'm going to run for president to help heal the country and I'm only going to serve one term and I'm going to have a vice president who will be the standard bearer in 2024".

That perfect ticket in that scenario would be Biden-Harris.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:47 am
by degenerasian
DSafetyGuy wrote:
L-Jam3 wrote:You're seriously considering Warren as a candidate? She's clearly brilliant, and there aren't many on Capital Hill who understand economic forces, but she'll be over 70 in 2020. You don't see anyone younger that can rally people behind, like a governor or other popular senator?

She'd definitely get votes because she isn't Trump, but don't you think the Dems should consider someone who can run that's more than merely "Not Trump"?

I don't follow politics that closely, but with how the country has become divided in the last decade, how many of you feel that a non-white male or female could win for the Democrats? I ask because of the obvious reaction to Obama based on skin color and Hilary based in some part to her gender ("bitch" and "c*nt" being popular descriptors in some parts, which have obvious ties to her gender).

Obviously there are numerous other attributes, such as age, charisma, policy, and on and on. Maybe another way to ask is "how much of a hit would a Democratic candidate automatically take just on skin color or gender/is that hit survivable?"

I don't think Obama's skin color was an issue at the polls. Did he get more black votes, sure but he got more votes all around. And yes the Republican media talked about Obama's skin color but it didn't get anywhere. Obama would have crushed anyone in 2016 because he's that good.

"bitch" and "c*nt and n***er" will always be there but that's a very small group as was shown yesterday.

The democrats can run anyone as long as they run on the issues, not play identity politics, not attack Trump and not be Hillary. They can easily seize the center.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:48 am
by Nonlinear FC
brian wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:

Imma be a broken record on this shit. The GOP has a historical unpopular president, and a Congress that is pushing wildly unpopular legislation.

Keep that up, please.

I think the lede gets buried in that Vox piece frankly. Trump is historically unpopular in a time when the economy is relatively good (at least as far as things like the stock market and unemployment go) which is almost unheard of. If the economy starts to hiccup before the midterms next year it could be a bloodbath for the GOP.

That ties into any potential for impeachment. That's going to be based not on any kind of morality for the GOP leadership but a sense of realpolitik where they might feel compelled to cut bait and hope Pence can hang on to the White House in 2020. Losing the House would be a disaster for a lot of reasons, but the presidency is still the prize because they need to nominate one more right-wing judge to the Supreme Court to really push the most extreme parts of their agenda.

This is my sustainability angle. Losing the House would be an absolute nightmare for Trump and the GOP.

I know Mr. D likes to chime in at every turn of bad new for Trump with his joke, but what I've been saying all along is that if Trump keeps doing what he's doing, they are going to lose the House. I'm not talking about him being impeached tomorrow or anytime before the mid-terms. And, frankly, I don't think impeachment means much. Clinton didn't just resign after he was impeached (he was wildly popular at the time). Maybe Trump is so fed up with everything that he quits, but I find that highly unlikely.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:52 am
by sancarlos
I know the knee-jerk response is “fuck that guy”, but I thought this was an interesting piece on John Boehner, who is somewhat of a ”man without a country” these days.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:29 pm
by mister d
I’m very sorry he has to exist in the future he created. Poor guy.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:35 pm
by EnochRoot
I seem to recall his moment of clarity was when the Pope more or less chastised the United States Congress. Didn't he openly weep? Am I remembering this right?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:44 pm
by Nonlinear FC
Yeah, I don't feel too bad for the guy.

But that is a very good read, in terms of spelling out the transformation of the GOP in Congress. I worked there during the Gingrich years... what a shitshow.

ETA - I should add, at least Boehner was a guy that would agree to a deal when compromise was the way to go. The truly maddening thing about the Tea Party wave is their utter disdain for actually doing their jobs... governing, passing legislation that doesn't just feed their base. I know they see their jobs as having another purpose, but they are zealots.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:42 pm
by Steve of phpBB
degenerasian wrote:The democrats can run anyone as long as they run on the issues, not play identity politics ...

What do you mean by "identity politics"? The next time a video surfaces of a cop shooting an unarmed black guy, or Trump does something else horrible to Latino or Muslim immigrants, the Dems need to stand up. That means identity politics.

degenerasian wrote:... not attack Trump ...

You have to be joking. Trump and his brand of white identity/authoritarian politics pose the greatest threat to the US as a democracy, at least since McCarthy, and probably since the Civil War. It needs to be attacked as strongly as possible as often as possible.

degenerasian wrote:They can easily seize the center.

I guess that depends on what you mean. If you mean "white people who aren't that worked up when police shoot another unarmed black guy," I don't see how the Dems can seize the Center. Unless they remain silent as it keeps happening.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:33 pm
by tennbengal
I am now thinking degen is trolling. Or high.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:33 pm
by Nonlinear FC
Not sure where to ask this, but a quote in a story got me thinking about this:

Her son, now a sophomore in college, did not attend the news conference. Ms. Unruh said they decided to go public now because the climate had changed after accusations of sexual assault and harassment against Harvey Weinstein and because victims of sexual misconduct were no longer being blamed.

I give a LOT of credit to the #metoo movement.

But, I got to thinking... Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this? I'm probably reaching a little, but I know a LOT of women that were really distraught that a guy that said this and has been accused of doing exactly that by multiple women won the election.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:42 pm
by mister d
The center is made up of people who say things like "I just want to be able to watch a football game" without any intended malice. The center can rot.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:48 pm
by Steve of phpBB
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:55 pm
by sancarlos
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Was there a lot of outrage? I don't think so. Seems like the Weinstein/Spacey stuff had more legs.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:38 pm
by brian
sancarlos wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Was there a lot of outrage? I don't think so. Seems like the Weinstein/Spacey stuff had more legs.

There was a lot of outrage, but it was partisan. Republicans only care about sexual abuse when it's being done by Democrats (i.e. Weinstein or Weiner) or if it is someone who is no longer in office (Hastert, etc.)

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:40 pm
by sancarlos
brian wrote:
sancarlos wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Was there a lot of outrage? I don't think so. Seems like the Weinstein/Spacey stuff had more legs.

There was a lot of outrage, but it was partisan. Republicans only care about sexual abuse when it's being done by Democrats (i.e. Weinstein or Weiner) or if it is someone who is no longer in office (Hastert, etc.)

Yeah, there were a lot of Trump apologists saying it was simply "locker room talk". The other guys have a decided lack of defenders.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:44 pm
by DSafetyGuy
sancarlos wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Was there a lot of outrage? I don't think so. Seems like the Weinstein/Spacey stuff had more legs.

Maybe "grab her pussy" and the subsequent debate (and continuing reminders about it) about it helped make people more open to paying attention to accusations.

"Grab her pussy" was something the accused said, not an allegation by a person at the accused.

The Weinstein accusations were allegations from a celebrity (which helps draw initial attention) who simply would not make a statement and walk away (keeping the attention focused on it). Rose McGowan stayed on it and kept hammering people, including those who were wishy-washy about Weinstein's acts. (If people dismissed what she said, she clearly would have kept screaming it from the mountaintops.) When McGowan's accusations were treated as legitimate instead of just being waved away, the support for her makes it easier for others because they see that it happened to someone else (they're not alone) and that they will be supported instead of just ignored.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:06 pm
by Johnnie
mister d wrote:The center is made up of people who say things like "I just want to be able to watch a football game" without any intended malice. The center can rot.

MLK felt the same way.

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice…”

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:33 pm
by Pruitt
mister d wrote:I’m very sorry he has to exist in the future he created. Poor guy.

It was a sympathetic and interesting piece.

But 6 years ago, he was the worst of the worst. Now he seems like a great guy in comparison.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:38 pm
by degenerasian
Steve of phpBB wrote:
degenerasian wrote:The democrats can run anyone as long as they run on the issues, not play identity politics ...

What do you mean by "identity politics"? The next time a video surfaces of a cop shooting an unarmed black guy, or Trump does something else horrible to Latino or Muslim immigrants, the Dems need to stand up. That means identity politics.

degenerasian wrote:... not attack Trump ...

You have to be joking. Trump and his brand of white identity/authoritarian politics pose the greatest threat to the US as a democracy, at least since McCarthy, and probably since the Civil War. It needs to be attacked as strongly as possible as often as possible.

degenerasian wrote:They can easily seize the center.

I guess that depends on what you mean. If you mean "white people who aren't that worked up when police shoot another unarmed black guy," I don't see how the Dems can seize the Center. Unless they remain silent as it keeps happening.

They need to stand up when shit happens to anyone. Treat every situation separate not in general. Not identity politics. An unarmed black guy got shot, maybe the cop made a mistake in one case and was racist in another case.

Attacking Trump isn't working, he just yells fake news.
Just make good liberal policies (like universal healthcare, like raising taxes) and don't be scared, don't compromise. Seize the center.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:31 pm
by Johnnie
Nonlinear FC wrote:In case folks missed this, very important harbinger... ... ae38d508f9

If there's one elected official who absolutely needs his ass kicked, it's Paul LePage.

Maine governor says he will not expand Medicaid despite vote

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:47 pm
by Joe K
Johnnie wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:In case folks missed this, very important harbinger... ... ae38d508f9

If there's one elected official who absolutely needs his ass kicked, it's Paul LePage.

Maine governor says he will not expand Medicaid despite vote

LePage deserves an ass kicking for this infamous comment alone:

"These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty – these types of guys – they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home," LePage told a large crowd. "Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road."

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:39 am
by Brontoburglar
degenerasian wrote:
They need to stand up when shit happens to anyone. Treat every situation separate not in general. Not identity politics. An unarmed black guy got shot, maybe the cop made a mistake in one case and was racist in another case.

Attacking Trump isn't working, he just yells fake news.
Just make good liberal policies (like universal healthcare, like raising taxes) and don't be scared, don't compromise. Seize the center.

good lord dude

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:28 am
by Nonlinear FC
DSafetyGuy wrote:
sancarlos wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Did maybe the outrage over "grab her pussy" set the stage for this?

I hope so.

Was there a lot of outrage? I don't think so. Seems like the Weinstein/Spacey stuff had more legs.

Maybe "grab her pussy" and the subsequent debate (and continuing reminders about it) about it helped make people more open to paying attention to accusations.

"Grab her pussy" was something the accused said, not an allegation by a person at the accused.

The Weinstein accusations were allegations from a celebrity (which helps draw initial attention) who simply would not make a statement and walk away (keeping the attention focused on it). Rose McGowan stayed on it and kept hammering people, including those who were wishy-washy about Weinstein's acts. (If people dismissed what she said, she clearly would have kept screaming it from the mountaintops.) When McGowan's accusations were treated as legitimate instead of just being waved away, the support for her makes it easier for others because they see that it happened to someone else (they're not alone) and that they will be supported instead of just ignored.

Not trying to be pedantic, but... Alyssa Milano reignited the recent #metoo thing. Rose McGowan, as you point out, has been saying this stuff for quite some time, but no one was really listening. Then Milano comes out and she's built up a fairly decent reputation for being a straight shooter (she was out front in the early days of the Internet, legally shutting down sites trying to post images of her without consent). McGowan has been targeted for years as being unstable and a drug addict. (Her marriage to Marylin Manson helped further blur her brand.)

McGowan was calling out Matt and Ben as those two stumbled through their bullshit explanations for why they never said or did anything about Weinstein. What she'd been saying for years has now finally been validated, which going by her statements, is still a little maddening because she's not saying anything now that she hasn't been saying for a very long time.

[The whole #metoo thing was started many years ago by a black woman named Tarana Burke. ... z4xwoyJNXa]

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:34 am
by Joe K
I think Degen is falling victim to two false dichotomies. First, the distinction between supporting marginalized groups (i.e., "identity politics") and pushing an appealing economic message. Democrats can and should do both. Identity politics by itself, without an economic appeal, may not be enough to win. But the solution to Trumpism isn't for Dems themselves to abandon marginalized groups. White voters who might be uncomfortable with so-called "identity politics" might nevertheless vote for Democrats if they find their economic message appealing.

The second false dichotomy is between "attacking Trump" and "sticking to the issues." Criticizing Trump for spelling mistakes or for eating his steak with ketchup is probably counterproductive. But Trump must be attacked for his many misguided policies. In fact, those types of attacks probably played a big part in the Dems' successes this week.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:57 am
by mister d
Eh. If criticizing Trump for spelling or basic knowledge mistakes makes just one confident idiot a little too timid to run, its worth it.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:27 am
by Nonlinear FC
Running against a President (and attacking him along the way) who is polling in the 30s and has disapproval close to 60 percent is a no brainer. It's laughable to suggest otherwise.

The ads in VA (which, of course, everyone in the NoVA market got a massive dose of) were very heavy on "Trump is bad, and I'm going to stand up to his bullshit." Countered by "This guy is soft on crime, bad for the economy." We actually didn't get much of the fake sanctuary city nonsense that hit the airwaves further south, which shows you they were very savvy about what they were doing.

I'm not really sure I even understand the logic employed here. The Democratic base has been fired up for over a year now. The one unifying thing is utter contempt and loathing of Trump. In the weeks running up to this Tuesday, all you heard was how dysfunctional the party was. Donna fucking Brazille out there in the days prior to election, stirring up bullshit, pedaling nonsense.

None of that mattered. Tuesday was a tsunami.

So, honestly degen... What the fuck are you even talking about?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:30 am
by degenerasian
Joe K wrote:I think Degen is falling victim to two false dichotomies. First, the distinction between supporting marginalized groups (i.e., "identity politics") and pushing an appealing economic message. Democrats can and should do both. Identity politics by itself, without an economic appeal, may not be enough to win. But the solution to Trumpism isn't for Dems themselves to abandon marginalized groups. White voters who might be uncomfortable with so-called "identity politics" might nevertheless vote for Democrats if they find their economic message appealing.

The second false dichotomy is between "attacking Trump" and "sticking to the issues." Criticizing Trump for spelling mistakes or for eating his steak with ketchup is probably counterproductive. But Trump must be attacked for his many misguided policies. In fact, those types of attacks probably played a big part in the Dems' successes this week.

We agree on the 2nd point. Attack Trump's misguided policies. When Trump sticks to policy though, it sounds ok. Like his statement on North Korea yesterday asking all countries including China and Russia to condemn them. That sounds strong. It's shit on twitter like Ed Gillespe wasn't Trump enough which is stupid and needs to be trashed.

Identity politics is a more complex issue which I am on the opposite side of all of you. Democrats relying on race to win elections is a tricky business. Cobbling together a vast number of different demographic groups is hard work, and the margin of error is always razor-thin. Also within ethnic groups are large socio-economic divides. But as Trump demonstrated that any winning strategy must include a majority of white working class voters. The ones who voted for Obama. This does not mean abandoning marginalized groups, but to make policy that includes them in, policies that are good for everyone. The Republicans have drastically failed and don't offer any of this, they make policies for the rich and big business, leaving the poor behind. They probably always have but it's worse now. They are actually the ones playing identity politics now but Trump's policies have been counter productive to the white working class he championed. Democrats need to avoid this.

We saw Tuesday night a rejection of Trump politics and the GOP. Democrats should build on this and make good policy at local levels for everyone. For me I like to talk about politics distinguishing classes and ideology (rich/poor, left/right). Not by demographics (white/black, young/old)

I know I sound right-wing (or a troll) because I keep pointing out the left's failures. My politics are actually center-left. I am way more left in my right-wing province of Alberta than most people. I support high-taxes and a social network for all.

The next Alberta election here is definitely extreme left against extreme right with a new "Alberta Party" possible seizing the center. We'll see in two years.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:31 am
by degenerasian
Nonlinear FC wrote:Running against a President (and attacking him along the way) who is polling in the 30s and has disapproval close to 60 percent is a no brainer. It's laughable to suggest otherwise.

The ads in VA (which, of course, everyone in the NoVA market got a massive dose of) were very heavy on "Trump is bad, and I'm going to stand up to his bullshit." Countered by "This guy is soft on crime, bad for the economy." We actually didn't get much of the fake sanctuary city nonsense that hit the airwaves further south, which shows you they were very savvy about what they were doing.

I'm not really sure I even understand the logic employed here. The Democratic base has been fired up for over a year now. The one unifying thing is utter contempt and loathing of Trump. In the weeks running up to this Tuesday, all you heard was how dysfunctional the party was. Donna fucking Brazille out there in the days prior to election, stirring up bullshit, pedaling nonsense.

None of that matter. Tuesday was a tsunami.

So, honestly degen... What the fuck are you even talking about?

It's a very good sign, Northam ran a good campaign. But it's a small sample size nonlinear. I am not convinced until the House falls in 2018.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:37 am
by Steve of phpBB
Degen, do you think the Dems are currently "relying on race to win elections"? Can you give examples of what you're thinking about?

For example, it was just reported that John Kelly, Trump's chief of staff, is pressuring DHS to expel something like 60,000 Hondurans and Nicaraguans who were allowed to come to (or stay in?) the US after a Hurricane in 1998.

If the Dems point out how horrible this is, is that identity politics or relying on race?

If they point this out in context of brutal ICE tactics and Trump's decision to revoke protections for Dreamers, does that make it identity politics in your view?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:59 am
by Nonlinear FC
degenerasian wrote:
Nonlinear FC wrote:Running against a President (and attacking him along the way) who is polling in the 30s and has disapproval close to 60 percent is a no brainer. It's laughable to suggest otherwise.

The ads in VA (which, of course, everyone in the NoVA market got a massive dose of) were very heavy on "Trump is bad, and I'm going to stand up to his bullshit." Countered by "This guy is soft on crime, bad for the economy." We actually didn't get much of the fake sanctuary city nonsense that hit the airwaves further south, which shows you they were very savvy about what they were doing.

I'm not really sure I even understand the logic employed here. The Democratic base has been fired up for over a year now. The one unifying thing is utter contempt and loathing of Trump. In the weeks running up to this Tuesday, all you heard was how dysfunctional the party was. Donna fucking Brazille out there in the days prior to election, stirring up bullshit, pedaling nonsense.

None of that matter. Tuesday was a tsunami.

So, honestly degen... What the fuck are you even talking about?

It's a very good sign, Northam ran a good campaign. But it's a small sample size nonlinear. I am not convinced until the House falls in 2018.

Ok, I see you fleshed out your thoughts as I was posting.

I think you are fundamentally flawed in your logic that the Democrats are relying on racial issues to win. The black vote is not something that's ever been at play. It's actually a real issue for black voters, because up until very recently, issues like reforming the justice system were not a Democratic priority. That's a huge issue that is FINALLY being placed into the mainstream for the party. The Hispanic vote is not as monolithic block, which is why the GOP establishment is so squirrelly on immigration -- they think they could flip a lot of those voters.

And it wasn't just VA. NJ, ME, a lot of state and local races... And in VA, if you've been reading what I've been writing and posting articles on... That is a HISTORIC election in the statewide positions. It's not clear if they flipped control (too many toss ups with recounts going no), but they haven't won back that many seats in decades. They bounced incumbents in very Red counties/districts.

I'm not saying 2018 is a lock, but Tuesday was a MAJOR success across the board. The GOP is shitting their pants right now.