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Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:41 pm
by sancarlos
SF Chronic wrote:No longer will a daily newspaper bear the name of Oakland or San Jose due to a mass consolidation by Bay Area News Group, which on Tuesday also announced plans to cut roughly 20 percent of the company’s newsroom staff.

Half a dozen Bay Area newspapers will be folded into two daily publications meant to serve the East Bay and South Bay.
The last daily edition of the 150-year-old Oakland Tribune will be published April 4.

On April 5, the East Bay will get its first look at the East Bay Times — a consolidation of the Contra Costa Times, the Oakland Tribune, the Daily Review in Hayward and the Argus, which serves Fremont. The company will also replace the and websites with a new East Bay focused site,

Every Friday, subscribers in Oakland, Hayward and Fremont will receive hyper-local news inserts bearing the mastheads of the Oakland Tribune, the Daily Review and the Argus, respectively.

In the South Bay and on the Peninsula, the San Mateo County Times will join the San Jose Mercury News to become the Mercury News, also debuting on April 5.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:41 pm
by howard
I'm surprised the Tribune lasted this long. A couple decades back, Will Hearst the seventh or whatever, took over and it was pretty decent; they hired Hunter S. Thompson and for a while had great sports coverage.

Then again, I'm surprised the Chron continues. It's always been just the worst, despite when they had Ray Ratto and Scott Osler.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:19 am
by DaveInSeattle
Does count as Journalism? Because they are imploding as we speak...

A Breakdown of Breitbart's Big, Misogynistic Implosion

The Reader's Digest Version:

-Brietbart Reporter tries to ask Trump a question, gets pushed down/assaulted by Trump Campaign Manageer.
-Trump campaign says it never happened, despite tons of evidence (audio/video/eyewitnesses/photos of bruises on her arm).
-Brietbart, which has been in the bag for Trump, doesn't support reporter.
-Reporter resigns
-Editor-at-large, Ben Shapiro (aka "The Virgin Ben") resigns as well.
-Brietbart editor-at-large/legal Counsel Joel Pollack post scathing article about Shapiro leaving:
Former Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro announced via left-wing Buzzfeed that he is abandoning Andrew Breitbart’s lifelong best friend, widow, hand-picked management team and friends in pursuit of an elusive contributorship at the Fox News Channel.

Friends of Hamas could not be found for comment.
Post has now been deleted.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:53 pm
by The Sybian
DaveInSeattle wrote:Does count as Journalism? Because they are imploding as we speak...

A Breakdown of Breitbart's Big, Misogynistic Implosion

The Reader's Digest Version:

-Brietbart Reporter tries to ask Trump a question, gets pushed down/assaulted by Trump Campaign Manageer.
-Trump campaign says it never happened, despite tons of evidence (audio/video/eyewitnesses/photos of bruises on her arm).
-Brietbart, which has been in the bag for Trump, doesn't support reporter.
-Reporter resigns
-Editor-at-large, Ben Shapiro (aka "The Virgin Ben") resigns as well.
-Brietbart editor-at-large/legal Counsel Joel Pollack post scathing article about Shapiro leaving:
Former Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro announced via left-wing Buzzfeed that he is abandoning Andrew Breitbart’s lifelong best friend, widow, hand-picked management team and friends in pursuit of an elusive contributorship at the Fox News Channel.

Friends of Hamas could not be found for comment.
Post has now been deleted.

Even worse, Trump's campaign manager said he didn't realize she was with Breitbart and he would not have treated her like that if he knew which outlet she worked for. Said she looked like a MSM reporter. She normally covers Cruz, or maybe Rubio, so he didn't know who she was. Any other candidate in history, campaign manager gets fired instantly and probably takes the candidate down with him. Trump? Meh.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:24 pm
by DaveInSeattle
The Sybian wrote:
DaveInSeattle wrote:Does count as Journalism? Because they are imploding as we speak...

A Breakdown of Breitbart's Big, Misogynistic Implosion

The Reader's Digest Version:

-Brietbart Reporter tries to ask Trump a question, gets pushed down/assaulted by Trump Campaign Manageer.
-Trump campaign says it never happened, despite tons of evidence (audio/video/eyewitnesses/photos of bruises on her arm).
-Brietbart, which has been in the bag for Trump, doesn't support reporter.
-Reporter resigns
-Editor-at-large, Ben Shapiro (aka "The Virgin Ben") resigns as well.
-Brietbart editor-at-large/legal Counsel Joel Pollack post scathing article about Shapiro leaving:
Former Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro announced via left-wing Buzzfeed that he is abandoning Andrew Breitbart’s lifelong best friend, widow, hand-picked management team and friends in pursuit of an elusive contributorship at the Fox News Channel.

Friends of Hamas could not be found for comment.
Post has now been deleted.

Even worse, Trump's campaign manager said he didn't realize she was with Breitbart and he would not have treated her like that if he knew which outlet she worked for. Said she looked like a MSM reporter. She normally covers Cruz, or maybe Rubio, so he didn't know who she was. Any other candidate in history, campaign manager gets fired instantly and probably takes the candidate down with him. Trump? Meh.
My favorite part? Shapiro calling Brietbart the "Trump Pravda".

Wingnut fights are the best...

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:51 pm
by The Sybian
DaveInSeattle wrote:
My favorite part? Shapiro calling Brietbart the "Trump Pravda".

Wingnut fights are the best...
Never thought I'd see the day Shapiro admitted Breitbart isn't journalism.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:21 pm
by howard

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:50 am
by howard
A Media Unmoored from Facts
by Robert Parry

A snip:
Remember that in 2002-03, Hiatt penned Post editorials that reported, as “flat fact,” that Iraq possessed hidden stockpiles of WMD – and he suffered not a whit for being horribly wrong. More than a dozen years later, Hiatt is still the Post’s editorial-page editor – one of the most influential jobs in American journalism.

On Thursday, Hiatt reported as flat fact that Syria’s “dictator, Bashar al-Assad, killed 1,400 or more people in a chemical gas attack,” a reference to the 2013 sarin atrocity. Hiatt then lashed out at President Obama for not punishing Assad and – even worse – for showing satisfaction over that restraint.
Fuck Fred Hiatt, and fuck the fucking Washington Post.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:49 am
by howard
…'I'm Not Dead Yet!'

This is amazing. This is so cool. The other day I stumbled onto Dan Carlin doing a TedTalk (I almost never watch tedtalks; as they have proliferated I avoid them more and more.) He told a story about how when he was nine or ten he wanted to start a newspaper, but it was impossible. In contrast to today.

Here's living proof of his point. Nine-year-old US reporter defiant after critics say 'go back to playing with dolls'
There is a video embedded in that link.

As she describes what happened:
I’m Hilde Kate Lysiak, the publisher of the Orange Street News.

I am nine years old.

My story went viral this week when I responded to residents in my town who were upset that I was reporting on a serious crime, rather than doing – well, whatever it is they think nine-year-old girls should be doing.

Here’s what happened. On 2 April, there was a homicide in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. It took place just a few blocks from my house, where I run my newspaper.

I acted on a tip from a good source that I was able to get through some of my other reporting. After confirming with the police department, I then went straight to the scene and spoke to neighbors and got more information. I worked very hard.

Because of my work I was able to keep the people of Selinsgrove informed about this very important event hours before my competition even got to the scene.

In fact, some other news sites run by adults were reporting the wrong information or no information at all while the Orange Street News was at the scene doing the hard work to report the facts to the people.

In the hours that followed, many residents of Selinsgrove began making negative comments about me on my website and other social media sites. I understand that, as a reporter, the things I cover will sometimes make people mad. But these negative comments were not so much about the homicide I was covering, but the fact that I – a nine-year-old girl – was covering it at all.

Residents of Selinsgrove publicly called my work trash and told me I should leave it to the professionals. Other people told me I should stick to tea parties and playing with dolls.

Maybe that’s what the “professionals” were doing while I was working the scene, because they sure weren’t there. I have since found out that the police had asked the media not to run the story. I may be nine, but I have learned that my job as a reporter is to get the truth to the people. I work for them, not the police. I think that some people are angry that I didn’t follow along like everyone else.

My parents and I have also been warned that covering this story meant my reporting was no longer “cute”. I don’t think people should be able to decide for me who I should be and what I should be doing. I never began my newspaper so that people would think I was cute. I started the Orange Street News to give people the information they need to know.
Of course her parents are helping her, probably a lot. Which imo is fucking awesome parenting.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:44 pm
by P.D.X.
What's your beef with TedTalks?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:49 pm
by howard
The various parodies state it better than I can. Jumped the shark two decades ago, became a feel-good entertainment for the elite (who can afford the high entrance fee) and folks who think anything with the label is intellectual and important. Plenty of the talks are fine, good, but the more it proliferates, the less appears to be there. Plus, as much as I am adapting various podcasts, I prefer reading.

ETA: but this could work:


Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:24 pm
by Brontoburglar
howard wrote:…'I'm Not Dead Yet!'

This is amazing. This is so cool. The other day I stumbled onto Dan Carlin doing a TedTalk (I almost never watch tedtalks; as they have proliferated I avoid them more and more.) He told a story about how when he was nine or ten he wanted to start a newspaper, but it was impossible. In contrast to today.

Here's living proof of his point. Nine-year-old US reporter defiant after critics say 'go back to playing with dolls'
There is a video embedded in that link.

As she describes what happened:
I’m Hilde Kate Lysiak, the publisher of the Orange Street News.

I am nine years old.

My story went viral this week when I responded to residents in my town who were upset that I was reporting on a serious crime, rather than doing – well, whatever it is they think nine-year-old girls should be doing.

Here’s what happened. On 2 April, there was a homicide in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. It took place just a few blocks from my house, where I run my newspaper.

I acted on a tip from a good source that I was able to get through some of my other reporting. After confirming with the police department, I then went straight to the scene and spoke to neighbors and got more information. I worked very hard.

Because of my work I was able to keep the people of Selinsgrove informed about this very important event hours before my competition even got to the scene.

In fact, some other news sites run by adults were reporting the wrong information or no information at all while the Orange Street News was at the scene doing the hard work to report the facts to the people.

In the hours that followed, many residents of Selinsgrove began making negative comments about me on my website and other social media sites. I understand that, as a reporter, the things I cover will sometimes make people mad. But these negative comments were not so much about the homicide I was covering, but the fact that I – a nine-year-old girl – was covering it at all.

Residents of Selinsgrove publicly called my work trash and told me I should leave it to the professionals. Other people told me I should stick to tea parties and playing with dolls.

Maybe that’s what the “professionals” were doing while I was working the scene, because they sure weren’t there. I have since found out that the police had asked the media not to run the story. I may be nine, but I have learned that my job as a reporter is to get the truth to the people. I work for them, not the police. I think that some people are angry that I didn’t follow along like everyone else.

My parents and I have also been warned that covering this story meant my reporting was no longer “cute”. I don’t think people should be able to decide for me who I should be and what I should be doing. I never began my newspaper so that people would think I was cute. I started the Orange Street News to give people the information they need to know.
Of course her parents are helping her, probably a lot. Which imo is fucking awesome parenting.
I think my favorite part of the whole thing was she was identified as a "crime reporter" and her picture was of her holding up her newspaper about a bear on the loose. Bear safety tips indeed.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:03 am
by wlu_lax6
Bronto..time to start working boot, rubbish, gaffers and such into your nascar posts
wsj wrote:The U.K.’s Daily Mail has emerged as a suitor for Yahoo’s assets, joining a wide group of interested companies that includes telecom giant Verizon as an April 18 deadline for preliminary offers nears.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:11 am
by tennbengal
wlu_lax6 wrote:Bronto..time to start working boot, rubbish, gaffers and such into your nascar posts
wsj wrote:The U.K.’s Daily Mail has emerged as a suitor for Yahoo’s assets, joining a wide group of interested companies that includes telecom giant Verizon as an April 18 deadline for preliminary offers nears.
And, yada yada yada, that's how Bronto ended up as the an American Goes to London column for the 2016/17 EPL season for Yahoo...

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:53 am
by Brontoburglar
The Sybian wrote:
DaveInSeattle wrote:
My favorite part? Shapiro calling Brietbart the "Trump Pravda".

Wingnut fights are the best...
Never thought I'd see the day Shapiro admitted Breitbart isn't journalism.

career milestone, you guys

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:24 am
by Jerloma
Alright Texas, we got here via Bibles and guns.
What the fuck does that even mean?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:11 am
by Johnnie
howard wrote:The various parodies state it better than I can. Jumped the shark two decades ago, became a feel-good entertainment for the elite (who can afford the high entrance fee) and folks who think anything with the label is intellectual and important. Plenty of the talks are fine, good, but the more it proliferates, the less appears to be there. Plus, as much as I am adapting various podcasts, I prefer reading.
So you've seen this:

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:12 am
by Johnnie
Brontoburglar wrote:
The Sybian wrote:
DaveInSeattle wrote:
My favorite part? Shapiro calling Brietbart the "Trump Pravda".

Wingnut fights are the best...
Never thought I'd see the day Shapiro admitted Breitbart isn't journalism.

career milestone, you guys

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:09 pm
by P.D.X.
Johnnie wrote:
howard wrote:The various parodies state it better than I can. Jumped the shark two decades ago, became a feel-good entertainment for the elite (who can afford the high entrance fee) and folks who think anything with the label is intellectual and important. Plenty of the talks are fine, good, but the more it proliferates, the less appears to be there. Plus, as much as I am adapting various podcasts, I prefer reading.
That I can see. I'm pretty selective though and am usually going for the design, science, and behaviorist ones.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:20 pm
by howard
Actual headline, updated fifteen hours after the 'alleged' event. Unbelievable.

Bernie Sanders says he met Pope Francis during visit to Vatican City

Article even quotes a witness to the event. But this leading news agency cannot report this as a simple fact. 'Well, he 'says' he met the Pope, but who can be sure?' It just gets worse and worse.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:06 pm
by Pruitt
howard wrote:Actual headline, updated fifteen hours after the 'alleged' event. Unbelievable.

Bernie Sanders says he met Pope Francis during visit to Vatican City

Article even quotes a witness to the event. But this leading news agency cannot report this as a simple fact. 'Well, he 'says' he met the Pope, but who can be sure?' It just gets worse and worse.
Tonally it gets worse, as CNN - for some fucked up reason - quoted Trump making disparaging remarks about the meeting.
"Five minutes sounds like 'Try and get me in to see him so I don't get myself embarrassed before I come back to New York,'" Trump said, referring to the Vermont senator's lagging poll numbers ahead of Tuesday's primary. "So a five-minute visit, you cannot do much in a five-minute -- after you say 'hello,' there's not time left."

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:52 am
by wlu_lax6
Its a throw down with a Biz showing ... ouse-gala/

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 5:21 pm
by Brontoburglar
An officer was shot while pursuing an alleged carjacker in KC today.

So this has led one of the local news stations to tweet that "out of respect" to the officer's family and the police department(!!!!) they would not be reporting on his status until there was an official update from the department.

And then the next tweet the station sent its prayers to the officer and his family and coworkers.

This sucks. Just because it was a police officer that got shot doesn't mean that reporting protocol should go out the window. And in no way should a news outlet be tweeting prayers to a shooting victim just because he's a police officer. Innocent shooting victims don't get that treatment.

ETA: As I was typing this the PD tweeted the officer died. So my rant lasted 30 seconds!

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 5:28 pm
by Sabo

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 2:32 pm
by rass

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:57 pm
by Brontoburglar
oh no

and for those of you who are FB friends with me, that video I shared is entirely true and took place right outside by office window. I have so many ideas if I called them and told them to stop by

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:53 pm
by rass

Arizona TV reporter arrested for defecating on lawn while covering a story

and WTF???
Lowe's final piece for his station was an article about the case of Patrick Zane Thompson.

The 58-year-old former Arizona State football player and restaurant owner is accused of “sacrificing” his family’s poodle in a BBQ smoker after becoming upset about his daughter’s t-shirt.
See you in a second...

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:55 pm
by Brontoburglar
a $2,500 fine or six months in jail seems a bit extreme on one end of the scale

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:01 pm
by rass
Brontoburglar wrote:a $2,500 fine or six months in jail seems a bit extreme on one end of the scale
Unfortunately, the article on the guy who smoked the poodle doesn't mention the potential punishment for his "animal cruelty and assault" charges.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 11:51 am
by howard
This kind of crap occurs on a daily basis, and it is so commonplace we become desensitized to the power of such blatant bias.

First, Do Some Harm: How to Smear a Disfavored Candidate on NYT’s Front Page

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 5:36 am
by Pruitt
I get the sunday New York Times delivered to the house - always a good read.

But for the past few months, it has become shriller and shriller in its attacks on Trump. Not unusual to see two or three pieces about how bad Trump is in the front section, followed by up to 5 columns in the Week in Review section about Trump.

There have also been anti-Trump pieces in the Business, Sports and Styles section and a few in recent Magazine sections.

There was even an article yesterday about the Trump and fascism that was illustrated with a photo of a fascist saluting Hitler and Mussolini with a caption stating - more or less - that people have compared Trump to both of those men.

Very Daily Mail, and very irritating after a while. When you preach to the choir so loudly, there comes a time when choir members just turn away.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:14 am
by howard
Pruitt wrote:Very Daily Mail…
you said it, mang.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:29 am
by howard
I pondered which thread to post this light, visual piece. One of the political threads, or foreign affairs, or war/ball of confusion/falling apart. Then, of course - where better an article on propaganda and fear in magazine covers.

Russophobia and the dark art of making an anti-Russian magazine cover

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:22 pm
by sancarlos
So, Bronto, with Verizon buying Yahoo, any thoughts on how that might affect Yahoo's sports reporting franchise? Good luck!

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:20 am
by Johnnie

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:45 am
by wlu_lax6
Saw this on a blog I read

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:13 am
by Sabo

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:20 am
by rass
(every single actual newsworthy issue in the world gets dropped because two famous people are getting divorced)

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:41 am
by Ryan
The last couple of days, CNN has been back to their 96-point headline font for the dumpster bomber. This morning, ITS OVER loaded in my page about a second before the picture of Brangelina and in that second, I wondered if Syria was blown off the map.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:28 pm
by Sabo