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Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:14 pm
by howard
This brief piece is a beautiful example of the subtle nature of journalism heavily biased in favor of the status quo. ... looks_like" onclick=";return false;

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:02 pm
by degenerasian
For once CNN's coverage of something was good. Anderson Cooper landed in the Philippines and was appalled by the conditions and the government response and reported it as such.

Of course he had to apologize for it this morning so that was short lived, CNN still blows.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:07 am
by howard

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:29 am
by Pruitt
CNN ran a debate over Giselle Bundchen's photo of herself breastfeeding her kid while getting ready for a photo shoot.

Pro: Empowerment! Breast feeding good!

Con: Not fair to working mothers!

I missed the subtleties of this no doubt nuanced discussion between a pretty talking head and two "Mommy Bloggers," as I saw 30 seconds of this on a TV at the gym. But it's nice to know that CNN is covering hard news again.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:23 pm
by Brontoburglar
Maybe this goes in another thread, but there seem to be a lot of body image issues from women bubbling to the surface in these "debates."

Of course, body image issues are nothing new for either sex, but there's been that, "Fit Mom" and then the soccer girl posting the pic. And it's the same general theme over and over again. Almost like people are looking to get pissed off about this stuff.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:33 am
by Scottie
Rolling Stone magazine promoting, advocating, communism: ... r-20140103" onclick=";return false; [WARNING: that consists of the most retarded argot you'll ever read.]

I honestly thought this was a joke at first. But it is like hearing a 16-year old's take on Marxism-Leninism.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:44 am
by Scottie
Oh, and if you're thinking they can get away with "the views expressed here are not necessarily reflective of blah blah blah" . . .

" onclick=";return false;


Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:35 am
by Pruitt
I thought people only read Rolling Stone for the profiles of Britney Spears and JLo.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:59 am
by rass

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:44 am
by The Sybian
Half my FaceBook friends posted that. Even as low and despicable as the 24 hour news networks have become, this is still shocking. First, that this was even mentioned as news. But to cut off a Congresswoman standing out in the cold in Switzerland with "Breaking Newz!!!" Holy fuck. Unreal! Just proves Howard's point, the media doesn't care about the NSA spying travesty. It should be the biggest scandal, and a talentless androgynous POS driving drunk is deemed more important?

As much as I hate to fuel the story, I saw a collection of celebrities making fun of the Biebs on Twitter that I found funny. Especially RuPaul.

Couldn't find the site with better quotes, but this'll do.

Some better one not posted:

Ricky Gervais: Prison name: Justine Bieber. Prison game: Just in Bieber

Zach Braff: We are all Justin Bieber's rented Lambo

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:24 pm
by Pruitt
rass wrote:
That clip encapsulates so much of what is wrong with our society. Jesus!

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:44 pm
by Scottie
Why would anyone care what Cloris Leachman thinks about the NSA? Love that she wasn't just cut off but interrupted, talked over, in mid-sentence; clearly the meat puppet wasn't even listening to her.

I'm surprised MSNBC is still on the air (who knew?). The only thing lower than its ratings is its credibility.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:28 am
by Scottie
One of the more off-pissing recent trends in news reporting is for the anchor to feign concern for the field reporter, often elevating it above the story itself. Increasing in frequency, presumably to sound a note of humanity and breadth of emotional shock, the reporter is injected thusly into a story in such underhanded fashion designed to amplify and bring home the tragedy's severity as if the televised images themselves were not enough. Anchors commonly fear field reporters for anchors once were field reporters and one often senses the tension typically seen only when someone is forced to train their own replacement. This makes the concern for the field reporter's well being even less credible. To paraphrase a report I heard this evening concerning a horrific fire at an old folks home in Quebec that resulted in multiple lives extinguished in the worst sort of fashion . . .

- We now go live to our field reporter Sheblew Ourproducer, on the scene of the horrific carnage. Sheblew?

- Yes, I'm here in front of the scene of the fire now; it is minus-20 here so all of the charred remains are encased in ice, making the searchers' jobs almost impossible. Worse, the water from firefighters' hoses, tons of it, has since frozen solid creating a gigantic nightmare sculpture of ice-coated infernal ruins. We do know that at least ten people are confirmed dead. Twenty-two are missing. Back to you, Cunnie.

- Terrible. (Pause, shift) . . . But how are YOU doing. We all want to know how YOU are getting along. This must be so terrible for YOU. Viewers want to know how YOU have been affected by this.

- Yes, it has been difficult, even though I'm not even from this province and don't actually know anyone here. Or speak any French. This is a small town; there's only one hotel and it is very crowded. We ran out of coffee this morning. Some reporters didn't even get any coffee. Or orange juice. There is no word on whether or not there will be coffee tomorrow morning but we aren't getting our hopes up.

- Tragic. Well, YOU hang in there. We know how stressful this must be for YOU. Our thoughts and prayers are with YOU. YOU be careful out there.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:31 am
by rass
Jim Cantore's fault. Or maybe Arthur Kent?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:50 pm
by Sabo

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:18 pm
by Rams Fanny
Complaining about being a beat writer for a major sports team falls in the same category as those (rare) guys who complain that all their wife/girlfriend wants to do is have sex. Sore? Tired? No time for yourself? GFU and STFU. Tens of millions of men would love to have your problems so don't feel like you can't be replaced.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:36 pm
by Sabo
Rams Fanny wrote:
Complaining about being a beat writer for a major sports team falls in the same category as those (rare) guys who complain that all their wife/girlfriend wants to do is have sex. Sore? Tired? No time for yourself? GFU and STFU. Tens of millions of men would love to have your problems so don't feel like you can't be replaced.
I was talking to a friend of mine recently who happens to be a Bengals beat writer. He said out of his entire graduating class that were pursuing jobs as sports writers, only two of them still were beat writers. A third works as a stringer for the AP. It's not an easy gig by any means.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:59 am
by Pruitt
Don't they all look alike?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:30 pm
by DSafetyGuy
Calling Sam Rubin a journalist is a stretch, but well worth it for that clip in this thread. Fucking joker.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:11 am
by degenerasian
anyone still up?

CBC, BBC and the world's news is showing Kuala Lumpur and waiting for this press conference of the missing plane that has riveted the world.

CNN is showing Anthony Bourdain's Paris.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:48 am
by Rams Fanny
Watched part of an interview today with the Russia Today anchor who quit on-air to protest the slant the Putin-funded channel was asking her and her collegues to present regarding the Crimea. She was wagging her proverbial finger at all still at the station and listing off all the faults of the channel. Of course none of these reasons prevented her from cashing their checks previously. In the first bit of irony, she was railing against propaganda on the airwaves but trying to convince us her public quitting was a bout of concience and not an extremely calculated career move.

In the second bit of irony, she said she could not continue to be on the airwaves when a country illegally invades another country, lies about it, and uses the media to forward its propaganda and foreign policy agendas. The interview was on CNN.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:53 am
by Gunpowder
Some chick just did something similar from CBS. I think it as well was a calculated career move.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:58 pm
by howard
It wasn't just a career move. How Cold War-Hungry Neocons Stage Managed RT Anchor Liz Wahl’s Resignation

This is yet another example of my cynicism failing to keep pace with the real world. Really Liz, you just now noticed RT is nothing but a propaganda arm of Putin/Russian gov't? You never before noticed, not even in your own coverage of the Ukrania story before the Crimean action. Or Syria? Or Georgia/South Ossesia.

If people are dumb enough to buy it, I certainly understand why they sell it.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:30 pm
by govmentchedda
An antidote to the death of journalism.

Peter King's piece today on Jim Kelly's cancer, and his brother's death, was really good.

I would not have read it, but Richard Deitsch tweeted that it was some of the best writing King had done.

Richard Deitsch's Monday morning (late Sunday night) Media Circus column is must read for me. Commentary on sports media, and links to great sports and non-sports articles (usually longform) of the week.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:59 am
by The Sybian
govmentchedda wrote:An antidote to the death of journalism.

Peter King's piece today on Jim Kelly's cancer, and his brother's death, was really good.

I would not have read it, but Richard Deitsch tweeted that it was some of the best writing King had done.

Richard Deitsch's Monday morning (late Sunday night) Media Circus column is must read for me. Commentary on sports media, and links to great sports and non-sports articles (usually longform) of the week.
But more importantly, what flavor latte did Peter order at Starbucks?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:00 pm
by Gunpowder
The Sybian wrote:
govmentchedda wrote:An antidote to the death of journalism.

Peter King's piece today on Jim Kelly's cancer, and his brother's death, was really good.

I would not have read it, but Richard Deitsch tweeted that it was some of the best writing King had done.

Richard Deitsch's Monday morning (late Sunday night) Media Circus column is must read for me. Commentary on sports media, and links to great sports and non-sports articles (usually longform) of the week.
But more importantly, what flavor latte did Peter order at Starbucks?

Same flavor as always. Scalding Hot Cum.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:33 pm
by howard
Here is a simple, easily remedied problem in 'journalism'. Well, two problems.
viewtopic.php?p=53819#p53819" onclick=";return false;
Christopher Price ‏@cpriceNFL 10m
Multiple outlets now reporting Raiders set to fire Dennis Allen.
Problem #1: an AP reporter tweeted that Allen had been fired. Here are two retractatory tweets:
Terry Collins @APtcollins · 19h 19 hours ago
I have no information about the status about the Raiders coach. I was never covering the story.
0 replies

Terry Collins @APtcollins · 19h 19 hours ago
Please disregard my recent tweet about the Raiders. These rumors haven't been confirmed by the AP. I'm sorry.
Note well that the twitter handle of this reporter includes the AP brand, which is slowly eroding, not in small part because of antics like this.

The Associated Press has a well deserved rep, earned over many many decades, for rarely jumping the gun on reporting facts. Their frequency of errors has been steadily increasing, imo (sorry I have no data, only my personal impression.) Misuse of technology is the culprit here. Yes, he was not acting officially as an AP reporter--that is exactly the point. Someone certainly should lose their job over this, but not Dennis Allen.

Problem #2:
Christopher Price ‏@cpriceNFL 10m
Multiple outlets now reporting…
Retweeting is not reporting. This is further misuse of technology.

I do not blame social media or other technology. These are people problems. People not reporting or practicing journalism, but doing something else. And, of course, consumers accepting such behavior, without skepticism.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:38 pm
by howard
One more recent example of the facts not reflected in the news. I have no idea who is to blame for this; the journalists may well be the victims. I know I believe half of what I see; some or none of what I hear/read/see on twitter.

Fence-jumper got farther into White House

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:39 pm
by degenerasian
Olberman went on a rant last night about how much Jeter sucks.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:50 pm
by howard
degenerasian wrote:Olberman went on a rant last night about how much Jeter sucks.
…and it was awesome!

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:53 pm
by degenerasian
howard wrote:
degenerasian wrote:Olberman went on a rant last night about how much Jeter sucks.
…and it was awesome!
But it's not news.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:55 pm
by rass
howard wrote:One more recent example of the facts not reflected in the news. I have no idea who is to blame for this; the journalists may well be the victims. I know I believe half of what I see; some or none of what I hear/read/see on twitter.

Fence-jumper got farther into White House
Not sure, but the WaPo had a pretty good article over the weekend on how the Secret Service mishandled the investigation into the guy who shot at the White House a few years back.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:56 pm
by Joe K
howard wrote:
degenerasian wrote:Olberman went on a rant last night about how much Jeter sucks.
…and it was awesome!
Agreed. Assuming that the rant linked below is the one you are referring to, I thought it was really well done. And frankly, a nice counterbalance to all of the Jeter idolatry over the past few weeks. It's entirely possible to be the a deserving first-ballot HOF'er (as Jeter is) and still be overrated.

ETA: Not sure I get the "it's not news" criticism. Olbermann's show is pretty clearly meant to be opinion-based, and not strictly factual reporting. Jeter's legacy is certainly topical.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:50 pm
by howard
or, otoh, maybe that dude is the best reporter ever.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:22 pm
by Brontoburglar

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:37 pm
by sancarlos
Brontoburglar wrote:Sigh.
As a commenter asked, What kind of judge issues this kind of order?

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:07 pm
by Sabo
The Cincinnati Enquirer is seeing a mass exodus of experienced journalists as part of a Gannett-ordered reorganization.

This shifting of jobs from print products to online is nothing new in this industry, but I can't remember seeing so many leave willingly. Advance did something similar a couple of years ago with the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where they were going to lay off reporters at the PD (who are members of the Newspaper Guild) but they could apply for the same job as a member of the Northeast Ohio Media Group, which isn't unionized. But few of those employees just got up and left over that deal.

All I know is if you have a kid who wants to study journalism in college, shake the hell out of them, slap them across the face and tell them to get a real job.

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:52 pm
by Johnny Carwash

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:44 am
by rass

Re: (The End of) Journalism Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:18 am
by The Sybian
Johnny Carwash wrote:Image
Maybe, but you just know ham sandwich is anti-Semitic.