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Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:42 pm
by DSafetyGuy
My last job interview was something like six years ago. Just reading this thread makes me happy that this is the case.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:12 pm
by The Sybian
DSafetyGuy wrote:My last job interview was something like six years ago. Just reading this thread makes me happy that this is the case.

Hey, it beats the alternative.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:21 pm
by DaveInSeattle
I nailed my interview this morning. I can bullshit with the best of them. And now I have goofy Australia stories to throw into the mix!

I am worried about my interview with the Allen Brain institute. I think I'm going to have to do "white board coding problems". Huh? I've never done anything like that. What the hell?

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:07 pm
by The Sybian
DSafetyGuy wrote:My last job interview was something like six years ago. Just reading this thread makes me happy that this is the case.
I have to say, the process has changed drastically since I was last interviewing 4 years ago. Back then, you never heard anything on most resume submissions. Now, I don't hear back after interviews sometimes. I went 2 rounds at JPMorgan, the hiring manager told me I was a great fit, the interview went well, and their recruiter would call to set up my final interview with his boss. Never heard back. I left numerous phone messages and e-mails for both the recruiter and the hiring manager. Nothing. But my favorite was Verizon. I got an e-mail from the corporate recruiter to schedule an interview. I was supposed to call in at a set time, which I did. I got his voice mail. Left a message with my cell, told him I'd be available for another hour and sent him an e-mail as well. He never called back or responded to the e-mail. I e-mailed him again the next day, and he responded to that e-mail 2 or 3 days later saying, "sorry, I was in a meeting that ran late. After reviewing your resume again, it looks like you have a background in sales, not law, so you wouldn't be a fit anyways." Sales? WTF? I did legal recruiting 4 years ago, but sales? I responded with an explanation of why my background was a perfect fit for the position, which it is, and he never responded. I know they get tons of resumes, but have some fucking common courtesy.

As a side note, one technique that has helped me tremendously, is in addition to submitting my resume into the blackhole that is a corporate resume submission website, try to figure out who the manager for that position would be, or the C-Level exec that would be responsible for whatever line you are applying to. Send them a personal e-mail and attach your cover letter and resume. The response rate was quite high, and if you have the wrong person, 50% of the time they would thank me for my interest and pass my resume along to the right person, often giving me their name and title, so I could write them directly. When a high level supervisor passes it on to HR, you can be sure that they will actually read your letter and resume, and be far more likely to give you an interview.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:19 pm
by howard
The Sybian wrote: Now, I don't hear back after interviews sometimes.
I do not care how much things change or how routine or common such behavior becomes. This is unacceptable. Then when I cross paths with people/firms that have pulled this shit on me, in the small community that is outpatient anesthesia on the east side of Manhattan, they are chagrined that I call them on their unacceptable behavior.

Of course, I realize I am lucky to be able to enforce my personal standards such as this one.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:24 pm
by Scottie
Happens all the time here. Not just phone interviews. You could travel to an interview in person, actually have what you believe to be a successful interview, and then? Not even a "please fuck off" letter. Just . . . nothing. Silence. The arrogance of that increasingly typical attitude is appalling. That it is commonplace? Vile.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:32 pm
by Scottie
And, really, how much effort does it take to even copy/paste "having met with several qualified candidates blah blah blah good luck in your search" into an email and click send?

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:08 pm
by elflaco
Scottie wrote:Happens all the time here. Not just phone interviews. You could travel to an interview in person, actually have what you believe to be a successful interview, and then? Not even a "please fuck off" letter. Just . . . nothing. Silence. The arrogance of that increasingly typical attitude is appalling. That it is commonplace? Vile.
two years ago i was interviewed 11 times by a major manufacturer... four interviews at a conference in Anaheim, then brought me to Connecticut.. 7 interviews there over the course of two days... included dinners, lunches, a trip into the nice part of hartford suburbs.. intro to real estate folks...

Then nothing.
no phone calls, no emails, no returned anything.

finally got the initial interviewer to respond.. he acted surprised as to the lack of response. Two weeks later, got the email saying, sorry about that.. they just couldn't get past your lack of industry experience. WTF? that came up at the first interview.. they said they loved my functional experience bg anyway... my last interview was with the sr hr person.. discussing salaries, titles, etc.. on her lead.. thougth it went great.. then BOOM.

getting ready to jump back in to this iffy market two feet in. not looking forward to it at all.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:36 pm
by Rush2112
Scottie wrote:And, really, how much effort does it take to even copy/paste "having met with several qualified candidates blah blah blah good luck in your search" into an email and click send?

I find that I don't hear back or if I do it's months later!

The best was when I applied for a job at the University of New Mexico, they sent me a personalized letter outlining exactly why i didn't get the position. This is the way it should be.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:16 pm
by Scottie
elflaco wrote:
Scottie wrote:Happens all the time here. Not just phone interviews. You could travel to an interview in person, actually have what you believe to be a successful interview, and then? Not even a "please fuck off" letter. Just . . . nothing. Silence. The arrogance of that increasingly typical attitude is appalling. That it is commonplace? Vile.
two years ago i was interviewed 11 times by a major manufacturer... four interviews at a conference in Anaheim, then brought me to Connecticut.. 7 interviews there over the course of two days... included dinners, lunches, a trip into the nice part of hartford suburbs.. intro to real estate folks...

Then nothing.
no phone calls, no emails, no returned anything . . .
This happened to me, too, about a year ago in Victoria. An opportunity fell my way. I was curious. I love the job I have, which I had at that time, too, but I pursued it because it sounded highly lucrative and the company is so stable I could have easily retired there; it would have been the last job I'd ever need. Big company, huge in fact, senior management position. I end up being told that I'm the final candidate. Not one of the final two or three. Last man standing. After they interviewed and vetted seemingly half the planet, here I was. No competition remaining, smiles and handshakes all around. Mine, right? Final interview is in a ritzy elitist private club in Victoria. Couple of hours long and it could not have gone better. Or so I thought. Agreed on a salary, terms, the whole nine yards. I go home thrilled.

A day passes. Another day passes. Then it's a week. Then two. Never heard from them again. Not a word. Like they disappeared into thin air. Or I did. Baffling. Not a word to this day. (Thank fuck I didn't resign from my actual job.)

At the time I kinda start driving myself nuts over this, right? Because, c'mon, there surely must be a reason. Has to be something. Something specific. Doesn't it? Isn't it? You never just never hear from them again when you're that close. Must be an oversight. A mistake. Breakdown in communication somewhere along the line. Gotta be. Or I did something, said something, they didn't like? (Did I? Could I have? But . . . what?)

It vanished and I never found out what the hell was going on. That's the worst part; far worse than not getting a rejection letter. It's wondering why and what the hell happened. Sure, it's very likely just a shit attitude on their part but, damn, say something, anything.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:38 am
by Pruitt
As a freelance writer, my job hunt is an ongoing thing. And while I have an agent who helps arrange meetings and lines up some jobs, I am constantly sending e-mails, making calls etc.

There is nothing quite as disheartening as not receiving a "thanks, but no thanks" e-mail. Inexcusable, as e-mails are the easiest method of communication ever created.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:04 am
by bfj
I started my new job yesterday. I'm working for a non profit group called Pathfinders for Autism as their Resource Center Coordinator. I will be handling lots of things for them. My primary job is to be the voice that parents hear when they call in looking for information/help/advice. I'll also handle some fundraising, PR, making presentations, help with grant proposals and lots of other stuff. I'm excited to be a part of this group. I've used their online database many times. I had three interviews with them before getting hired. I beat out 18 people for the gig.

Now I have a shitload of wheelchair vans to sell!

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:06 am
by A_B
You should turn to a life of crime and break people's backs so that they need a wheelchair van. Instant market.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:16 am
by govmentchedda
bfj wrote:I started my new job yesterday. I'm working for a non profit group called Pathfinders for Autism as their Resource Center Coordinator. I will be handling lots of things for them. My primary job is to be the voice that parents hear when they call in looking for information/help/advice. I'll also handle some fundraising, PR, making presentations, help with grant proposals and lots of other stuff. I'm excited to be a part of this group. I've used their online database many times. I had three interviews with them before getting hired. I beat out 18 people for the gig.

Now I have a shitload of wheelchair vans to sell!
Congrats, and good luck. Listen to AB, he knows what he's talking about.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:29 am
by rass
AB_skin_test wrote:You should turn to a life of crime and break people's backs so that they need a wheelchair van. Instant market.
Bane has fallen on hard times. Though as far as crime schemes go it makes as much sense as taking an entire major US city hostage for months waiting for either (A) a reactor to meltdown and destroy the city or (B) for Batman's back to heal and then for him to escape from an inescapable prison and make it back to America so you can blow up the reactor yourself.

Congrats bfj, and good luck to all of the rest of you guys.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:53 am
by kranepool
I'll be in Whale's Vagina Sunday night, then interviewing in nine (!) separate meetings Monday. Red-eye back East Monday evening. No direct flights.

I'm fortunate that I'm in a good spot now, but I'll probably jump if given the chance.

Funny how over the years I took the little things for granted (healthcare, 401k, commission, etc.).

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:01 am
by Shirley
bfj wrote:I started my new job yesterday. I'm working for a non profit group called Pathfinders for Autism as their Resource Center Coordinator. I will be handling lots of things for them. My primary job is to be the voice that parents hear when they call in looking for information/help/advice. I'll also handle some fundraising, PR, making presentations, help with grant proposals and lots of other stuff. I'm excited to be a part of this group. I've used their online database many times. I had three interviews with them before getting hired. I beat out 18 people for the gig.

Now I have a shitload of wheelchair vans to sell!
That sounds like a perfect position for you. Congratulations! Even if the job turns out to be shitty, you will have learned a lot and made a lot of great contacts in the local Autism community.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:28 am
by The Sybian
Congrats, BFJ. That should be a rewarding position.

Flaco and Scottie's stories scare the crap out of me, as I have never been more certain of getting an offer than I am on this one. Final interview this evening, a phone interview. I am the only candidate this far along, and feedback at every stage has ranged from "stellar" to "perfectly on point." They told me they are looking to make a hire extremely quickly, and the process has flown thus far. Monday's interviewer apologized for being on vacation and delaying the process, when I had the previous round the Wednesday before. They tried to get me in Friday, not realizing she was out. One business day, and she apologized for gumming up the works.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:42 am
by brian
kranepool wrote:I'll be in Whale's Vagina Sunday night, then interviewing in nine (!) separate meetings Monday. Red-eye back East Monday evening. No direct flights.

I'm fortunate that I'm in a good spot now, but I'll probably jump if given the chance.

Funny how over the years I took the little things for granted (healthcare, 401k, commission, etc.).
You'd really move the fam cross-country? Don't get me wrong San Diego is awesome and I don't know your situation, but it seems like the new gig would have to be an order of magnitude better to even consider it. (You saying you're fortunate your in a good spot now is what I can't counterbalance with you saying you'd jump if you got the chance. Those two things don't seem to mesh when you're talking about moving 3,000 miles.)

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:03 am
by kranepool
My bad. No way I could make the move. My kids are high-school and soon-to-be-in-high-school, and the wife wouldn't even consider it.

I've been home-based for most of the last 20 years. I'd stay here and travel about 10-15 days a month.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:05 am
by Rush2112
well, MaxWebster did just move from MA to Vancouver two weeks after taking a job!

brian wrote:You'd really move the fam cross-country?

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:10 am
by degenerasian
Congrats bfj, that sounds like a great and rewarding job!

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:34 am
by Gunpowder
kranepool wrote:My bad. No way I could make the move. My kids are high-school and soon-to-be-in-high-school, and the wife wouldn't even consider it.

I've been home-based for most of the last 20 years. I'd stay here and travel about 10-15 days a month.

San Diego is awesome and you are like 21 times less likely to be murdered there. I'm surprised they wouldn't want to go.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:57 am
by howard
I just googled Whales' Vagina. Pretty funny.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:52 pm
by Steve of phpBB
Congratulations, BFJ. That sounds like a great job for you.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:22 pm
by DSafetyGuy
elflaco wrote:two years ago i was interviewed 11 times by a major manufacturer... four interviews at a conference in Anaheim, then brought me to Connecticut.. 7 interviews there over the course of two days... included dinners, lunches, a trip into the nice part of hartford suburbs.. intro to real estate folks...
Should have interviewed with keg and me instead.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:29 pm
by Giff
AB_skin_test wrote:You should turn to a life of crime and break people's backs so that they need a wheelchair van. Instant market.
BFJ in AMC's new series, Breaking Back.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:47 pm
by bfj
Giff wrote:
AB_skin_test wrote:You should turn to a life of crime and break people's backs so that they need a wheelchair van. Instant market.
BFJ in AMC's new series, Breaking Back.
The story of me getting a piggy back ride. On meth.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:34 pm
by elflaco
DSafetyGuy wrote:
elflaco wrote:two years ago i was interviewed 11 times by a major manufacturer... four interviews at a conference in Anaheim, then brought me to Connecticut.. 7 interviews there over the course of two days... included dinners, lunches, a trip into the nice part of hartford suburbs.. intro to real estate folks...
Should have interviewed with keg and me instead.
fcuk. don't remind me.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:36 pm
by elflaco
The Sybian wrote:Congrats, BFJ. That should be a rewarding position.

Flaco and Scottie's stories scare the crap out of me, as I have never been more certain of getting an offer than I am on this one. Final interview this evening, a phone interview. I am the only candidate this far along, and feedback at every stage has ranged from "stellar" to "perfectly on point." They told me they are looking to make a hire extremely quickly, and the process has flown thus far. Monday's interviewer apologized for being on vacation and delaying the process, when I had the previous round the Wednesday before. They tried to get me in Friday, not realizing she was out. One business day, and she apologized for gumming up the works.
good luck syb.
after you get the job i'll tell you another hiring horror story. on a good note, found out two hours ago i'm in line for a pretty good gig at one of my target companies. would be back in the city, nifty increase and working yet again for my mentor.. yeah, a few steps forward, one or two back.. but, man.. if it comes through. i'm buying!

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:58 pm
by The Sybian
elflaco wrote:
The Sybian wrote:Congrats, BFJ. That should be a rewarding position.

Flaco and Scottie's stories scare the crap out of me, as I have never been more certain of getting an offer than I am on this one. Final interview this evening, a phone interview. I am the only candidate this far along, and feedback at every stage has ranged from "stellar" to "perfectly on point." They told me they are looking to make a hire extremely quickly, and the process has flown thus far. Monday's interviewer apologized for being on vacation and delaying the process, when I had the previous round the Wednesday before. They tried to get me in Friday, not realizing she was out. One business day, and she apologized for gumming up the works.
good luck syb.
after you get the job i'll tell you another hiring horror story. on a good note, found out two hours ago i'm in line for a pretty good gig at one of my target companies. would be back in the city, nifty increase and working yet again for my mentor.. yeah, a few steps forward, one or two back.. but, man.. if it comes through. i'm buying!
Excellent, hope that works out for you. Completed my 5th and final interview with a high level exec who insists on speaking to all potential hires in her chain and it could not have gone any better. She ended the call by saying that she is going to highly recommend that my would-be-boss extend an offer and to expect that call tomorrow. The job would be employee relations consulting and workplace investigations for complaints made in client companies. This company does outsourced HR for small and medium sized companies. This is pretty much exactly what I have wanted to move into for a really long time, so I am thrilled. It will involve a fair amount of travel, so I may get to meet some Swampers along the way.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:19 pm
by bfj
Good luck Flaco and Syb, sounds like good news is on the way.

Thanks for all the kind words. Kind of bittersweet closing down my business, but the stress was really getting to me and the wife. 9 years was a pretty good run though.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:02 pm
by DC47
Great news BFJ.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:27 pm
by The Sybian
Aaaand offer extended! Looks like my first week will be spent at HQ in San Leandro. Is that accessible to anyone for grabbing a beer or something?

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:36 pm
by vandwagon
The Sybian wrote:Aaaand offer extended! Looks like my first week will be spent at HQ in San Leandro. Is that accessible to anyone for grabbing a beer or something?
Congrats to you and BFJ on the new gigs.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:52 pm
by Giff

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:58 pm
by rass
The Sybian wrote:Aaaand offer extended! Looks like my first week will be spent at HQ in San Leandro. Is that accessible to anyone for grabbing a beer or something?
Congrats man. That's a little too far for me.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:05 pm
by Steve of phpBB
That's great news, Syb.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:31 pm
by The Sybian
rass wrote:
The Sybian wrote:Aaaand offer extended! Looks like my first week will be spent at HQ in San Leandro. Is that accessible to anyone for grabbing a beer or something?
Congrats man. That's a little too far for me.
Is Trap Rock close enough? Thanks, Dougs. This will probably affect my post count, at least during the day.

Re: Swamp Job Questions

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:44 pm
by The Sybian
So how do you guys deal with salary offers? Do you accept the offer, try negotiate a higher salary first? Do it in writing or on the phone? I went with an e-mail, since the hiring manager extended the offer over the phone, but said that she won't be reachable until tomorrow as she is at a conference. I don't want to come off as pushy or a dick, but if there is money on the table, I think I need to at least ask. I am a bit hesitant as she already told me the offer is more than they initially budgeted for the position, but everything I read says basically that you are an idiot if you don't ask. When I said I need to crunch the numbers and asked for info on benefits, she sounded a bit surprised, but I made sure to sound enthusiastic about the offer and let her I know that I want to make this work.