Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

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Karl Hungus
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by howard »

the subscap is indeed the 4th r.c. muscle. the other three originate on the back of the shoulder blade, on the dorsal surface. The subscap originates on the front of the shoulder blade, the ventral side, between the shoulder blade and the ribs. And it is hard to work out/strengthen. I couldn't get it done, so resorted to surgery, which worked (my problem was repeated dislocation, so many times the capsule tissues were stretched way out, it may well have been impossible to strenghten the cuff muscles enough to stabilize the joint even with perfect rigorous disciplined training, which I did not engage.) I have limited ROM and I can't throw a ball further than 50 feet, but I was 37yo and just set softball and tennis aside, and I've never had a dislocation since.
Who knows? Maybe, you were kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom.

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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

Yeah, I think the subscap was the fourth muscle I'm supposed to focus on. Memory fades after all these years, now decades. But I regularly -- okay, most of the time -- do the prescribed exercises that hit these four. I can't see them. They don't get pumped or jacked. And I don't even really 'feel' them as I exercise them. I just try to do the correct form, with the correct resistance. In theory, that's working the right muscles. Over long periods of time, I can add slight amounts of resistance. So there is progress that suggests muscle strengthening. And lo and behold, I can do more with my shoulder without sharp pain. So there must be something to this, for me at least.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

Howard, I found your comments about tennis and softball interesting. I was in my mid 20s, in my Manhattan management consultant phase. I had a mysterious right shoulder pain. Now I couldn't lift a loaded briefcase, those big 80s garment bags you could still carry on to planes, or one of those 'portable' (i.e., 2014 PC sized) mid-80s computers without considerable pain. And sometimes I was traveling with all three. It was enough to drive me to a sports injury orthopedist, whatever that was.

First question: Have you ever played sports that involved repeated right-handed overhead motions?

Answer: Yes, in spades. I was a competitive tennis player in my teens. Like, seriously. I played against guys who went on to be the top singles players at their DI colleges (e.g., North Carolina, Stanford) and one who just lost in the semis at Wimbledon. So I played year round, at times doing an hour of serving practice each day. Always tweaking my motion, which involved a lot of torque and reaching for tosses behind my head. I also played shortstop, at a much lower level, on baseball teams in the summer. Lots of overhand throwing there.

I quit both sports by 17 due to back and shoulder problems. After the doctor determined I didn't have a detectably cracked vertabra, bankrupt parents didn't have the money for things like sports orthopedists. Now, years later in my mid 20s, I was still off tennis but playing shortstop on a competitive softball team. Tournaments, sometimes 3 or 4 games in a weekend. More overhead throwing, though I was getting by with a 3/4 motion and occasional pain killers. Also, there's not that much action at SS when you get to a certain level of competitive softball -- the hitters are too good. Further, we didn't play in the winter, and I missed games due to work travel, so the shoulder strain wasn't as constant as when I was a teen.

Second question: Do you lift weights? In particular, do you do overhead presses, bench presses, and chest flys?

Yes to all. I didn't lift regularly 52 weeks a year, or with really heavy weights. But I did the typical male vanity workouts, focusing on what you can see in a mirror. And of course, with no serious concern for form. Just jerking the max I could lift near the end of the sets. That's what it was all about back then, for just about everyone, unless you were some kind of elite lifter or athlete. A few years earlier, when I sometimes lifted in the same room as University of Michigan athletes, it was pretty much the same, except with more head scarves and metal on the sound system. Dark ages, man. Pre-Bronto.

Diagnosis: I'll send you out for imaging of your shoulder. But it's almost certainly going to show a slightly damaged rotator cuff area with (forgotten details here). Your symptoms and history makes this almost certain. Do these sports a lot, get this injury. It's that simple. It's all about the nature of the shoulder joint; it's not meant for what we do now.

Prescription: I don't recommend surgery. We're not that good; use us for this only when all else fails or something snaps. Do these exercises. Carry things with your left hand and shoulder. Use the effeminate shoulder strap for your brief case, computer, and garment bag to avoid the arm being a force-multiplying strain generator on the shoulder joint. Stop doing these things (see prior postings on things that strain RCs) so much, if at all. Don't be an idiot and maybe you can avoid disabling shoulder pain and surgery for decades.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

It goes without saying that being a male in my mid 20s, I resisted this advice. I kind of followed it, some of the time. Of course.

And of course, what followed over the next 30 years has been repeated bouts of shoulder problems, doctors visits, and discussions with physical therapists while I pounded out the reps and did the stim and ice. I -- gradually -- got smarter and thus more compliant. Though it cost me some permanent shoulder damage that I regret.

What got me over the top was having as my doctor an orthopedist who was my age and suffered my kind of joint problems. He was a bit older than me and played linebacker at U-M back in the days of Bo. He was now a highly-regarded cutting edge researcher. Knees especially, where I also had problems. He was the director of the U-M sports rehab clinic. Think walls of signed 'thank you' photos of famous college and pro athletes in all kinds of sports. I was only able to be his patient due to having done something that helped him out many years before.

So, credentials. It was hard for (even) me to discount what this guy was saying. And when I worked out at his clinic, I could see him personally doing pretty much what he was telling me to do. Which was pretty much what I had been told to do by the first sports orthopedist I met. Decades before.

He hooked me up with his top PT, who taught me how to do it the right way. I've tried to do what they said ever since. To my surprise, the results have been pretty good.

Somewhere I remember hearing this saying: So soon we have problems. So late we learn.

It took me awhile to get it regarding the joints of the human body. To my great regret, I suppose I haven't gotten it yet about so many other things.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by howard »

Shoulders are tough, and I am by no means an expert. My own story is not typical, but yours certainly sounds like a usual course, except for the part about the surgeon confessing that surgery is not the best choice.

I was much less serious or vigorous about tennis and softball than you. I spent about a year and a half trying to develop as a tennis player, age 20 or so, playing and practicing 4-5 times a week. Hit a plateau, got frustrated, fell back to a casual game once every couple of weeks. Softball I was a 3rd baseman, mechanically the easiest throw there is, B and A leagues. So I did not hurt my shoulder that way. Oh, and lift weights, no I did not do that. This was the 70s; basketball players didn't lift unless they were Truck Robinson or maybe Mo Lucas--weights were for football players.

Playing basketball, 19yo, I caught an elbow at just the right angle, and the shoulder popped out of the joint. In-out, quicker than the time for me to react to the pain (which was minimal--I finished the game, a little sore for about a week.)

Then, about two years later, it popped out again. Then about a year later, again. Then, two or three times the next year; the interval between dislocations slowly and steadily decreased. Fifteen years later, you just had to touch the shoulder, and it would pop out of joint.

The capsule got stretched out, gradually, until it was a loose saggy weak layer of tissue, with the four r.c. muscles unable to compensate. My injury was very different than what you get from throwing or repetitive weights/tennis serve.

Simple surgery, just slice the tissue open, overlap the edges tighter, sew it up. He said he scrapped a little bit of scar tissue from one of the r.c. heads, but it was incidental, and the cuff was fine.

No pain since, but no range of motion. I cannot serve a tennis ball, not because of pain, but the arm will not go into that position. I can throw a ball, but I can only bring the arm back in the 'backswing' a very short distance. Not a lick of pain, but I throw it like a 7yo.
Who knows? Maybe, you were kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom.

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Walter Sobchak
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

howard wrote:Shoulders are tough, and I am by no means an expert. My own story is not typical, but yours certainly sounds like a usual course, except for the part about the surgeon confessing that surgery is not the best choice.
Maybe he was booked up.

More seriously, over the years I've been fortunate to know several surgeons who were skeptical about surgery for shoulders, knees, elbows and ankles. A few years ago one even suggested a non-surgical technique for the patellar tendon that involved puncturing it in many spots with a needle to stimulate (insert technical stuff about biochemistry of healing here) and such. I think most surgeons would consider this 'breaking-to-fix' kind of thing to be voodoo. It was part of a UCLA research grant. Didn't work for me. But the guy before me was a wide receiver at the University of Kentucky; I was a one-off case, way outside of the age range of their protocol. And experiment within the experiment. Also, perhaps included as a favor to the doctor I mentioned above.
I was much less serious or vigorous about tennis and softball than you. I spent about a year and a half trying to develop as a tennis player, age 20 or so, playing and practicing 4-5 times a week. Hit a plateau, got frustrated, fell back to a casual game once every couple of weeks. Softball I was a 3rd baseman, mechanically the easiest throw there is, B and A leagues. So I did not hurt my shoulder that way. Oh, and lift weights, no I did not do that. This was the 70s; basketball players didn't lift unless they were Truck Robinson or maybe Mo Lucas--weights were for football players.
Man, even serious teen tennis players lifted some in the 70s. At least if they hade pipe-cleaner arms and you could see the ribs under their pectoral muscles. And what about vanity lifting? Are you saying you were too mature for this? My younger self bows down to your superior ego. In that era I knew only three kinds of sporty young men. Vain mega-lifters who needed a mirror in the workout room to 'check form.' Vain sporadic lifters who were too lazy to be in category one or who denied that they were vain. Vain guys who had a serious girl-friend or wife so they didn't need to get jacked; and some of them were actually in category two.
No pain since, but no range of motion. I cannot serve a tennis ball, not because of pain, but the arm will not go into that position. I can throw a ball, but I can only bring the arm back in the 'backswing' a very short distance. Not a lick of pain, but I throw it like a 7yo.
Is this what your surgeon said would be the outcome? Something PT could improve? I know that range of motion is the first stage in many PT programs for many joint surgeries. I've spent hundreds of hours now lying on a padded bench, observing a dozen other people getting measured by PTs or doing painful ROM movements. But I don't know if this is the case for your surgery. Maybe it's the inescapable result of tightening up the ligaments?

I wonder how unusual this is for men over 50? I notice that at teen soccer games and practices the dads who retrieve errant balls aren't too good at throwing them back on the field. They use a baseball toss, which is actually pretty hard to do with a heavy soccer ball (and hard on the shoulder as well due to the leverage of the arm). But I wonder if they have anything like the range of motion and shoulder strength that they had earlier in life. One guy is a big, rangy former first-baseman for Michigan State who is still in decent shape, probably under 50, and he has distinctly more range on his throw. The rest 'throw like girls.'
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by howard »

DC47 wrote: Man, even serious teen tennis players lifted some in the 70s. At least if they hade pipe-cleaner arms and you could see the ribs under their pectoral muscles. And what about vanity lifting? Are you saying you were too mature for this?
Too lazy. I actually tried a little bit of lifting at 20yo, that would be 1977. But just for a few weeks here and there, off and on, until I was in my mid 30s, when I did it to maintain strength for recreational hoops.

Yeah, my surgeon warned me. I was mid 30s, I played hoops and was thinking of taking up golf. I was willing to forego a co-ed softball league and tennis twice a year to be able to play basketball w/o worrying about my shoulder falling out of the joint. He could've tied it up looser, we decided on this approach.

I wasn't great about PT for the ROM; even had I been rigorous, it would've yielded little. If I wanted to play softball primarily, instead of hoops, through my 40s he would've done a slightly different surgery. My one softball tourney a year I play 1st base and do a Steve Garvey imitation.

My homies, late 50s, who join me in this annual softball alumni tourney, their throwing motion is pretty much the same, I don't think tightening up of ligs in middle age makes you throw like a girl. OTOH, you try to throw a soccer ball like a baseball it is awkward and you might look silly.
Who knows? Maybe, you were kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom.

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Walter Sobchak
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

I ended my soccer career around age 50, reduced to being a goalie in indoor soccer on a small field (6v6 league). So punting the ball was out. I immediately learned why cannot throw a soccer ball in anything like a baseball toss. The form of the goalie throw is designed to protect the shoulder, and it works quite well.

When I see people play dodgeball or kickball they generally throw the ball with some version of a baseball toss. I'm sure that works. For some. For awhile. But anyone who is doing this regularly and at some distance is probably an even better candidate for shoulder problems than I was as a tennis and baseball player. That's a whole lot of weight + leverage = strain on the shoulder capsule.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

A friend who had been a very serious competitive softball player told me about a team he was on that was going to a national tournament in North Carolina that included an over-50 division. Perhaps it was 55 or 60. But it was old guys. Who were serious enough to make a long trip to play. For a National Championship! I passed.

When he got back, he told me that by the time they got to the last round, he was playing centerfield. Despite being around 65, recovering from recent cancer surgery, and having had serious rotator cuff surgery a few years before. After several games, so many guys went down with so many injuries, that if you could still run you were an outfielder. If you could throw at all, you played in the outfield spots where the ball would likely be hit. And not only the infielders were side-arming the ball. It took serious disability to be positioned at the less mobile positions. I think he said the catcher was playing with a broken ankle that was somehow stabilized.

The disabilities on display in the field were made more interesting because a lot of these guys could still rip the ball. So line drives were being blasted all over the field, while the hitters hobbled slowly around the bases, station-to-station, and the fielders hobbled around trying to get to the ball before it stopped rolling.

Softball in slow motion. Softball as ballet.

Painkillers were dispensed like popcorn. Beer was drunk like beer would be drunk by softball players at a national tournament.

I imagine it was the Last Hurrah for many in their competitive softball careers, so they were leaving it all on the diamond.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Gunpowder »

Can a nigga get jacked in peace, frogs?
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DC47 »

Of course, I thought the same. But jack unwisely now, pay later. Or not so later.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Jerloma »

Every time I see this I want to kick a puppy...
“To start this year off in a loving way I’m participating in this Pay-It-Forward initiative. The first five people who comment on this status with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point in the calendar year- anything from a book, a card, a visit, something home grown or made, a card, a ticket, absolutely some kind of surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something I believe will suit you and make you happy….

These five people must make the same offer in their FB status and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your status (don’t share) so we can form a web of connections and kindness.

Let’s do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other that to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other. Here’s to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year!”
If being a good person is so hard for you that you need to form a web of connections and kindness and you need to announce it to everyone that you know instead of you know...just doing it...you are an insufferable douche.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Brontoburglar »

Jerloma wrote:Every time I see this I want to kick a puppy...
“To start this year off in a loving way I’m participating in this Pay-It-Forward initiative. The first five people who comment on this status with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point in the calendar year- anything from a book, a card, a visit, something home grown or made, a card, a ticket, absolutely some kind of surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something I believe will suit you and make you happy….

These five people must make the same offer in their FB status and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your status (don’t share) so we can form a web of connections and kindness.

Let’s do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other that to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other. Here’s to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year!”
If being a good person is so hard for you that you need to form a web of connections and kindness and you need to announce it to everyone that you know instead of you know...just doing it...you are an insufferable douche.
So someone posted that saying they'd do nice things for people retroactively?
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Johnny Carwash »

Damn it! It's 2015, but I keep catching myself putting 2014 on my narcissistic self-congratulatory social media postings!
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Jerloma »

Brontoburglar wrote:
Jerloma wrote:Every time I see this I want to kick a puppy...
“To start this year off in a loving way I’m participating in this Pay-It-Forward initiative. The first five people who comment on this status with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point in the calendar year- anything from a book, a card, a visit, something home grown or made, a card, a ticket, absolutely some kind of surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something I believe will suit you and make you happy….

These five people must make the same offer in their FB status and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your status (don’t share) so we can form a web of connections and kindness.

Let’s do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other that to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other. Here’s to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year!”
If being a good person is so hard for you that you need to form a web of connections and kindness and you need to announce it to everyone that you know instead of you know...just doing it...you are an insufferable douche.
So someone posted that saying they'd do nice things for people retroactively?
Lots of people.
Damn it! It's 2015, but I keep catching myself putting 2014 on my narcissistic self-congratulatory social media postings!
I'm firewalled from FB at work so I had to google it to find it on a non-FB website so I could copy it. Never saw it until this year.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Brontoburglar »

I'm disappointed the actual post didn't have 2014 in it.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Pruitt »

Looks like the networks missed the big story of the Blizzard.

Friend of my high school girlfriend had this harrowing Facebook entry today.
Pls say prayers for me and Jackie that we get to Atlantic city airport before the storm gets really bad. Also pls pray her flight to Florida can get out of here on time and that she has a safe flight there and I have a safe drive home. Thanks all!
Don't get too worried, there's a good news followup!
Home safe and sound! So far Jackie's flight is leaving on time. Thanks everyone for the prayers. Pls continue praying that she get to Florida safely
Awesome - I can sleep soundly tonight... but only if Jackie's flight makes it.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by P.D.X. »

There is something uncomfortably comforting about walking home all the way from work in the middle of the road and seeing NOYONE.
(emphasis is original)
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Ridiculous things on Facebook? How about every Pro-Pats/Anti-Seattle Meme that Johnny has posted since the game ended. Has there been any that he's missed so far?

We get it...your team won and you are excited, but step away from the keyboard for a few minutes....
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Gunpowder »

Fuck you Dave, you're embarrassing yourself. They are just letting off the righteous anger that you've all caused by suggesting anything WITHOUT FUCKING PROOF.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by tennbengal »

Finally read one too many pieces on the over-reach of facebook in terms of its ability to fully invade on-line privacy no matter what you do to the settings, so have deleted the account (I think). It has been about three weeks now, and I don't miss it.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Sabo »

tennbengal wrote:Finally read one too many pieces on the over-reach of facebook in terms of its ability to fully invade on-line privacy no matter what you do to the settings, so have deleted the account (I think). It has been about three weeks now, and I don't miss it.
Thanks for tweeting that article yesterday. I read it, and it's another reminder why I am glad I never got on Facebook. It should be required reading for anyone who's thinking of creating an account.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by tennbengal »

Sabo wrote:
tennbengal wrote:Finally read one too many pieces on the over-reach of facebook in terms of its ability to fully invade on-line privacy no matter what you do to the settings, so have deleted the account (I think). It has been about three weeks now, and I don't miss it.
Thanks for tweeting that article yesterday. I read it, and it's another reminder why I am glad I never got on Facebook. It should be required reading for anyone who's thinking of creating an account.
Yeah, I had gotten rid of it a few weeks ago - but that article sealed the deal against me having second thoughts and starting it anew.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by P.D.X. »

tennbengal wrote:
Sabo wrote:
tennbengal wrote:Finally read one too many pieces on the over-reach of facebook in terms of its ability to fully invade on-line privacy no matter what you do to the settings, so have deleted the account (I think). It has been about three weeks now, and I don't miss it.
Thanks for tweeting that article yesterday. I read it, and it's another reminder why I am glad I never got on Facebook. It should be required reading for anyone who's thinking of creating an account.
Yeah, I had gotten rid of it a few weeks ago - but that article sealed the deal against me having second thoughts and starting it anew.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by tennbengal »

P.D.X. wrote:
tennbengal wrote:
Sabo wrote:
tennbengal wrote:Finally read one too many pieces on the over-reach of facebook in terms of its ability to fully invade on-line privacy no matter what you do to the settings, so have deleted the account (I think). It has been about three weeks now, and I don't miss it.
Thanks for tweeting that article yesterday. I read it, and it's another reminder why I am glad I never got on Facebook. It should be required reading for anyone who's thinking of creating an account.
Yeah, I had gotten rid of it a few weeks ago - but that article sealed the deal against me having second thoughts and starting it anew.

http://saintsal.com/facebook/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Giff »

There was one of the memes posted by "Obnoxious Boston Fan" which is obviously the most redundant Facebook page name ever.
well this is gonna be someone's new signature - bronto
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Jerloma »

DaveInSeattle wrote:Ridiculous things on Facebook? How about every Pro-Pats/Anti-Seattle Meme that Johnny has posted since the game ended. Has there been any that he's missed so far?

We get it...your team won and you are excited, but step away from the keyboard for a few minutes....
You're lucky you don't live here. It's an increasingly common them for the American Masshole to react to their teams winning with anger rather than joy. It has nothing to do with the cheating stuff. This cult of disrespect created by the Pats has carried over into every local fanbase and it's at the point where they don't even need bulletin board material, they can feign disrespect out of anything. Opposing teams are guilty of it simply for having the audacity to show up on the same field.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by EdRomero »

Poor Jerloma, instead of just rooting for local teams growing up he decides to jump on the Steelers, Celtics, and Yankees dynasties. Now he has to put up with us Massholes.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by mister d »

"Yuuuuuuup." - Joel Ward
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Gunpowder wrote:Fuck you Dave, you're embarrassing yourself. They are just letting off the righteous anger that you've all caused by suggesting anything WITHOUT FUCKING PROOF.
The one with the front page of the Seattle Times accusing SeaHawk fans of being bandwagon fans was what finally went over the line.

Are there bandwagon Hawk fans? Absolutely...as there are for any successful team. But a Boston fan calling other fans as bandwagoneers? The phrase "PinkHats" came didn't come from a vacuum...
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Jerloma »

EdRomero wrote:Poor Jerloma, instead of just rooting for local teams growing up he decides to jump on the Steelers, Celtics, and Yankees dynasties. Now he has to put up with us Massholes.
I was probably 9 years old before I chose any sports allegiances so I waited about 15 years and 25 years respectively to see the Yankees and Steelers win a championship. I'm not a Celtics fan.
And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness. - God
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by mister d »

In 2007, 16% of Bruins seats went unsold.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by The Sybian »

Jerloma wrote:
EdRomero wrote:Poor Jerloma, instead of just rooting for local teams growing up he decides to jump on the Steelers, Celtics, and Yankees dynasties. Now he has to put up with us Massholes.
I was probably 9 years old before I chose any sports allegiances so I waited about 15 years and 25 years respectively to see the Yankees and Steelers win a championship. I'm not a Celtics fan.
Nobody can ever accuse me of being a front runner, though I did start rooting for the Isles in the middle of their 4-Cup run, but I didn't understand it. I just had a lot of relatives on LI and drove past the Coliseum twice a year.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by mister d »

I could definitely be accused of being a front-runner switching from the Mets to the Yankees in 1989 but if you try it, I'll get my back up against the wall and just lose my fucking mind for 2 weeks.
Johnnie wrote: Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:13 pmOh shit, you just reminded me about toilet paper.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Jerloma »

I was so much more interested in playing sports than watching them when I was a kid and when I played football, I was Mean Joe Greene. Didn't matter if I was QB, receiver, defense, I was pretending I was him...just because of that commercial and the nickname. The truth is, I'm way more emotionally attached to Mike Merriweather and Frank Pollard than I am to Mean Joe and Franco. There are a bunch of guys on the Steelers board that are my age and younger that claim to have some sort of connection with those 70s teams. I don't even see how that's possible.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Ryan »

DaveInSeattle wrote:Ridiculous things on Facebook? How about every Pro-Pats/Anti-Seattle Meme that Johnny has posted since the game ended. Has there been any that he's missed so far?

We get it...your team won and you are excited, but step away from the keyboard for a few minutes....
I hate that too. So here's a good one:

he’s a fixbking cyborg or some shit. The

holy fuckbAllZ, what a ducking nightmare. Holy shot. Just, fuck. The
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Johnnie »

DaveInSeattle wrote:The one with the front page of the Seattle Times accusing SeaHawk fans of being bandwagon fans was what finally went over the line.
Honestly, for some reason your troll out of nowhere when I shared a Tom Brady vid from his official page of "cheater cheater cheater" annoyed me far more than a lot of the stuff I was reading. I really don't know why. Probably because it was from a fan of a fanbase I had truly never been mad about for anything. I was like "Is Dave trying to goad me into debate or is he being a dick because it's the cool thing to do at the moment?" So I figured the latter and felt the need to be a dick back, hence my comment to that pic.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by Johnnie »

And if you don't want to be my friend on Facebook, delete me. It's not a big deal.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by MaxWebster »

i'm probably 6 years behind the times on this but ima be deleting my fb account this week... honestly been annoying for years and i rarely even go but reading these points just drove home how i don't even want an account. plus i may even post something about food/sports/politics before i go :D

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Re: Ridiculous Things You Read On Facebook

Post by The Sybian »

MaxWebster wrote:i'm probably 6 years behind the times on this but ima be deleting my fb account this week... honestly been annoying for years and i rarely even go but reading these points just drove home how i don't even want an account. plus i may even post something about food/sports/politics before i go :D

Shit, I better friend you before you bail!
An honest to God cult of personality - formed around a failed steak salesman.
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