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Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:13 pm
by bfj
Since Jon is a Targaryen, he's going to ride the dragon named after his father, right?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:18 pm
by Johnnie

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:54 pm
by Johnnie
It's still kinda weird to see such intense storyline overlap so fast despite 6 seasons of world building.

Anyhoo, that squad going north of the wall is some kind of Delta Force.

Gendry is back (with Davos stating the line of the episode) and I totally forgot that he was Robert's bastard.

Gilly letting us know the R + L was legit because R had his previous marriage annulled therefore Jon Snow isn't a bastard and is higher in the food chain than Dany.

Littlefinger planted the scroll that Cersei forced Sansa to write. So now he's trying to drive a wedge between her and Arya.

When is Bran just gunna spill the beans on all this? Just fucking say something. Christ.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:12 am
by rass
I think the big plan, from Tyrion having to go to KL to Jon having to go North of the Wall, is dumb. In the end, it still depends on being able to reason with Cersei, which is dumb. Why not at least wait and see how things shake out from the dragon attack on the Lannister's?

I didn't really need Gendry back. Though the scene with the Hound and the BwB in the brig was fun, in part because he was there.

The passage Gilly read about Rhaegar was, I don't know? Too neat? If Sam didn't take that journal with him then it's gone from the show. And if Sam finds a magic WW bullet in the one of the 1/2 a dozen or so books he grabbed at random from the thousands and thousands available, then that's dumb, too.

And yeah, if Bran can't at least take a sec and stop LF from shaking down the Stark girls, what good is he? Actually, I hope he doesn't have to and Arya is a step ahead of LF, but listening to the commentary from B&W after the show last night it doesn't seem that is the case.

I had figured, once they announced there were only two seasons left, that this season would settle the fight for the Iron Throne and next season would all be about the fight against the WW. Now it seems possible we might get a break in the GoT for the all out battle against the WW, then maybe a resumption of hostilities (after Dany and Jon have sacrificed all of their resources to win that battle giving Cersei a better chance?).

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:03 am
by Jerloma
What's the difference between a wight and white walker?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:14 am
by rass
Wights are undead creatures (pretty much zombies maybe minus the eating of flesh?), brought back to "life" by the White Walkers (or maybe just the Night's King, the head WW). They are hard to stop, being undead an all, but can be burned, or chopped up by regular weapons. We've seen mostly humans, but also various animals and giants as wights.

The White Walkers are the made of ice looking dudes, who were created by the Children of the Forest thousands of years ago, presumably as a weapon against men that went awry. They are leading that horde of wights. They are vulnerable to dragon glass, Valyrian steel, and hopefully dragon fire, but not much else that we know of.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:21 am
by Rush2112
rass wrote:And if Sam finds a magic WW bullet in the one of the 1/2 a dozen or so books he grabbed at random from the thousands and thousands available, then that's dumb, too.

It's a library, those are placed randomly. The scroll he grabbed? Random. Those books he at least had some idea what is in them.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:36 am
by Johnnie
Funny thing I'm reading on forums today:

"Gilly was like Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny."

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:36 am
by rass
If you're suggesting that Sam used the DDC to find what he hopes will give him the best chance at something good, sure. But just in the prior scene he said that ideally every last Maester in the Citadel would be reading every last relevant tome in the hopes of finding an answer to the White Walker question, so I maintain it would be a leap if Sam just happened to grab it.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:48 am
by Rush2112
rass wrote:If you're suggesting that Sam used the DDC to find what he hopes will give him the best chance at something good, sure. But just in the prior scene he said that ideally every last Maester in the Citadel would be reading every last relevant tome in the hopes of finding an answer to the White Walker question, so I maintain it would be a leap if Sam just happened to grab it.

Wasn't he aware of where certain books that could be useful are located? He seemed to grab the book that had the dragon glass location on purpose.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:59 am
by Johnnie
Two obvious things I should have already realized:

The sigils in the opening credits next to the name are of the house that actor is portraying. (Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner have the gray direwolf, for example.) I had never noticed that before last night when my gf happened to see it.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow" is a play on words that refers to the fact of him not knowing who his true parents are. Ygritte was being an ass and it meant something else when she said it, but it has the "A ha!" moment of "There's money in the banana stand." I didn't even recognize it until today.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:37 pm
by bfj
The sigils also change on the map in the opening as lands are taken over. Winterfell had the burning man of the Boltons all of last season.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:29 pm
by rass
In anticipation of this week's (yeah it's leaked, not watching until Sunday) episode I rewatched the end of Hardhome for the first time. Holy shit is that well done (I know you know that). But goddamn.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:51 pm
by Johnnie
Due to the leak we're moving our viewing party up to tomorrow. Have dinner, watch the show, then game night without the worry of work the next morning.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:54 pm
by Johnnie

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:37 pm
by Johnnie
So this season and next are basically fan fiction gone batshit, right?

6 10 episode seasons of world building and a slow burn to immediately overlap all storylines and end it in 13.

I'm kinda disappointed for all of this. I'll watch and be blown away at each haymaker, but it's kind unfortunate in a way.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:15 pm
by Johnnie

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:30 am
by rass
Johnnie wrote:So this season and next are basically fan fiction gone batshit, right?

6 10 episode seasons of world building and a slow burn to immediately overlap all storylines and end it in 13.

I'm kinda disappointed for all of this. I'll watch and be blown away at each haymaker, but it's kind unfortunate in a way.

I don't know if the fanfic comment is too harsh or not. I think they're a victim of the condensed season (which I guess was their own decision?), and that as the story wrapped up and long-lingering questions were answered and the "good guys" started to get some wins it was always going to start to resemble a more traditional fantasy story (I guess GRRM could finish the books and prove me wrong). I agree that while the end point last night was awesome and that Dany seeing and believing, and the Night's King looking more badass, and a dragon dying, and a dragon being zombified, were all story beats that make sense, the way we got there over the last two episodes was disappointing. Jon's plan is just dumb, and the dumber half is yet to come next week.

And let's not forget that Arya being played by Littlefinger in the "B" plot last night might be more infuriating than anything that happened in the "A" plot.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:48 am
by tennbengal
The story beats make sense. What has felt rushed and makes no sense is how they got to the beats. Better and more logically grounded writing would have helped. Part of this feels like, to me anyway (fairly or unfairly) the showrunners getting tired of it and already mentally moving on to their next thing.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:09 am
by rass

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:28 am
by Johnnie
Daenerys be like the Falcons in Super Bowl 51...

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:28 am
by Jerloma
Popular theory out there is that Bran is going to warg the zombie dragon and turn it against the night king.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:30 am
by A_B ... 0428913664

(Longclaw opened its eye when Jon came out of water)

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:55 am
by Jerloma
What does that mean? Are we warging swords now too?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:59 am
by rass
Jerloma wrote:What does that mean? Are we warging swords now too?

I bet there's a good chance it's just a cool little moment for the very observant and those of us who follow them on Twitter.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:11 am
by Rush2112
Jerloma wrote:Popular theory out there is that Bran is going to warg the zombie dragon and turn it against the night king.

They talked about this on Talk The Thrones last night. If none of y'all have watched it's pretty interesting. TV critics and book readers/watchers discussing the episode. On Twitter via Periscope (which blows) but informative nonetheless.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:15 am
by rass
Jerloma wrote:Popular theory out there is that Bran is going to warg the zombie dragon and turn it against the night king.

But that would require that Bran do something, anything, so it seems unlikely.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:16 am
by Rush2112
rass wrote:
Jerloma wrote:Popular theory out there is that Bran is going to warg the zombie dragon and turn it against the night king.

But that would require that Bran do something, anything, so it seems unlikely.

Give the kid some slack he just got the new Cure box set.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:07 pm
by bfj
Can he warg into inanimate objects?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:06 pm
by Johnnie
Rush2112 wrote:
Jerloma wrote:Popular theory out there is that Bran is going to warg the zombie dragon and turn it against the night king.

They talked about this on Talk The Thrones last night. If none of y'all have watched it's pretty interesting. TV critics and book readers/watchers discussing the episode. On Twitter via Periscope (which blows) but informative nonetheless.

Link: ... 4346060800

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:56 pm
by Jerloma
I'm going to predict that Cersei suggests a battle against the Mountain and if defeated, she'll lend her help to defeat the dead. Jon volunteers to fight him, but the the Hound steps in instead and takes him out.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:35 pm
by rass
Jerloma wrote:I'm going to predict that Cersei suggests a battle against the Mountain and if defeated, she'll lend her help to defeat the dead. Jon volunteers to fight him, but the the Hound steps in instead and takes him out.

Don't forget Brienne, who Sansa sent for some reason or another.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:18 pm
by Johnnie
Jerloma wrote:I'm going to predict that Cersei suggests a battle against the Mountain and if defeated, she'll lend her help to defeat the dead. Jon volunteers to fight him, but the the Hound steps in instead and takes him out.

Clegane Bowl has been something the fans have wanted forever. And that makes sense to make it happen.

But I don't see The Mountain losing to The Hound.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:34 am
by rass

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:04 pm
by Johnnie
Zombie fucking ice dragon.

Incest sex when Bran finally decides to tell the R + L = J story. Ewww.

Littlefinger getting murdered by Arya was soooooo satisfying.

See you guys in like a year and change.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:40 am
by tennbengal
That episode redeemed the prior one for me.

And seeing Littlefinger get got was a full fan service highlight for this viewer. Even better, they had so sold me on the dumb character arc they seemed to be on that I actually didn't quite see it coming.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:59 am
by rass
It redeemed part of last season, too. "See, we had Arya be dumb enough to show her actual face in the market in Braavos such that she got gut-stabbed by the Waif so you would think she would be dumb enough to get played by LF this season. You're welcome!"

I sort of hope part of the conflict they're setting up between Jon and Dany is that without his dumb plan, which they should know shortly completely failed when Jaime is the lone member of the Lannister army that shows up, the Night King would have never gotten a dragon and would have had a much harder time getting past the Wall (I still bet he has the horn in the book).

Not sure that I care about Theron's redemption.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:09 pm
by tennbengal
"Thank you for your many lessons Lord Baelish, I will never forget them."

I mean, seriously, that five minute scene made me so very happy.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 5:20 pm
by Johnnie

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:27 pm
by Johnnie
This dude just fixed the dumbest plot: