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Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:15 am
by ZMan
Found on Reddit, relevant to swamp life...


Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:01 pm
by Keg
Missandei (the interpreter slave from Astapor) looks fantastic in the background of this interview

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:10 am
by Johnny Carwash
So...12 hours on and no mention of Ygritte getting naked?

Also, Robb Stark's military situation is starting to look like Robert E. Lee circa January 1865.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:42 am
by Steve of phpBB
Johnny Carwash wrote:So...12 hours on and no mention of Ygritte getting naked?

Also, Robb Stark's military situation is starting to look like Robert E. Lee circa January 1865.
She looked so emaciated it freaked me out. She looks better with layers of fur on.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:48 pm
by Keg
The greyscale on Stan's daughter looks worse than I had imagined.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:50 pm
by ZMan
That was the fittest looking emaciated I've ever seen. She went up solidly in my book after that scene. That's not all that went up solidly.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:02 pm
by vandwagon
I think the fetuses in the jars were some of the most disturbing things I've seen in a TV show or movie. Probably because my daughter is about the size of one of them, but ugh. Horrible.

I was pleasantly surprised by both Ygritte and Brienne's scenes last night. Thought they both looked good at different ends of the spectrum. How can it be that Jamie Lannister is becoming somewhat sympathetic?

Poor Sansa. I can't wait to see the look on her face when Tyrion breaks the news. Too bad she turned Littlefinger down. We shall see though.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:20 pm
by ZMan
I thought Jamie's scene in the hot tub was awesome. Superb character development.

The fetus jar were creepy, but then, that whole scene was creeperific. No wonder they keep that bitch locked up in her tower.
The daughter tweaked me as well. Mainly because I never ever heard her mentioned before, and Stannis has been featured since S2. Also, he's such a non-parent. It's like they're trying to make Stannis a sympathetic character, but failing miserably.

The closing scene was great too. Like I tweeted, Tywin was flexing that pimp hand, and that pimp hand is strong. The look on Cerseis face was priceless.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:29 pm
by Rush2112
Johnny Carwash wrote:So...12 hours on and no mention of Ygritte getting naked?
NSFW GIF of said event.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:19 pm
by tennbengal
Avid book-reader.

Jamie Lannister's character is one of the best among a whole series of awesome characters. They are doing it full justice with the TV adaptation.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:25 pm
by tennbengal
Robb Stark manages a war about as well as David Shula managed a football game.

Make some sense, both in positions they shouldn't have been in thanks to the greatness of their fathers.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:10 am
by Johnnie
It's about time Ygritte got naked. I bet she Crossfits. And it was pretty funny that she was calling bullshit on Jon Snow being a virgin because of how good he was at oral.

The scene with Jamie uspiraling his "Kingslayer" persona was just powerful. Nickolai Coster-Waldau is such an awesome actor.

Is anyone else glued to the screen when Charles Dance is on it? That guy is another amazing actor, my God. Why is it the only other role I know of his is the villain in Last Action Hero?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:05 am
by Steve of phpBB
Rush2112 wrote:
Johnny Carwash wrote:So...12 hours on and no mention of Ygritte getting naked?
NSFW GIF of said event.
Sorry, it's still freaking me out. I've been waiting and waiting until we finally get to see her naked, and then she takes off the furs, and we're just about there, and then it's ribcage and clavicle.

Plus, then they don't even show us the flaming red muff.

The view isn't bad from behind, though.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:52 am
by tennbengal
In fairness, not a lot of food beyond the wall maybe, at least not like there apparently is hanging with the Tyrells. Ribcage and clavicle makes some sense.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 8:52 am
by Johnnie
Caligula and Joffrey. Via Reddit.


Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:30 am
by Johnnie
Can I be the 1st to call bullshit on them scaling that damn wall?

Kind of a blah episode in my mind (except for the Petr Baelish monologue at the end and the mental chess match that was Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell), but obviously necessary to keep the story line moving along.

But no Mother Of Dragons in this episode? Hrmmm.

I did love Tyrion's line. This..this is awkward.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:56 am
by Steve of phpBB
Johnnie wrote:Can I be the 1st to call bullshit on them scaling that damn wall?

Kind of a blah episode in my mind (except for the Petr Baelish monologue at the end and the mental chess match that was Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell), but obviously necessary to keep the story line moving along.

But no Mother Of Dragons in this episode? Hrmmm.

I did love Tyrion's line. This..this is awkward.
It seems like they put a lot of stuff in that was not in the books. I guess you have to do that when you are trying to condense hundreds of pages into ten episodes.

Did that stuff about Gendry being kidnapped by Melisandre happen in the books? Or Joffrey ventilating Varys's prostitute source?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:44 am
by rass
Steve of phpBB wrote:Did that stuff about Gendry being kidnapped by Melisandre happen in the books?
I haven't read book 5 yet, but earlier in the story (meaning, where the TV show is at now) she went after another one of Robert's bastard (Edric Storm) who had been sent off to live with Renly. Has Edric been a part of the show at all?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:08 am
by Steve of phpBB
rass wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:Did that stuff about Gendry being kidnapped by Melisandre happen in the books?
I haven't read book 5 yet, but earlier in the story (meaning, where the TV show is at now) she went after another one of Robert's bastard (Edric Storm) who had been sent off to live with Renly. Has Edric been a part of the show at all?
Thanks. As far as I know, Edric has not been part of the show.

I read all of the books in succession last summer, so I have a real hard time keeping track of what happened, in what order.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:09 am
by ZMan
From what I've gathered on Reddit, Ros's character was not in the books at all, so her little tete-a-tete with Joffrey was news to everyone. A poster on Reddit pointed out the synchronicity between Joffreys crossbow bolt placement and Arya's arrow placement, which I thought rather cool and quirky, but nothing more than water cooler fodder.

The wall part pissed me off as well, but I'm used to pretty much every action/adventure story having wholly unrealistic and unbelievable parts for the "awesomeness" or whatever the fuck the writer is thinking when he/she writes a wholly unbelievable part. I'm laughing because...what now for that crew? 4 survivors out of the entire raiding party, whole lotta good that'll do for storming the wall castles. Truth is, I'm finding the entire "north of the wall" storyline to be boring and tedious. Even moreso now that it's broken into two storylines. One starring fat fucking whiny Sam, who I wish would have been killed by the white walkers, and the other featuring Jon Snow, aptly named because he acts as well as a chunk of ice.

The back and forth between Tywin and Olenna was awesome. She totally had him nailed before he played his "Hand of the King" card. Was pretty cool seeing him have to resort to such petulance after utterly dominating everyone else he has come into contact with.

Finally, I squirmed like a motherfucker during Theons pinky scene. Holy fuck is that little ruddy looking dude cray-cray.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:34 am
by Rams Fanny
So you guys are fine with dragons flying around, a guy coming back from death 6 times by having words whispered to him, and a 6yr old who runs through a wolf's body when he dreams, but scaling a 700 foot wall with no magic is too much to buy? Not sure I follow....

Some of the plot lines do work better in the books but given the task at hand I think they've done a great job telling the story. The 'Fat Sam' storyline is maddening at times but necessary for later. This show's 'meh' is better than 98% better than the rest of the TV landscape.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:38 am
by Steve of phpBB
ZMan wrote:From what I've gathered on Reddit, Ros's character was not in the books at all, so her little tete-a-tete with Joffrey was news to everyone. A poster on Reddit pointed out the synchronicity between Joffreys crossbow bolt placement and Arya's arrow placement, which I thought rather cool and quirky, but nothing more than water cooler fodder.

The wall part pissed me off as well, but I'm used to pretty much every action/adventure story having wholly unrealistic and unbelievable parts for the "awesomeness" or whatever the fuck the writer is thinking when he/she writes a wholly unbelievable part. I'm laughing because...what now for that crew? 4 survivors out of the entire raiding party, whole lotta good that'll do for storming the wall castles. Truth is, I'm finding the entire "north of the wall" storyline to be boring and tedious. Even moreso now that it's broken into two storylines. One starring fat fucking whiny Sam, who I wish would have been killed by the white walkers, and the other featuring Jon Snow, aptly named because he acts as well as a chunk of ice.

The back and forth between Tywin and Olenna was awesome. She totally had him nailed before he played his "Hand of the King" card. Was pretty cool seeing him have to resort to such petulance after utterly dominating everyone else he has come into contact with.

Finally, I squirmed like a motherfucker during Theons pinky scene. Holy fuck is that little ruddy looking dude cray-cray.
There's a lot of good analysis on avclub about the show and how it compares with the books. And their writer agrees (as do I) that the North of the Wall stuff is tedious and a distraction. It's like Martin couldn't decide whether to write a book about heroes like the Lord of the Rings, or something like the Odyssey, or a political intrigue thriller, or a zombie story. So he wrote all four.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 1:17 pm
by Keg
I am pretty sure Edric has not made an appearance on the show (and Mel never left Dragonstone for the Riverlands in the book, so that part is TV show only). Seems like they are using Gendry to cover Edric's part...or maybe Mel is going to use him for 'shadow baby making' purposes since Stan's stamina is on empty -- complete guess, I dont know.

Ros was also TV show only, and really f'n useless. They spent a lot of time on her for nothing. She had a nice rack, though.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 1:17 pm
by Keg
My avatar is disgusting.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:30 pm
by Keg
ZMan wrote:I'm laughing because...what now for that crew? 4 survivors out of the entire raiding party, whole lotta good that'll do for storming the wall castles.
IIRC, the first set of raiders who made it to the top of the wall dropped down rope ladders for everyone else to climb.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:35 pm
by ZMan
Rams Fanny wrote:So you guys are fine with dragons flying around, a guy coming back from death 6 times by having words whispered to him, and a 6yr old who runs through a wolf's body when he dreams, but scaling a 700 foot wall with no magic is too much to buy? Not sure I follow....
If the world involves dragons as members of it's animal species, I can roll
If the world involves magic (whether granted by a god or invoked by a wizard) I can roll
And dreams are dreams and have always been the realm of whatever one can imagine, so I can roll with anything dream-wise.

But physically climbing up a sheer ice wall with no aid of magic whatsoever? Catching the weight and stopping the momentum of a falling person via only one ice pick jabbed into said ice wall without the aid of magic? No. No. fucking. way.
So yeah, magic in a world setting is fine, doing the impossible without it, is not.
Keg wrote:
ZMan wrote:I'm laughing because...what now for that crew? 4 survivors out of the entire raiding party, whole lotta good that'll do for storming the wall castles.
IIRC, the first set of raiders who made it to the top of the wall dropped down rope ladders for everyone else to climb.
OK, that would make sense, but they didn't show that happening. Maybe next week. I was also thinking of the 10 or so that plummeted when the wall sheared off.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:55 pm
by Steve of phpBB
ZMan wrote:So yeah, magic in a world setting is fine, doing the impossible without it, is not.
What he said.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:28 pm
by BuffloSoldier
RW comin'.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:11 pm
by Keg
The episode next week was written by GRRM - should be a good one.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:27 pm
by Keg
Repost from the book thread:

I have uploaded the first audio book to my gdrive. Shoot me your gmail address and I'll share access to the folder.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:29 pm
by Keg
I'll upload Book 2 overnight...need to save my bandwidth for

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:15 am
by Johnnie
Listening to The BS Report from the 7th with Andy Greenwald when he drops 2 notes I didn't even realize:

-Jorah's (the blonde dude who has been beside Khaleesi's side since day 1) dad was the Head of the Night's Watch. You think the last name "Mormont" would have made me realize that.

-Arya's friend that was taken by Melisandra (the red head witch lady) is Robert Baratheon's only known bastard son -- and rightful heir to the throne. That's why he was taken away.

Either I'm horrible at following this, or it's so complex, I was meant to be horrible at following it.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:56 am
by Steve of phpBB
Johnnie wrote:Either I'm horrible at following this, or it's so complex, I was meant to be horrible at following it.
There's a lot to miss. During the first two seasons, I was in trial prep both times, so I couldn't give it my full attention. So I ended up giving up. I still haven't seen most of the second season.

Now that I've read the books, I'm enjoying it a lot more.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 12:25 pm
by Johnny Carwash
Johnnie wrote:Listening to The BS Report from the 7th with Andy Greenwald when he drops 2 notes I didn't even realize:

-Jorah's (the blonde dude who has been beside Khaleesi's side since day 1) dad was the Head of the Night's Watch. You think the last name "Mormont" would have made me realize that.

-Arya's friend that was taken by Melisandra (the red head witch lady) is Robert Baratheon's only known bastard son -- and rightful heir to the throne. That's why he was taken away.

Either I'm horrible at following this, or it's so complex, I was meant to be horrible at following it.
That first point was completely over my head too, and I spend more time than I should on forums/wikis devoted to the show.

Also, there was a great cringe moment on that podcast where Simmons asked Greenwald something along the lines of "So, what year is it that this show takes place?" and seemed genuinely baffled when Greenwald explained that it's not Earth but an alternate universe.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:36 am
by DaveInSeattle
Robb Stark may be the worst King/General ever...but damn his wife has a nice ass....

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:55 am
by Johnnie
I got giddy when there was a scene with Daenerys. Just rolling up into Random Town X and threatening to burn it the fuck down? BALLIN'! My buddy brought up something at dinner: Emilia Clarke visiting my squadron as the 'Dragon Lady' to visit the, well, the dragon ladies. (Even though her dragons are dudes, but whatever.)

And this Theon storyline better be going somewhere. First his pinky, now his dick after teasing a threesome? Cold blooded.

This episode was quite better than the last, btw. Everything moved so fluidly.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:35 am
by Bensell
Caught up with the last 2 episodes last night - really digging where the last 3 episodes are leading (I've only read the first 2 books so I'm not ahead of the series). John Snow's northern ginger is really growing on me, but no one holds a candle to Daenerys.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:47 pm
by garyclark
The Theon stuff is painful to watch. Too much for me. A colleague who read the books told me it gets worse. I may start skipping those scenes.

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 1:19 am
by Johnnie
garyclark wrote:The Theon stuff is painful to watch. Too much for me. A colleague who read the books told me it gets worse. I may start skipping those scenes.
What's worse then getting your dick cut off? Did he say if there was a point to it all?

Re: Game of Thrones....

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:11 am
by elflaco
well, their sigul is the flayed man.... the books aren't as descriptive on the process, only the results. its pretty bad.