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Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:22 pm
by Jerloma
I don't even know.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:32 pm
by Shirley
It's V for Vendetta for retards (white retards only, thanks).

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:50 pm
by Scottie
V for Vendetta was V for Vendetta for retards.

It would be silly, of course, to link that video vision of certifiable paranoia with the Tea Party itself given that the Tea Party doesn't really exist per se and countless little org'ies have sprung up co-opting it. The Tea Party itself is as undefinable and vague as the Occupy movement, being possessed of no central agenda, or no agenda at all, beyond being people other than the people they don't like.

Rather glaring production error in that the "flame of liberty" in the rebel group's symbol looks remarkably like the Obama rainbowunicorn wave.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:13 pm
by Johnnie
Let's get a little more local in politics. Hopefully this hasn't already been brought up, but here we go.

This dude Steve Berke has a YouTube comedy channel and he is also running for Mayor of Miami. He did a Reddit AMA: I'm currently running for Mayor of Miami Beach against a near billionaire and a career politician and I'm making a documentary about the dirty political process, and the election is in 9 days.

And he has this as his official campaign rap video:

And that Skylink he's referencing? Oh, it's only supported (not official endorsed, however) by Richard Branson.

Also, check out his website:" onclick=";return false; Pretty damn awesome.

This might be the coolest politician ever.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:25 pm
by howard
Scottie wrote:The Tea Party itself is…undefinable and vague…being possessed of no central agenda, or no agenda at all…
Hey, it did when we started it. 1) No more bailouts; 2) Stop the Looting; 3) Start the Prosecuting. No more, no less (this was when Bush was still president.) But, that didn't last long.

As for Occupy, not my fault. I was a latecomer to that movement (I didn't go down there until the second weekend.)

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:10 am
by Pruitt
As a Canadian, my direct exposure to the Tea Partiers was limited to sharing a packed bus in Alexandria Virginia a few years ago with a bunch of folks who were in D.C. for a rally of some sort.

The couple near me smelled bad, there were many missing teeth and unkempt beards, but an impressive collection of buttons bearing messages.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:33 pm
by Pruitt
Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford is done. ... ments-say/

Not just that they have the legendary video of him smoking crack, but that his staffers may have been indulging in a bit of extortion in order to cover things up.

Great details here: ... e15163302/

And here is a particularly pathetic detail from the police's surveillance of the mayor. (Lisi is his driver - a convicted drug offender who seems to have been the middleman in all of this)
Another incident, on August 13, shows policed watched Ford and Lisi meet in a "secluded area" in Weston Wood Park for about an hour. After they left, police officers found and seized a vodka and juice bottle from the spot.
So not only is our mayor a crack smoking liar who seems to have incited extortion - he also drinks in the woods like a 14 year old. Good times.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:18 pm
by Scottie
The one thing that all this noise around Ford has proven (and it's the only thing that has been proven) is that the media in Canada is now no better, in fact worse, than media everywhere else.

If you want an idea of how messed up the entire country is right now, look at the mayors' offices in Canada's three largest cities.

Toronto: Nobody knows what has happened there. The media in Toronto is not "liberal media". No, it is far far far left of liberal media. The Red Star is flat-out Marxist. And they have hated Ford since the day he first ran for office. The commedia has done so many vile things regarding Ford that it is impossible to tell what is their doing and what is authentic (if anything). The irony is that if they had treated Ford fairly, he may well have brought himself down anyway.

Montreal: This is beyond laughable, the corruption is so rampant that nobody wants the job of mayor and, in fact, it is impossible to even become mayor unless you are tied to organize crime. People in Montreal don't even know who the mayor is anymore, only that it is someone they didn't vote for who took over for someone else they didn't vote for and all of them get thrown out of office because they get nailed for millions upon millions in graft.

Vancouver: Quietly, Vancouver is the most corrupt of all. Gregor Robertson, a complete lunatic but typical of the politicians that Vancouver elects, is illegally funded by the American (and international) oil industry on an agenda of eliminating Canadian oil from the international market. Canadian oil creates competition and drives prices down so, oil being a cut-throat industry, it has to go. Yet Vancouver's mayor is staggeringly corrupt in a way that the leftie BC media LIKES. So you don't hear anything about the shit he does which in a sane world would land him in prison way before a guy like Rob Ford. Robertson's crimes involve billions of dollars and the livelihoods of thousands, tens of thousands, of residents. But he gets a free pass.

Ottawa and Calgary follow size-wise. And while Calgary's mayor may not be, on the surface, the sort of scumbag the big three cities have, he was elected on plagiarizing the Obama model, yodelling hope and change and yes we can all the while. He'll run up billions in debt, drive a prosperous city into the ground, but he at least he is unlikely to get arrested.

Great nation, eh?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:53 pm
by Pruitt
Scottie - in terms of the Toronto media, your comments may be true in general, but in this case, the Star was right all along. And ultimately, it may hav ebeen their goading, their refusal to let this issue go that forced the police to keep digging.

I never read the star - it is a rag - but in this case, the paper was 100% right.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:12 pm
by Scottie
Pruitt wrote:Scottie - in terms of the Toronto media, your comments may be true in general, but in this case, the Star was right all along. And ultimately, it may hav ebeen their goading, their refusal to let this issue go that forced the police to keep digging.

I never read the star - it is a rag - but in this case, the paper was 100% right.
100% right about what?

Nothing that has been released so far can result in successful criminal charges against Ford. Littering maybe. Although I suspect the cops dug through a trash bin like homeless gophers to find two vodka bottles. Oh and there's those pics from a security cam of Ford going to take a piss in a convenience store. Damning stuff.

All I've heard and read so far is "maybe possibly could be might have been y'could think believe". If the cops display some solid evidence, then it will be worth paying attention. As I said, the Red Star has already published so many lies, cried wolf so many times, they cannot be believed. The cops? Them I'll take seriously.

ETA: Having said that, it would be shocking if Ford is still mayor come Monday morning.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:10 am
by Pruitt
Scottie - not referring to criminal charges. The paper was 100% right about the existence of footage of the mayor smoking crack with known drug dealers.

And the fact that this actually happened means that the Star is also right in constantly asserting that the man is unfit for office.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:34 am
by Gunpowder
You're the mayor - do coke like a normal person. And not on tape. Jeez, I could have really assisted this administration as drug czar.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:21 am
by Scottie
Pruitt wrote:Scottie - not referring to criminal charges. The paper was 100% right about the existence of footage of the mayor smoking crack with known drug dealers.
No, they weren't. The video, if it is even authentic, doesn't prove that a controlled substance was being used any more than Halloween night proves there are millions of vampires and witches.

If the Red Star was so confident in its allegations, why did it have to cowardly hide behind trashrag Gawker?

For those of you who don't know what the Red Star is, it is a tabloid paper similar to the trash you find on Fleet Street in England; a Piers Morgan type of garbage.

Fact is, the Red Star does not publish journalism. Its objective is not even to report actual news. It is a print and internet publication with a political agenda; in this case an agenda of demonizing Ford because he is White, heterosexual and conservative; three traits that the Red Star despises. Had this been a ceaseless attack on an aboriginal or visible minority, the Red Star would be out of business. And, hey, that would be a hate crime, right? Yes, it would be the very definition of a hate crime.

Note the three all-caps words here: Ford was ALLEGED to have used a controlled substance, which he DENIED. The Red Star published over 7000 (yes, over 7000) attack articles on Ford just since May. They had 37 on the front page of their site yesterday morning. 37 attack articles. That's not journalism, that is obsessive demonization. Meanwhile, the leader of a national political party, the federal Liberal Party, ADMITTED he uses a controlled substance and wants to see it legalized. What does the Red Star do about Junior Trudeau, son of a devout Marxist? Do they obsessively try to run him out of office? No, no, no. They praise him. Where was the moral high-horse there? Where was the indignant leftie umbrage? There was none, of course, toward one of their own. This clearly demonstrates the entirety of motivation; completely political in the interests of nobody but themselves.

The cops discovered the fuzzy Ford tidbit on their own as part of an investigation of Lisi (Ford's driver). The Red Star can claim all the credit they want but, face it, they had absolutely nothing to do with an ongoing police investigation into an employee of Ford's, they latched on to it like a lamprey, and the Red Star exploited and overblew the tiny fragment that fell into their laps (for sale, from a drug dealer, no less) as much as they possibly could. And there is no mechanism to stop such an onslaught of ongoing cowardice from a publisher. None.

Looking Ahead at the New Boss

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:14 pm
by howard

Re: Looking Ahead at the New Boss

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:43 pm
by The Sybian
That is jut irresponsible. I would have spoken for a quarter of that amount.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:46 pm
by Jerloma


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:27 pm
by howard
n.b. the stuff he says before he gets to the 'why I don't vote' stuff.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:29 pm
by brian
So the mayor himself admits he smoked crack "in a drunken stupor".

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:50 pm
by Scottie
brian wrote:So the mayor himself admits he smoked crack "in a drunken stupor".
But "not the way that the Red Star claimed". Whatever. He's the media gift that keeps on giving. It's like having Larry Flynt as mayor.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:07 pm
by brian
The "in a drunken stupor" line is an all-time best. So he'll live on for decades thanks to that at least.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:15 pm
by Pruitt
brian wrote:The "in a drunken stupor" line is an all-time best. So he'll live on for decades thanks to that at least.
He wants to see the video to see what state he was in, because he doesn't remember.

Give me strength.

And by picking a fight with the chief of police, Ford and his bully of a brother (City Councillor) may have helped anoint Toronto's future mayor.
He's the media gift that keeps on giving. It's like having Larry Flynt as mayor.
Yes... but no. At least Larry Flynt seems to know what he;s doing from one moment to the next.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:23 pm
by howard
brian wrote:So the mayor himself admits he smoked crack "in a drunken stupor".

You get yourself in a drugged stupor. Then gracefully drink to drunkenness, as the drugs wear off.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:26 pm
by Scottie
Funny thing is that Ford's approval rating just keeps going up; especially in the last couple of days.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:47 pm
by Steve of phpBB
The God Damn Bitch set him up.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:56 pm
by howard
Ah, the Marion Berry defense.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:05 pm
by Scottie
Pruitt wrote:
He's the media gift that keeps on giving. It's like having Larry Flynt as mayor.
Yes... but no. At least Larry Flynt seems to know what he;s doing from one moment to the next.
Okay. Lindsay Lohan then. However it's spelled.

How much of an irony is it that Ford is the one mayor Toronto has had in the last three decades or so where you didn't wonder what the hell they were smokin' and he is the only one that apparently was smokin'?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:27 pm
by The Sybian
Scottie wrote:Funny thing is that Ford's approval rating just keeps going up; especially in the last couple of days.

People always like a politician they can relate to.

Too bad Chris Farley is dead, he'd be perfect to play Ford. Probably wouldn't be much of a stretch for him to play the role. Which brings me to the question, how can an older guy who is that fat smoke crack without having a heart attack? Maybe that should be his defense.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:33 pm
by Scottie
That's exactly what I was wondering, Syb. How can a guy of his, errrmh, carriage drunkenly stuporly smoke crack cocaine and not have a cardiac explosion?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:50 pm
by Scottie
And, naturally, #inadrunkenstupor is the hottest Twitter trend in Canada right now. Solid.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:48 pm
by Johnnie
howard wrote:n.b. the stuff he says before he gets to the 'why I don't vote' stuff.

This skit right here is what influenced me to never vote or even try to register to do so. And it also reminded me that people suck and no amount of anything you could ever produce to change that will.

As for Mr. Ford, he didn't listen to LT:

And wasn't "in a drunken stupor" a Swamp line at one point? I feel like it's been used before. It was either here or high school I've heard it, but I'm misremembering at the moment.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:22 am
by rass

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:03 am
by The Sybian
That is great. Some guy just sole the same tie on e-bay yesterday for $20. If he waited a day or two, he probably could have made a lot more. It's all about timing (except for asking out girls).

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:56 pm
by Scottie

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:53 pm
by Scottie
Rob Ford caught on camera associating with yet another well-known criminal:


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:37 am
by Johnnie

Derp. The Rob Ford parody to Jay Z's "Tom Ford" is months old. In fact, there are a couple of them. Nevermind.

I like this one best because of all the additional footage.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:01 pm
by kranepool


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:09 am
by degenerasian

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:33 pm
by sancarlos
The Sybian wrote:
Scottie wrote:Funny thing is that Ford's approval rating just keeps going up; especially in the last couple of days.
People always like a politician they can relate to.

Too bad Chris Farley is dead, he'd be perfect to play Ford. Probably wouldn't be much of a stretch for him to play the role. Which brings me to the question, how can an older guy who is that fat smoke crack without having a heart attack? Maybe that should be his defense.
Maybe Chris Farley isn't really dead. You never saw Rob Ford and Chris Farley in the same room, amirite? Makes you wonder...

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:43 pm
by Gunpowder
Johnnie wrote:Edit:

Derp. The Rob Ford parody to Jay Z's "Tom Ford" is months old. In fact, there are a couple of them. Nevermind.

I like this one best because of all the additional footage.

That's better than the actual Jay-Z song.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:33 pm
by Sabo