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NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:59 pm
by Ryan

-Through W16, each set of questions will include 4 Swamper-submitted questions (2 sports, 2 other)
-All questions in W17 and the playoffs will come from me
-I'll post questions here and email them to the group. Make sure you don't reply to all if answering by email
-For your own questions only, you may "cheat" and submit any answer you want
-Correct answers get a score equal to the number of people who said it
-Wrong answers get the value of the highest-scoring correct answer +5
-Low score wins
-Standings, tiebreakers, playoff matchups, all determined exactly as they would be in the real NFL


Send answers to ryantfriedman (gmail) or private message here







1. Name any of the European countries listed here in their native language (9)
NOTE - You don't have to tell me which foreign name you're matching


2. Name any Daytime Emmy Award nominee for Outstanding Children's Program from 1985-1995 (16)

3. Name any first name more common among girls born in the U.S. in the 1970s than Elizabeth (11)

4. Besides drums (timpani, snare, tenor, and bass), name a instrument listed in the percussion section of the Wikipedia article on modern orchestras (10)

5. According to the real time results of, name one of the 15 currently most-used emojis on Twitter other than variations on human faces, hearts, hands, or any other body part (15)

6. Name any MLB manager (interim or permanent) since and including 2010 whose last name starts with M (14)

7. Following the 1990 and 1991 college football seasons, 11 previously independent schools joined a conference. Name one of the 15 remaining independents in Division 1A for 1992 (15)

8. According to a 2011 Huffington Post survey, name an activity or apparatus that AT LEAST 10% of health club members said they regularly used or participated in at the club (10)
NOTE: Certain machines/apparati are grouped and some are not. I may ask you to be more specific, or you may be lumped in with a larger category than you wanted

9.'s Hall of Fame Probability Index uses factors such as NBA titles, appearances on statistical leaderboards, all-star game selections, win shares, and height to determine the chances any player has of being elected were their career to end today. 3 players active in 2016-17 are at 100% - LeBron, Wade, and Nowitzki. Name any other ACTIVE player with a greater than 50% chance as of right now (12)
NOTE: All correct answers have played in the NBA this year. Chris Bosh and Amare Stoudemire would be the only technicalities to avoid

10. Name a current NFL franchise with at least 1 Super Bowl appearance but no championships (9)

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:08 pm
by mister d
Totally resting my starters.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:14 pm
by brian
mister d wrote:Totally resting my starters.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:23 pm
by A_B
I don't think I'm drawing dead but I'm not in great shape.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:23 pm
by A_B
Actually. I think I am dead. I may have lost to both howard and duff.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:31 pm
by Ryan
brian wrote:
mister d wrote:Totally resting my starters.
Lycos wrote:Get me Matt Flynn's agent

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:42 pm
by Diamond
Question #1 is just incredible.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:08 pm
by DC47
Yes. Who thinks about things like this? I'm confident on two and the rest are either 1-in-3 guesses (a few more) or no idea (most).

So I mentioned this to my 19 year old daughter, now home for a college break. Some of you will recall as a participant in SwampCrashes back when she was a far younger teen. She is interested in languages, so she pulled up this site to read the question. She says she was highly confident of all but 2 or 3 (which she had strong guesses for) of the country names, and explained her thought process for each. Amazing to me. This is someone who after being admitted to her current college a couple years ago believed that it was "probably in Los Angeles." The school is widely known to have long been located quite near San Francisco. That suggests quite a discrepancy between her bodies of knowledge, and certainly between what she knows and I know. Sadly, she now is aware that she has not been living in LA, but I will most likely never know more than two of those original-language names of Euro countries.

By the way, I'm not using her assistance to guide my own answers. That would be unfair cheating, as we say around here. And anyway, she'd be of no help at all on the hockey and video game questions.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:58 am
by Ryan
Bump - only a few people in over the weekend. 3 more days.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:54 am
by Jerloma
So do twitter emojis have official names or can we just describe them? For example, "Human hitting a horse with a bat."

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:19 am
by A_B
Jerloma wrote:So do twitter emojis have official names or can we just describe them? For example, "Human hitting a horse with a bat."

Would that be "beating a dead horse"?

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:19 am
by Ryan
Jerloma wrote:So do twitter emojis have official names or can we just describe them? For example, "Human hitting a horse with a bat."
Most of them can be described by one word, but in any event yes just get close enough to what it is or what it means

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:37 am
by Ryan


Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:00 am
by tennbengal
There's gonna be a wild card team in AFC with an average PPW of 39.

That's crazy.

Screaming at my starters to fucking kill themselves this week to find a win and avoid Wlu in the first round of the playoffs.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:00 pm
by sancarlos
My parents have left the building. Babysitting duties done. I'm back in the game. Sort of. In.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:06 am
by Ryan

Mister D

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:59 am
by DC47
Ryan, are we still on with you "losing" my opponent's answers? Or do you want me to send you a substitute answer set for the opponent, with subtly altered erroneous ones, as before?

In addition, I could post a set of answers that contain plausible but wrong replies in hopes that last minute respondents would copy them before an admin erases them. Like you do with the other guys.

Let me know. Also, how did you like the scotch?

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:01 pm
by Ryan
Missing Diamond, Ljam, Mister D, PDX, Sabo, and TT.

Going to accept answers up until 12:30 and start immediately.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:17 pm
by A_B
I motivated sabo to get his in.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:19 pm
by L-Jam3
I'm sorry. Give me two minutes.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:24 pm
by L-Jam3
OK. Just sent.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:36 pm
by Ryan
Q1 - Name any of the European countries listed here in their native language (9)
NOTE - You don't have to tell me which foreign name you're matching

Belarus [Беларусь] (1) - Sybian
Ukraine [Україна] (1) - Howard
Albania [Shqipëria] (2) - Carwash, Pruitt
Greece [Ελλάδα] (2) - Duff, Ljam
Austria [Österriech] (3) - BFJ, Jerloma, Sabo
Lithuania [Lietuva] (3) - Chedda, GoodKarma, Wlu
Sweden [Sverige] (4) - BSF, Cerrano, Giff, Trav
Hungary [Magyarorszag] (8) - AB, Bengal, Brian, DC, Degen, Fritz, Rush, Sancarlos

Latvia - Bronto, Shirley
Moldova - Gunpowder
Poland - Rass

Croatia [Hrvatska]

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:42 pm
by Ryan
Q2 - Name any Daytime Emmy Award NOMINEE for Outstanding Children's Program from 1985-1995 (16)

Captain Kangaroo (1) - Sybian
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego (1) - Fritz
Pee-Wee's Playhouse (1) - Wlu
3-2-1 Contact (2) - Rass, Rush
Barney & Friends (4) - Bronto, BSF, Cerrano, DC
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (4) - Carwash, Degen, GoodKarma, Trav
Reading Rainbow (4) - AB, Gunpowder, Howard, Pruitt
Sesame Street (5) - Bengal, Brian, Duff, Sabo, Shirley

Blue's Clues - BFJ, Jerloma
Duck Tales - Chedda
Punky Brewster - Giff
The Electric Company - Ljam
Arthur - Sancarlos

Pryor's Place
Newton's Apple
Mother Goose Stories
Lamb Chop's Play Along
Nick News
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Beakman's World

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:44 pm
by govmentchedda
Lietuva always gets 'em.

Wish I'd gone with Hrvatska.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:45 pm
by Ryan
Q3 - Name any first name more common among girls born in the U.S. in the 1970s than Elizabeth (11)

Heather (1) - Giff
Kimberly (1) - Fritz
Stephanie (2) - Duff, Rush
Amy (3) - Carwash, GoodKarma, Ljam
Lisa (3) - Jerloma, Shirley, Sybian
Michelle (4) - DC, Howard, Pruitt, Wlu
Jennifer (7) - AB, Bengal, Cerrano, Rass, Sabo, Sancarlos, Trav

Mary - Chedda, Gunpowder
Jane - BFJ
Julie - Brian
Sarah - Bronto
Susan - BSF
Barbara - Degen


5 Sybian
8 Wlulax
9 Carwash
9 Duff
9 Howard
10 Fritz
10 GoodKarma
10 Pruitt
12 Rush
15 Cerrano
15 Giff
15 L-Jam
15 Sabo
15 Travzilla
16 DC47
16 Jerloma
19 AB
20 Bengal
20 BSF
21 Shirley
22 Rass
24 Degen
25 BFJ
25 Brian
25 Chedda
25 Sancarlos
29 Bronto
29 Gunpowder
35 Diamond
35 Mister D
35 PDX
35 TT

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:45 pm
by govmentchedda
Was the Electric Company part of 321 Contact, or was that the other way around?

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:48 pm
by Ryan
Q4 - Besides drums (timpani, snare, tenor, and bass), name a instrument listed in the percussion section of the Wikipedia article on modern orchestras (10)

Vibraphone (1) - BFJ
Gong (2) - Giff, Sancarlos
Marimba (2) - BSF, DC
Tubular Bells or Chimes (2) - Chedda, Rush
Wood Block (2) - Fritz, Sybian
Cymbals (4) - AB, Bronto, GoodKarma, Jerloma
Glockenspiel (4) - Bengal, Howard, Pruitt, Rass
Triangle (4) - Brian, Ljam, Shirley, Trav
Xylophone (6) - Carwash, Cerrano, Degen, Duff, Gunpowder, Sabo

Tuba - Wlu


Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:50 pm
by mister d
Fuck. Now my comment above looks really dickish.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:53 pm
by Ryan
Q5 - According to the real time results of, name one of the 15 currently most-used emojis on Twitter other than variations on human faces, hearts, hands, or any other body part (15)

Fire (1) - Rass
Gun (1) - Bronto
Music Notes (1) - Wlu
Party Hat (1) - Carwash
Stars/Sparkles (1) - DC
100 (5) - AB, BFJ, GoodKarma, Gunpowder, Shirley
Poop (8) - Brian, BSF, Cerrano, Duff, Pruitt, Sabo, Sancarlos, Sybian

Beer - Bengal, Ljam
Peach - Chedda
Archer - Degen
Eggplant - Fritz
Kiss - Giff
Canadian flag - Howard
Beating a dead horse- Jerloma
Pizza - Rush
US flag - Trav

Speak no evil monkey
Thought balloon



Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:55 pm
by Johnny Carwash
mister d wrote:Fuck. Now my comment above looks really dickish.
Copy and paste this to every thread.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:56 pm
by Rush2112
Ryan wrote: Tubular Bells or Chimes (2) - Chedda, Rush

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:58 pm
by Ryan
Q6 - Name any MLB manager (interim or permanent) since and including 2010 whose last name starts with M (14)

Mike Matheny (1) - Fritz
Jack McKeon (1) - GoodKarma
Brad Mills (1) - Giff
Pete Mackanin (2) - Bronto, Ljam
Paul Molitor (2) - Pruitt, Trav
Jerry Manuel (3) - Carwash, Cerrano, Howard
Bob Melvin (3) - AB, Sancarlos, Wlu
Joe Maddon (4) - BSF, Chedda, Degen, Sybian
Don Mattingly (5) - DC, Duff, Rass, Rush, Shirley
Lloyd McClendon (6) - Bengal, BFJ, Brian, Gunpowder, Jerloma, Sabo


Pat Murphy
John McLaren
Ken Macha
Charlie Manuel

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:00 pm
by Ryan
Q7 - Following the 1990 and 1991 college football seasons, 11 previously independent schools joined a conference. Name one of the 15 remaining independents in Division 1A for 1992 (15)

Cincinnati (1) - Giff
Tulane (1) - Wlu
Northern Illinois (2) - Fritz, GoodKarma
Penn State (3) - Brian, Gunpowder, Sybian
Army (5) - Bengal, Carwash, Duff, Howard, Pruitt
Navy (5) - Cerrano, DC, Rush, Sabo, Sancarlos
Notre Dame (10) - BFJ, Bronto, BSF, Chedda, Degen, Jerloma, Ljam, Rass, Shirley, Trav

Air Force - AB

Arkansas State
East Carolina
Louisiana Tech
Southern Miss

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:00 pm
by Pruitt
Rush2112 wrote:
Ryan wrote: Tubular Bells or Chimes (2) - Chedda, Rush
Contact high just looking at that.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:03 pm
by Ryan
Q8 - According to a 2011 Huffington Post survey, name an activity or apparatus that AT LEAST 10% of health club members said they regularly used or participated in at the club (10)
NOTE: Certain machines/apparati are grouped and some are not. I may ask you to be more specific, or you may be lumped in with a larger category than you wanted

Stair Climber (1) - Rush
Aerobics (2) - GoodKarma, Howard
Rowing Machine (2) - Brian, Rass
Aquatics (3) - Fritz, Gunpowder, Trav
Bike (5) - DC, Giff, Pruitt, Shirley, Wlu
Weights (6) - AB, Bronto, BSF, Carwash, Chedda, Duff
Elliptical (7) - Bengal, BFJ, Cerrano, Degen, Jerloma, Sancarlos, Sybian

Squats - Ljam
Zumba - Sabo

Abdominal machine

24 GoodKarma
29 Sybian
29 Wlulax
30 Carwash
31 Fritz
34 DC47
34 Pruitt
36 Howard
37 Giff
38 Rush
39 Duff
44 Cerrano
44 Rass
47 Travzilla
48 Brian
50 BSF
50 Sancarlos
50 Shirley
52 AB
52 Bronto
52 Gunpowder
52 Sabo
54 BFJ
55 Bengal
56 Jerloma
56 L-Jam
60 Chedda
64 Degen
97 Diamond
97 Mister D
97 PDX
97 TT

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:04 pm
by Rush2112
Pruitt wrote:
Rush2112 wrote:
Ryan wrote: Tubular Bells or Chimes (2) - Chedda, Rush
Contact high just looking at that.
Henry Cow is a tad strange, but Steve Hillage is fantastic stuff.

Funny, listened to this first when my brother had the LP laying around. Loved it before I even knew what pot was. Ah, the 70s.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:06 pm
by Johnny Carwash
Ryan wrote: LEFTOVERS
I had treadmill sitting as my answer until this morning until I changed it thinking it would be like a 12-pointer. At least I didn't go with elliptical.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:07 pm
by Ryan
Q9 -'s Hall of Fame Probability Index uses factors such as NBA titles, appearances on statistical leaderboards, all-star game selections, win shares, and height to determine the chances any player has of being elected were their career to end today. 3 players active in 2016-17 are at 100% - LeBron, Wade, and Nowitzki. Name any other ACTIVE player with a greater than 50% chance as of right now (12)
NOTE: All correct answers have played in the NBA this year. Chris Bosh and Amare Stoudemire would be the only technicalities to avoid

Carmelo Anthony (1) - BSF
James Harden (1) - Giff
Russell Westbrook (1) - Wlu
Stephen Curry (2) - Howard, Sancarlos
Pau Gasol (2) - AB, Gunpowder
Paul Pierce (2) - Jerloma, Rush
Chris Paul (3) - Bronto, Carwash, Shirley
Tony Parker (6) - Bengal, DC, Duff, Fritz, Ljam, Pruitt
Kevin Durant (7) - BFJ, Chedda, Degen, GoodKarma, Rass, Sybian, Trav

Manu Ginobili - Brian, Cerrano
Dwyane Wade - Sabo

Dwight Howard
Vince Carter

30 Wlulax
31 GoodKarma
33 Carwash
36 Sybian
37 Fritz
38 Giff
38 Howard
40 DC47
40 Pruitt
40 Rush
45 Duff
51 BSF
51 Rass
52 Sancarlos
53 Shirley
54 AB
54 Gunpowder
54 Travzilla
55 Bronto
56 Cerrano
58 Jerloma
60 Brian
61 Bengal
61 BFJ
62 L-Jam
64 Sabo
67 Chedda
71 Degen
109 Diamond
109 Mister D
109 PDX
109 TT

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:08 pm
by Pruitt
Ryan wrote: Vince Carter
Fuck Vince Carter for all eternity.

Re: NFL SWAMPCRASH 2016 - Week 17 (DUE FRI 12-30)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:11 pm
by Ryan
Q10 - Name a current NFL franchise with at least 1 Super Bowl appearance but no championships (9)

Bills (1) - Howard
Bengals (2) - GoodKarma, Sabo
Eagles (2) - DC, Giff
Panthers (2) - Degen, Shirley
Titans (2) - Bengal, Bronto
Vikings (3) - Brian, Carwash, Fritz
Falcons (6) - BSF, Chedda, Ljam, Rass, Sybian, Trav
Chargers (10) - AB, BFJ, Cerrano, Duff, Gunpowder, Jerloma, Pruitt, Rush, Sancarlos, Wlu



33 GoodKarma
36 Carwash
39 Howard
40 Fritz
40 Giff
40 Wlulax
42 DC47
42 Sybian
50 Pruitt
50 Rush
55 Duff
55 Shirley
57 Bronto
57 BSF
57 Rass
60 Travzilla
62 Sancarlos
63 Bengal
63 Brian
64 AB
64 Gunpowder
66 Cerrano
66 Sabo
68 Jerloma
68 L-Jam
71 BFJ
73 Chedda
73 Degen
124 Diamond
124 Mister D
124 PDX
124 TT
