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Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't seen

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:45 am
by L-Jam3
Saw this before, so I think it's a worthy thread.

Without talking about movies basically post Jan 2011 (i.e. L-Jam4), here's a bunch I surprisngly never saw.

1. Groundhog Day
2. Harry Potter 7 Pts 1&2
3. Mrs Doubtfire

Just a few off the top of my head.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:52 am
by Sabo
You should watch Groundhog Day. It's worth the two hours.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:58 am
by govmentchedda
Silence of the Lambs
The Dark Knight Rises

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:00 am
by Johnny Carwash
Good topic. As someone who lives for movies and has chipped away at most well-known "movies you must see" lists, I have a number of glaring omissions:

Gone With the Wind. I know I should, but I can't get up to blocking out three hours of my time to watch a movie glorifying the Old South.
It's a Wonderful Life
2001: A Space Odyssey
Clockwork Orange
Any of the Pirates of the Carribean movies
Any well-known musical
Robin Williams's death made me ashamed to admit I've never seen Good Morning Vietnam or Good Will Hunting

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:11 am
by The Sybian
Jeebus, where to begin? I'll stick to older movies, because just about everything in the past 10 years makes this list.

All Harry Potters after the first one
All Lord of the Rings after the first one. I fell asleep halfway through the first. Tried reading the books, and struggled like hell for months to get
halfway through the Trilogy. I think it has to be read as a kid to love it.
Star Wars 2 and 3. Episode 1 was so bad, I refuse to watch.
Godfather 3. I have seen 1 and 2 numerous times and love them so much, I haven't forced myself to endure 3.
So many, can't think of any right now.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:55 am
by howard
I love movies, and I used to love going to the movies. Once I write it down, I guess not so bad, only a couple (Shawshank and Butch Cassidy) that I feel I've missed something good.

Gone With The Wind
Butch Cassidy
Jurassic Park
any Harry Potter or Hobbit movie
any Star Wars after the first half of JarJar Binks (last 2 1/2 films)
any Indiana Jones after the first one
most animated films after Aladdin
The Lion King

ETA: Top Gun and Footloose. Yet I kinda like Kenny Loggins.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:03 am
by Johnny Carwash
The Sybian wrote:All Harry Potters after the first one
Made an effort to finally watch these a few years back, after hearing so much from adults insisting they had cross-generational appeal. Watched the first three before giving up because (a) they were all essentially variations on one another and (b) they struck me as simply being "kids movies"--good for what they were, but nothing that really got me interested in finishing the series. Unless it gets a lot better/deeper.
The Sybian wrote:All Lord of the Rings after the first one. I fell asleep halfway through the first. Tried reading the books, and struggled like hell for months to get halfway through the Trilogy. I think it has to be read as a kid to love it.
I read the books as a kid and loved them, but had largely put them out of my mind by the time the movies came out. After the near-universal acclaim I went in expecting the movies to rekindle my interest, but was massively let down. What I had imagined as a vibrant, colorful world turned into an ugly CGI slurry using that Matrix-esque* template where everything is grey or green-grey, and most of the character development was whittled down to exposition between action scenes. I tried giving the movies another chance a few years ago, got midway through the first one before thinking "this sucks" and giving up.

*Which reminds me that I've never seen any of the Matrix movies.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:03 am
by L-Jam3
That's "K-Logg" to you, Doc.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:10 am
by howard
Actually, I was a big Jim Messina fan, and kinda tolerated K-Logg.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:15 am
by Pruitt
Million Dollar Baby
A Beautiful Mind
Lethal Weapon(s)
Good Morning Vietnam (actually, almost any Robin Williams movie... couldn't stand him)

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:20 am
by L-Jam3
Lucky you never seeing Crash. God, I hated that movie on so many levels.

ETA: Here's Crash if you never saw it. 2 hours of Angelenos of different colors yelling at each other "I'm not a racist! You're a fucking racist!"

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:23 am
by P.D.X.
Will watch someday:
Silence of the Lambs

Will probably never bother:
Harry Potter

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:24 am
by P.D.X.
L-Jam3 wrote:Lucky you never seeing Crash. God, I hated that movie on so many levels.

ETA: Here's Crash if you never saw it. 2 hours of Angelenos of different colors yelling at each other "I'm not a racist! You're a fucking racist!"
Probably the most overrated movie ever. Total turd.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:25 am
by Johnny Carwash
L-Jam3 wrote:Lucky you never seeing Crash. God, I hated that movie on so many levels.

ETA: Here's Crash if you never saw it. 2 hours of Angelenos of different colors yelling at each other "I'm not a racist! You're a fucking racist!"
Yeah, never seen Crash either. I don't watch movies I expect to hate, and everything I've heard from those whose opinions I value makes me think there is a 99% chance I'd hate it.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:29 am
by Rush2112
I refuse to watch Titanic.

I've never seen any of The Matrix Movies
Harry Potter past #1
Silence of The Lambs
Jurrasic Park

As for you hoping to knock out Gone With The Wind, my wife loves watching it when she's sick, so there's your 3 hour block.

I've got too many great old movies to watch, I'm a big fan of Film Noir, so I don't know if I'll watch things from the list above, aside from HP as the wife is fan and I'm sure the son will be as well.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:40 am
by brian
Never seen any Harry Potter movie.
Never seen anything Star Wars other than 1 (Star Wars) and 4 (whatever that turd was called).
Chariots of Fire (would like to see)
Gandhi (would like to see)

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:12 pm
by A_B
You people.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:19 pm
by govmentchedda
howard wrote:I love movies, and I used to love going to the movies. Once I write it down, I guess not so bad, only a couple (Shawshank and Butch Cassidy) that I feel I've missed something good.

Gone With The Wind
Butch Cassidy
Jurassic Park
any Harry Potter or Hobbit movie
any Star Wars after the first half of JarJar Binks (last 2 1/2 films)
any Indiana Jones after the first one
most animated films after Aladdin
The Lion King

ETA: Top Gun and Footloose. Yet I kinda like Kenny Loggins.
Butch Cassidy is crap. I just watched it for the first time, and it is about 80 minutes of mother fuckers riding horses, a couple of Newman and Redford acting cool scenes, and a big shootout. You aren't missing anything.

Also, I have no idea how you have never seen Shawshank. That movie is on at least one channel 24 hours a day. It's as ubiquitous as Christmas Story on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

I haven't seen Jaws either.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:21 pm
by govmentchedda
L-Jam3 wrote:Lucky you never seeing Crash. God, I hated that movie on so many levels.

ETA: Here's Crash if you never saw it. 2 hours of Angelenos of different colors yelling at each other "I'm not a racist! You're a fucking racist!"
Hammer meet head of nail.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:21 pm
by Pruitt
Most Star Wars movies are pretty poor.

But Gone With The Wind is surprisingly good.

Oh, and I never saw Top Gun either. Not dating much in high school did have its advantages - chief among them being able to avoid movies I knew I wouldn't like.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:24 pm
by A_B
Pruitt wrote:Most Star Wars movies are pretty poor.

But Gone With The Wind is surprisingly good.

Oh, and I never saw Top Gun either. Not dating much in high school did have its advantages - chief among them being able to avoid movies I knew I wouldn't like.
Funny how that works for a movie widely considered to be one of the best of all time.

Gone With the Wind is tremendous and the book, if anything, is 10 x better.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:26 pm
by brian
AB is feisty today! I like it.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:28 pm
by Pruitt
AB_skin_test wrote:
Pruitt wrote:Most Star Wars movies are pretty poor.

But Gone With The Wind is surprisingly good.

Oh, and I never saw Top Gun either. Not dating much in high school did have its advantages - chief among them being able to avoid movies I knew I wouldn't like.
Funny how that works for a movie widely considered to be one of the best of all time.

You know, as soon as I posted, I realized what an obvious comment I had made.

By the way, The Godfather is also pretty good.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:31 pm
by P.D.X.
Never seen Dr. Strangelove, and I'm a pretty big Kubrick fan.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:18 pm
by tennbengal
Ok, from the other thread before this got created.

Graduated HS in 1988 for context, never saw and still haven't seen:

1. Top Gun
2. Footloose
3. Dirty Dancing

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:27 pm
by Johnnie
Oh man, the list is abundant:

Every Kubrick film sans A Clockwork Orange
No Potter flicks
Silence of the Lambs
A lot of older flicks that get all the accolades (sans Gone with the Wind and, recently, Citizen Kane)
The Big Lebowski (tried a few times but fell asleep each time within the first 5 minutes)
Saving Private Ryan
Apocalypse Now
The Green Mile
Guardians of the Galaxy
A bunch of Hitchcock flicks (sans The Birds and North by Northwest)
Raging Bull
Blade Runner

If I Googled, I am sure I can easily get to over 100 titles

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:35 pm
by Pruitt
Johnnie wrote:Oh man, the list is abundant:

Every Kubrick film sans A Clockwork Orange - See "Paths of Glory" and "The Shining"
No Potter flicks
Silence of the Lambs
A lot of older flicks that get all the accolades (sans Gone with the Wind and, recently, Citizen Kane)
The Big Lebowski (tried a few times but fell asleep each time within the first 5 minutes)
Saving Private Ryan
Apocalypse Now
The Green Mile
Guardians of the Galaxy
A bunch of Hitchcock flicks (sans The Birds and North by Northwest)
Raging Bull
Blade Runner

If I Googled, I am sure I can easily get to over 100 titles
Just planned your weekend for you.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:47 pm
by mister d
Easier to reply backwards here. Out of every movie listed above, I've seen 5: Titanic, The Big Lebowski (overrated), Saving Private Ryan, Silence of the Lambs and Top Gun

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:36 pm
by elflaco

'cause i've seen nearly every movie listed so far.

what does that make me?

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:09 pm
by sancarlos
howard wrote:Actually, I was a big Jim Messina fan, and kinda tolerated K-Logg.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:58 pm
by howard
sancarlos wrote:
howard wrote:Actually, I was a big Jim Messina fan, and kinda tolerated K-Logg.
Poco, right? Man I loved that band. No Poco, and the Eagles don't have any bass players (Randy Meissner and Timothy Schmidt.)

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:43 am
by DaveInSeattle
I've never seen any of the Sandler comedies (Happy Gilmore, etc). Just don't find him funny in the least.

Never seen Dumb and Dumber.

Never seen Rudy (fuck NotreDame).

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:21 am
by Pruitt
DaveInSeattle wrote:I've never seen any of the Sandler comedies (Happy Gilmore, etc). Just don't find him funny in the least.

Never seen Dumb and Dumber.

Never seen Rudy (fuck NotreDame).
Rudy can suck my dick. What a piece of crap.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:57 pm
by Giff
Rudy would be my main one.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:06 pm
by Weatherfrog
I have seen every movie y'all have named except for Harry Potter 7.

Movies I haven't seen?

Here are the movies from the AFI 100 I haven't seen (I'm not counting obscure shit from the 1920s and 1930s):

Maltese Falcon, Sunset Boulevard, Chinatown, All About Eve, It Happened One Night, Nashville, Sophie's Choice, Do the Right Thing.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:09 am
by Johnnie
Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Until last night. I went to see it with all of the hoopla one encounters when seeing it performed with actors and such. However, I saw it where you wouldn't expect it -- on base. A friend of mine was performing in it and she told me to come see it and that I'll have fun. I did. I showed up in civvies, but, uh, that changed. They did the whole "virgin" thing and "popped everyone's cherries." And I was thisclose to winning this dance off they had too. A couple people actually asked if I wanted to audition for the part of Rocky next year. Unfortunately, I won't be around.

Apparently Ramstein has been having this show go on for the last 13 years. So it's not like it's some post-DADT thing either. Seeing all these dudes in drag was hysterical. And some of the girls that were dressed up...holy shit. I felt like I was in a brothel. It was awesome.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:30 pm
by bfj
Any of the Hangover series.

Any Bourne movie.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:02 pm
by Nonlinear FC
Of those listed, I think only Gone with the Wind.

I worked at an Erol's Video (anyone in the DC area remember that chain) for a summer and watched a lot of older movies... So I've seen most, if not all Hitchcock, and stuff like Maltese Falcon and Citizen Kane.

Oh, Million Dollar Baby! That's the one that I need to see.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:05 pm
by Johnny Carwash
bfj wrote:Any of the Hangover series.
I got about 15 minutes into the first one and found it so staggeringly unfunny I quit.
bfj wrote:Any Bourne movie.
Saw the first one and thought it was meh. Didn't leave me with a burning desire to go through another 4 hours of motion sickness.
Nonlinear FC wrote:Oh, Million Dollar Baby! That's the one that I need to see.
Not really. It's a TV-movie quality script that seems better than it deserves to be due to Eastwood's direction. There's a reason it's been mostly forgotten despite winning Best Picture.

Re: Friday (-2 Days) M.D.: Movies I surprisingly haven't see

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:23 pm
by A_B
Johnny Carwash wrote:
bfj wrote:Any of the Hangover series.
I got about 15 minutes into the first one and found it so staggeringly unfunny I quit.
Well. You kinda gave up on the entire premise of it then.