Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

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Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by degenerasian »

They are always on the fucking sidewalk. They are always blowing thru red lights. None of them follow the rules of the road. They wear a lot of dorky-looking lycra. They can blow me!

I have to walk a few blocks from the transit station to my office. And every day I see at least 3 or 4 cyclists on the sidewalk, usually as they pedal past me going north on 5th Street, which is a one-way road heading south. If I mistakenly elbowed one such into the pavement and interrogated him, I'm sure he'd whine out something like "ooh, I'd have to go a whole BLOCK out of my way to ride on the road legally!" and maybe "but there are so many cars who don't respect cyclists!" as well.

Hey - fuck you. So your solution to motorists not respecting cyclists is for cyclists to not respect pedestrians? Brilliant. So now you can be both selfish and hypocritical.

Then just now driving home from dinner, right by my new house theres a 4 way stop and I've already had an altercation with a cyclist. I stopped, then proceeded to turn and almost killed him. Why? Hes riding his bike on the road, but didnt stop.

"You almost hit me!!!"
I stopped at the sign, I had the right of way, you cant just blow through the 4 way stop.
"I'm not a car!!!"
Thats funny, because you're on the road.
I fucking hate that. They choose which rules they want to follow when its convenient for them.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Scottie »

You should see what Vancouver is like. Or Victoria, which is worse, where the entitlement has gone far beyond mere insanity. There is nothing, NOTHING, even close to being as stupid on the roads as the bicyclueless crowd. I hit a couple of them in Victoria. Their own fault, each time. Passing me on the right-hand side while I'm making a right turn? Fuck you. Frankly, I know damn well that I will hit more of them and I really don't care. If Jackoff The Psyclist wants to make stupid decisions around my 5000-pound Yukon, I'm not going to risk an accident with another vehicle just to avoid some asshole on a bike that believes laws don't apply to him. Crushed your bike? Broke your arms? Too bad, fuck you.

I'd honestly rather plow through a "critical mass" ride at a 100 MPH in an 18-wheel truck than visit a spa; I seriously believe that would be more relaxing and I would doubtlessly feel far better afterward.

Yes, there are some responsible cyclists out there. Too bad they are such a small minority.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by BTTG »

Perhaps the most timely Swamp topic for me, ever. I've just gotten my UK drivers license, the process of which is unbelievably difficult relative to the US. [Tangent: this process made me realise three things - 1) The average American driver is shockingly bad, like the worst in the world, because 2) a retarded 8 year old who is tall enough to see over the steering wheel can pass the typical US driving test, leading to 3) a huge number of Americans who actually think they're great drivers because they are able to get away with driving dangerously (New Yorkers are especially guilty of this), when really, they are appalling in their incompetence and shouldn't be anywhere near a car.]

Aaaaaaanyway, the UK driving test and culture in general completely coddles cyclists to the point of madness. Cycle lanes, cycle share schemes, tax benefits for those who cycle to work, etc. Some of this makes sense - cycling, of course, is environmentally friendly and it does reduce congestion in an overcrowded city like London. Some of it does not. As a driver, I pay road tax to support not only my ability to drive, but these d*ckheads' ability to continuously flout the Highway Code in their special little cycle lanes. They do not have to pay road tax, they do not have to get a license, they just have to buy a bike and show up. Unfortunately, the UK theory test, which presents provisional drivers with scenarios and tests them on how to best respond to all sorts of situations, under the assumed compliance with the Highway Code, gives the benefit of the doubt to cyclists in every case, even if they're completely in the wrong. Like Scottie, I am just waiting for the day I hit some moron overtaking me in to a turn, completely ignoring my consideration to slow down, indicate and look out for them. It will happen, because my limited scope manages to see the abuses of cycling's benefits, literally, every single day.

At first I thought these observations were anecdotal and subject to my bias and inherent small sample size. I'm less sure now. Every working day, I walk to and from Baker Street tube station, which is on the Marylebone Road, one of the busiest stretches of road in London, if not all of Europe. I have to cross over the road at one of two busy traffic lights. During only the two times I have to cross the road during the day, there is at least one cyclist who will blow through the red light, all despite dozens of people with the right of way crossing the road and the fact that London has carved out a special place at the front of the queue at the traffic light for these precious little morons to stop and wait. Last night there were three violators. Half of the them don't wear helmets. While riding on one of the busiest roads in the city. I do this twice in car and I lose my license for a year. I do this and get caught without wearing my seat belt and, not only do I lose my license, I become uninsurable. From what I can see, the average cyclist does this twice a day and will face zero repercussions other than the well deserved injuries they'll get as a result of their persistent violations.

The best way of fighting back, however, is cycling. There is nothing cyclists hate more than other cyclists, particularly slower ones. Even Jeremy Clarkson, who I normally cannot stand for more than the two seconds it takes me to realise I'm watching Top Gear and change the channel but is my idol when it comes to his anti-cycling work, is realising this. The more we can clog cycle lanes with cyclists, the better. And the easier they'll be to hit.

There, I feel better.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by HDO45331 »

and one of my favorites, from the past.......thans to AB.

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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Johnnie »

Germany is full of jack off Team Discovery wannabes. When a pack of them (like 15-20) are all grouped together in a 70 KPH (42MPH) zone and I cannot pass, I'm blaring on the horn.

I have a 120 decibel horn installed on my Jeep. This is going to come in very handy. I bought it for Tucson (also another haven of cyclists, but much more respectful comparatively), but never used it. I have already been warned of the idiocy. I pondered getting the 7-in-1 300 decibel train horn that connects to a air tank, but opted not to. Maybe I should have. That could have been fun.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Pruitt »

Reflexively, I feel like defending cyclists as they pollute less, are the future of our cities etc. etc...

BUT one of the many reasons that I am so happy to work from my suburban home is the lack of aggressive, downtown-style militant cyclists on the roads up here.

Central Toronto roads are horribly clogged, yet at every intersection at any time of the day, cyclists will blow through stop signs as if they don't exist. Another great move is when cyclists make their left turns from the car left turn lane. That's always fun to be stuck behind.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by wlu_lax6 »

Pruitt wrote:Reflexively, I feel like defending cyclists as they pollute less, are the future of our cities etc. etc...
Another great move is when cyclists make their left turns from the car left turn lane. That's always fun to be stuck behind.
Which is what they are supposed to do.

Generally the law read like
Every person operating a vehicle propelled by human power or riding a bicycle shall have all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle … except as otherwise provided in this chapter and except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application

and some states have started considering/adopting (Example: Idaho) a "stop as yield" provision
After slowing to a reasonable speed or stopping, the person shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the person is moving across or within the intersection or junction of highways, except that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping.
In the DC Metro area, we have a strong bike lobby. They have added some bike lanes to streets but have a ton of bike/running trails that most people use for their commute. Also the Arlington County police have no fear ticketing bikers for violating rules.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by howard »

BTTG wrote:I've just gotten my UK drivers license, the process of which is unbelievably difficult relative to the US.

No,asshole, LEFT!

LEFT, Dammit!

(Wanker American)
Who knows? Maybe, you were kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom.

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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Gunpowder »

Believe it or not, the cyclists in South Florida seem to follow the rules and have never been a problem for me. There aren't that many but they are a growing community. Probably because they know people in FL will hit them without batting an eye.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by BTTG »

howard wrote:
BTTG wrote:I've just gotten my UK drivers license, the process of which is unbelievably difficult relative to the US.

No,asshole, LEFT!

LEFT, Dammit!

(Wanker American)
Driving on the other side of the road is easy, doing so while sitting on the other side of the car is f*cking brutal. Your field of view is very difficult to rethink and correct when you've spent 20+ years driving on the left side of the car. Hence my coming thisclose to clipping cars on the left multiple times and nearly flipping my car at 60mph because I was coming up on the left curb while I was learning (why there are curbs on a 60mph highway is beyond me).
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by sancarlos »

First, welcome back, BTTG. I look forward to a discussion between you and howard on the relative evils/benefits of the global financial system.

Second, anyone who's been ensnared in the thousands of bikes, on a Friday evening Critical Mass in San Francisco, knows that a very large and aggressive cycle culture exists in San Francisco. I was actually surprised that the cyclist who blew through a red light and killed an old man ealrier this year, recently went down for manslaughter. I knew that cycling's common disregard for red lights, stop signs, and especially, pedestrian crossings, was going to kill somebody eventually.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by howard »

sancarlos wrote: I was actually surprised that the cyclist who blew through a red light and killed an old man ealrier this year, recently went down for manslaughter.
I wasn't surprised. What were the odds of seating a jury that did not include one or two SF residents who had not been terrorized by either single crazed cyclists, or by a Critical Mass Friday parade?
Who knows? Maybe, you were kidnapped, tied up, taken away and held for ransom.

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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Steve of phpBB »

BTTG wrote:Perhaps the most timely Swamp topic for me, ever. I've just gotten my UK drivers license, the process of which is unbelievably difficult relative to the US. [Tangent: this process made me realise three things - 1) The average American driver is shockingly bad, like the worst in the world, because 2) a retarded 8 year old who is tall enough to see over the steering wheel can pass the typical US driving test, leading to 3) a huge number of Americans who actually think they're great drivers because they are able to get away with driving dangerously (New Yorkers are especially guilty of this), when really, they are appalling in their incompetence and shouldn't be anywhere near a car.]

Aaaaaaanyway, the UK driving test and culture in general completely coddles cyclists to the point of madness. Cycle lanes, cycle share schemes, tax benefits for those who cycle to work, etc. Some of this makes sense - cycling, of course, is environmentally friendly and it does reduce congestion in an overcrowded city like London. Some of it does not. As a driver, I pay road tax to support not only my ability to drive, but these d*ckheads' ability to continuously flout the Highway Code in their special little cycle lanes. They do not have to pay road tax, they do not have to get a license, they just have to buy a bike and show up. Unfortunately, the UK theory test, which presents provisional drivers with scenarios and tests them on how to best respond to all sorts of situations, under the assumed compliance with the Highway Code, gives the benefit of the doubt to cyclists in every case, even if they're completely in the wrong. Like Scottie, I am just waiting for the day I hit some moron overtaking me in to a turn, completely ignoring my consideration to slow down, indicate and look out for them. It will happen, because my limited scope manages to see the abuses of cycling's benefits, literally, every single day.

At first I thought these observations were anecdotal and subject to my bias and inherent small sample size. I'm less sure now. Every working day, I walk to and from Baker Street tube station, which is on the Marylebone Road, one of the busiest stretches of road in London, if not all of Europe. I have to cross over the road at one of two busy traffic lights. During only the two times I have to cross the road during the day, there is at least one cyclist who will blow through the red light, all despite dozens of people with the right of way crossing the road and the fact that London has carved out a special place at the front of the queue at the traffic light for these precious little morons to stop and wait. Last night there were three violators. Half of the them don't wear helmets. While riding on one of the busiest roads in the city. I do this twice in car and I lose my license for a year. I do this and get caught without wearing my seat belt and, not only do I lose my license, I become uninsurable. From what I can see, the average cyclist does this twice a day and will face zero repercussions other than the well deserved injuries they'll get as a result of their persistent violations.

The best way of fighting back, however, is cycling. There is nothing cyclists hate more than other cyclists, particularly slower ones. Even Jeremy Clarkson, who I normally cannot stand for more than the two seconds it takes me to realise I'm watching Top Gear and change the channel but is my idol when it comes to his anti-cycling work, is realising this. The more we can clog cycle lanes with cyclists, the better. And the easier they'll be to hit.

There, I feel better.
Heh. I was stunned at the bravery/audacity/assholeness of the riders I saw over there. They made me feel like a pussy, because I actually stop at lights and stop signs if there are cars around. And look where that got me.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by testuser2 »

I'm pretty used to insane cyclists, but drunk pedestrians are much worse though. State College has very high percentages of both. I did almost run over this guy at lunch today. He blew through a stop sign and nearly became my PSU themed hood ornament.

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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by The Sybian »

sancarlos wrote:First, welcome back, BTTG. I look forward to a discussion between you and howard on the relative evils/benefits of the global financial system.
Fuck that, this place needs more Arsenal-centric posts!
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by The Sybian »

testuser2 wrote:I'm pretty used to insane cyclists, but drunk pedestrians are much worse though. State College has very high percentages of both. I did almost run over this guy at lunch today. He blew through a stop sign and nearly became my PSU themed hood ornament.

Larry Johnson Sr.(PSU D-line coach)
Or your car would have become his newest piece of jewelry.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Shrew »

Pretty sure everyone, including me is an arsehole at one time or another. I've been hit by cars on bike twice. One lady made a right turn and dragged me into a parking lot. I hung onto her side mirror for dear life. Her husband then proceeded to scream at me for being a sniveling baby. Which was a true statement at the time but I was a kid. Another time I was on the main road and someone crossed the main road from one side street to another and knocked me off my bike. They were nicer than the first person's husband but I still sniveled. I won't ride a road bike in the Boston area. Roads are too windy, poorly marked and the drivers are too aggressive.

This week I witnessed a West African dude riding a bike make a giant circle through an intersection to get around a red light this week. Wrong side of road, came to light, turned around and then looped to the right side of the road in front of a taxi who stopped short. Dude started kicking the cab's fender. I wouldn't have stopped. Not hit him, but certainly not let him be an ass.

MY brother who used to be one of those dudes who would go out and do a "century" for kicks in Boston said you have to hog the road sometimes so people don't assume they can squeak by in their car. He said making eye contact helps because that way if people hit you they must actually be trying.

I'll never ride a bike on the roads again.

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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Steve of phpBB »

Guys who ride like that West African never seem to get into accidents. It's the guys who wear helmets and actually try to follow the rules who do.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Gunpowder »

howard wrote:
sancarlos wrote: I was actually surprised that the cyclist who blew through a red light and killed an old man ealrier this year, recently went down for manslaughter.
I wasn't surprised. What were the odds of seating a jury that did not include one or two SF residents who had not been terrorized by either single crazed cyclists, or by a Critical Mass Friday parade?

“They think they own the streets,” said Pascal Bouchet, 53, who has been driving a taxicab in the city for 29 years.
Haaaaaaa shut the fuck up, cab driver.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by degenerasian »

Earlier Today

Kung Fu movies are like porn. There's 1 on 1, then 2 on 1, then a group scene..
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Rush2112 »

Two lane highway.
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

Apparently a guy on a bike just swerved through traffic, cut-off my wife as she was turning, and when she slammed on her brakes to avoid him the guy behind her didn't. Luckily, from what I could hear from her conversation with then other driver he saw the cyclist too, and agreed he (the cyclist) was driving recklessly. Also in the luck department, this happened in the city where the works, and she (and especially her boss) are close with the police department, so hopefully the accident report gets written up as sympathetically as possible towards her. She says the car can be driven but is pretty busted. Waiting on a pic.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by wlu_lax6 »

rass wrote:Apparently a guy on a bike just swerved through traffic, cut-off my wife as she was turning, and when she slammed on her brakes to avoid him the guy behind her didn't. Luckily, from what I could hear from her conversation with then other driver he saw the cyclist too, and agreed he (the cyclist) was driving recklessly. Also in the luck department, this happened in the city where the works, and she (and especially her boss) are close with the police department, so hopefully the accident report gets written up as sympathetically as possible towards her. She says the car can be driven but is pretty busted. Waiting on a pic.
Doesn't that usually result in the person behind her getting the blame and come on their insurance for following too closely to avoid incidents like this.

also...humor quote editing this post is just too easy.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

wlu_lax6 wrote:
rass wrote:Apparently a guy on a bike just swerved through traffic, cut-off my wife as she was turning, and when she slammed on her brakes to avoid him the guy behind her didn't. Luckily, from what I could hear from her conversation with then other driver he saw the cyclist too, and agreed he (the cyclist) was driving recklessly. Also in the luck department, this happened in the city where the works, and she (and especially her boss) are close with the police department, so hopefully the accident report gets written up as sympathetically as possible towards her. She says the car can be driven but is pretty busted. Waiting on a pic.
Doesn't that usually result in the person behind her getting the blame and come on their insurance for following too closely to avoid incidents like this.

also...humor quote editing this post is just too easy.

...and yes. I did consciously avoid using "rear-ended".
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by bfj »

Glad she's ok.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

bfj wrote:Glad she's ok.
Thanks. I guess I left that unstated but it could probably be inferred from the tone. She's upset but fine.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by P.D.X. »

degenerasian wrote:Earlier Today

Sorry there were cyclists in your line of vision?
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by wlu_lax6 »

P.D.X. wrote:
degenerasian wrote:Earlier Today

Sorry there were cyclists in your line of vision?
Ah the infamous bike lane Salmon. I am a cyclist and don't like those guys
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by P.D.X. »

Look at him dodging all the oncoming traffic.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by DaveInSeattle »

wlu_lax6 wrote:
P.D.X. wrote:
degenerasian wrote:Earlier Today

Sorry there were cyclists in your line of vision?
Ah the infamous bike lane Salmon. I am a cyclist and don't like those guys
Hate those guys. And I will yell at them, along with people engrossed in their phones standing in the middle of the bike lanes.

I ride my bike every day to work, and you'd be amazed at the number of people on their phones.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Ryan »

Is this the last surviving thread with a Textizalol?
he’s a fixbking cyborg or some shit. The

holy fuckbAllZ, what a ducking nightmare. Holy shot. Just, fuck. The
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

Ryan wrote:Is this the last surviving thread with a Textizalol?
Wow. And a BTTG post! I didn't scroll up when I bumped it.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Steve of phpBB »

rass wrote:Apparently a guy on a bike just swerved through traffic, cut-off my wife as she was turning, and when she slammed on her brakes to avoid him the guy behind her didn't. Luckily, from what I could hear from her conversation with then other driver he saw the cyclist too, and agreed he (the cyclist) was driving recklessly. Also in the luck department, this happened in the city where the works, and she (and especially her boss) are close with the police department, so hopefully the accident report gets written up as sympathetically as possible towards her. She says the car can be driven but is pretty busted. Waiting on a pic.
Ugh. I'm glad she's okay. I do think that any fault would be put on the guy behind her even if not for the bicyclist. But that is little consolation when dealing with the stress in the immediate aftermath.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

~$3500 to repair the car. Between the deductible on that and the rental car we're out just over $1000 up front, pending reimbursement.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by bfj »

rass wrote:~$3500 to repair the car. Between the deductible on that and the rental car we're out just over $1000 up front, pending reimbursement.
Why are you going through your insurance company when she wasn't at fault. File a claim with the other guys insurance company. You shouldn't be out a dime for any of this.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

bfj wrote:
rass wrote:~$3500 to repair the car. Between the deductible on that and the rental car we're out just over $1000 up front, pending reimbursement.
Why are you going through your insurance company when she wasn't at fault. File a claim with the other guys insurance company. You shouldn't be out a dime for any of this.

Because going through our insurance company means she'll have her car fixed by next week.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by sancarlos »

rass wrote:
bfj wrote:
rass wrote:~$3500 to repair the car. Between the deductible on that and the rental car we're out just over $1000 up front, pending reimbursement.
Why are you going through your insurance company when she wasn't at fault. File a claim with the other guys insurance company. You shouldn't be out a dime for any of this.
Because going through our insurance company means she'll have her car fixed by next week.
I'm guessing the cops will say it was the fault of the guy following too closely behind your wife (ooh!), so I would guess your insurance company will seek reimbursement from the other guy's insurance company. (Subrogate).
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by Steve of phpBB »

sancarlos wrote:
rass wrote:
bfj wrote:
rass wrote:~$3500 to repair the car. Between the deductible on that and the rental car we're out just over $1000 up front, pending reimbursement.
Why are you going through your insurance company when she wasn't at fault. File a claim with the other guys insurance company. You shouldn't be out a dime for any of this.
Because going through our insurance company means she'll have her car fixed by next week.
I'm guessing the cops will say it was the fault of the guy following too closely behind your wife (ooh!), so I would guess your insurance company will seek reimbursement from the other guy's insurance company. (Subrogate).
Unless I am mistaken, going through the other company means you have to wait for an investigation, recorded statements, etc. Someone in a position of authority has to accept liability.

If you're going through your own insurance, they have to fix your car even if you are at fault. So yeah, if you're in a hurry, use your own insurance first and let them work it out with the other guy.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by rass »

That's the plan.
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Re: Cyclists Can Suck my Dong-a-longle

Post by bfj »

Ok, just make sure you switch claim numbers when the other company accepts liability. That way you don't have to spend any money and your insurance company won't have to pay out anything.
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