Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Okay . . . let's try this again.

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

brian wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:52 pm

What a shitshow. Can't wait to hear the millions of cult members/sycophants defending Trump over what appear to be very, very serious not small ball campaign finance lawbreaking.
"You can't believe this story - the liberal mainstream media always goes after Trump."
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by A_B »

Weird Friday news dump to be honest. Shoulda waited til Monday.
Hold on, I'm trying to see if Jack London ever gets this fire built or not.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

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They were probably worried The Post or NYT might already have it and publish before them.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

Plus he was en route to Paris. There's a tendency to news dump when he can't immediately comment.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

So Trump is in France for the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I and can't be bothered to visit the main military cemetery because it is raining.

God forbid he gets his hair wet - never mind the 100,000 American troops who never made it home from that war.

But he loves the troops!
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Pruitt wrote: Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:37 am So Trump is in France for the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I and can't be bothered to visit the main military cemetery because it is raining.

God forbid he gets his hair wet - never mind the 100,000 American troops who never made it home from that war.

But he loves the troops!
‘Real low energy’: Critics pile on after Trump cancels visit to U.S. military cemetery outside Paris
President Trump flew 3,800 miles to this French capital city for ceremonies to honor the military sacrifice in World War I, hoping to take part in the kind of powerful ode to the bravery of the armed forces that he was unable to hold in Washington.

But on his first full day here, it rained on his substitute parade weekend.

Early Saturday, the White House announced Trump and the first lady had scuttled plans, due to bad weather, for their first stop in a series of weekend remembrance activities — a visit to the solemn Aisne Marne American Cemetery, marking the ferocious Battle of Belleau Wood.

It was not completely clear why the Trumps were unable to attend. The cemetery is 50 miles from Paris. So perhaps the president was planning to travel on Marine One, which is occasionally grounded by the Secret Service.

But the sight of dignitaries arriving at other sites outside Paris, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, led some foreign policy analysts to speculate that the U.S. commander in chief just wasn’t up for it.
Just unbelievable...
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Winston Churchill's grandson...

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Here's the cemetery that Trump can't visit because its raining...

In an American Cemetery in France: Thoughts on Memorial Day

A gentle breeze slipped past the gravestones near me, rustling the slim folds of the American flag overhead, tapping the fasteners against the pole in a metallic rhythm.

Aside from our low voices, the soft sounds of insects and birds, and the occasional passing car, it was the only sound to be heard. We were the only souls present. The only living souls, that is. 2,281 voices that would never be heard again lay beneath the well-trimmed grass as two tall U.S. flags stood guard over them. As they died under it, so it stands watch as they sleep.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by EnochRoot »

Y’all remember the speech Obama gave, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the landing at Normandy?

This is the transcript of the speech he gave at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France:
If prayer were made of sound, the skies over England that night would have deafened the world. Captains paced their decks. Pilots tapped their gauges. Commanders pored over maps, fully aware that for all the months of meticulous planning, everything could go wrong -- the winds, the tides, the element of surprise -- and, above all, the audacious bet that what waited on the other side of the channel would compel men not to shrink away, but to charge ahead.

Fresh-faced G.I.s rubbed trinkets, kissed pictures of sweethearts, checked and re-checked their equipment. "God," asked one, "give me guts." And in the pre-dawn hours, planes rumbled down runways, gliders and paratroopers slipped through the sky, giant screws began to turn on an armada that looked more like ships than sea. And more than 150,000 souls set off towards this tiny sliver of sand upon which hung more than the fate of a war, but rather the course of human history.

President Hollande, distinguished guests, I am honored to return here today to pay tribute to the men and women of a generation who defied every danger, among them, our veterans of D-Day. And, gentlemen, we are truly humbled by your presence here today.


Just last week, I received a letter from a French citizen. "Dear Mr. President and the American people," he wrote, "we are honored to welcome you to thank you again for all the pain and efforts of the American people and others in our common struggle for freedom."

Today, we say the same to the people of France: Thank you, especially for the generosity that you've shown the Americans who've come here over the generations, to these beaches and to this sacred place of rest for 9,387 Americans.

At the end of the war, when our ships set off for America filled with our fallen, tens of thousands of liberated Europeans turned out to say farewell. And they pledged to take care of the more than 60,000 Americans who would remain in cemeteries on this continent. In the words of one man, "We will take care of the fallen as if their tombs were our children's." To the people of France, you have kept your word, like the true friends you are. We are forever grateful.


Here, we don't just commemorate victory, as proud of that victory as we are; we don't just honor sacrifice, as grateful as the world is. We come to remember why America and our allies gave so much for the survival of liberty at this moment of maximum peril. And we come to tell the story of the men and women who did it so that it remains seared into the memory of a future world.

We tell this story for the old soldiers who pull themselves a little straighter today to salute brothers who never made it home. We tell the story for the daughter who clutches a faded photo of her father, forever young, for the child who runs his fingers over colorful ribbons he knows signify something of great consequence, even if he doesn't yet fully understand why. We tell this story to bear what witness we can to what happened when the boys from America reached Omaha Beach. By daybreak, blood soaked the water, bombs broke the sky. Thousands of paratroopers had dropped into the wrong landing sites; thousands of rounds bit into flesh and sand. Entire companies' worth of men fell in minutes. "Hell's Beach" had earned its name.

By 8:30 a.m., General Omar Bradley expected our troops to be a mile inland. "Six hours after the landings," he wrote, "we held only 10 yards of beach." In this age of instant commentary, the invasion would have been swiftly and roundly been declared, as it was by one officer, "a debacle."

But such a race to judgment would not have taken into account the courage of free men. "Success may not come with rushing speed," President Roosevelt would say that night, "but we shall return again and again."

And paratroopers fought through the countryside to find one another. Rangers pulled themselves over those cliffs to silence Nazi guns. To the west, Americans took Utah Beach with relative ease. To the east, the British tore through the coast, fueled by the fury of five years of bombs over London and a solemn vow to "fight them on the beaches." The Canadians, whose shores had not been touched by war, drove far into France. And here, at Omaha, troops who finally made it to the seawall used it as shelter, where a general barked, "If you're Rangers, lead the way."

By the end of that longest day, this beach had been fought, lost, re-fought, and won, a piece of Europe once again liberated and free. Hitler's wall was breached, letting loose Patton's army to pour into France.

Within a week, the world's bloodiest beach had become the world's busiest port. Within a month, 1 million Allied troops thundered through Normandy into Europe, and as our armies marched across the continent, one pilot said it looked "as if the very crust of the Earth had shaken loose." The Arc de Triomphe lit up for the first time in years, and Paris was punctuated by shouts of "Vive la France" and "Vive les Etats Unis."


Of course, even as we gather here at Normandy, we remember that freedom's victory was also made possible by so many others who wore America's uniform. Two years before he commanded armies, Eisenhower's troops sliced through North Africa. Three times before D-Day, our G.I.s stormed the beaches at Sicily, Salerno, Anzio. Divisions like the Fighting 36th brawled their way through Italy, fighting through the mud for months, marching through towns past waving children before opening the gates to Rome.

As the dogfaces marched to victory in Europe, the Devil Dogs -- the Marines -- clawed their way from island to island in the Pacific, in some of the war's fiercest fighting. And back home, an army of women, including my grandmother, rolled up their sleeves to help build a mighty arsenal of democracy. But it was here, on these shores, that the tide was turned in that common struggle for freedom. What more powerful manifestation of America's commitment to human freedom than the sight of wave after wave after wave of young men boarding those boats to liberate people they had never met?

We say it now as if it couldn't be any other way, but in the annals of history, the world had never seen anything like it. And when the war was won, we claimed no spoils of victory. We helped Europe rebuild. We claimed no land other than the earth where we bury those who gave their lives under our flag and where we station those who still serve under it.

But America's claim -- our commitment -- to liberty, our claim to equality, our claim to freedom and to the inherent dignity of every human being, that claim is written in the blood on these beaches, and it will endure for eternity.

Normandy, this was democracy's beachhead. And our victory in that war decided not just a century, but shaped the security and well- being of all posterity. We worked to turn old adversaries into new allies. We built new prosperity. We stood once more with the people of this continent through a long twilight struggle until finally, a wall tumbled down, and an Iron Curtain, too. From Western Europe to East, from South America to Southeast Asia, 70 years of democratic movements spread. And nations that once knew only the blinders of fear began to taste the blessings of freedom.

None of that would have happened without the men who were willing to lay down their lives for people they'd never met and ideals they couldn't live without. None of it would have happened without the troops President Roosevelt called "the life-blood of America, the hope of the world."

They left home barely more than boys and returned home heroes. But to their great credit, that is not how this generation (OFF-MIKE) after the war, some put away their medals, were quiet about their service, moved on. Some, carrying shrapnel and scars, found (OFF- MIKE) was much harder. Many, like my grandfather, who served in Patton's army, lived a quiet life, trading one uniform and set of responsibilities for another, as a teacher, or a salesman or a doctor or an engineer, a dad, a grandpa.

Our country made sure millions of them earned a college education, opening opportunity on an unprecedented scale. They married those sweethearts and bought new homes and raised families and built businesses, lifting up the greatest middle class the world has ever known. And through it all, they were inspired, I suspect, by memories of their fallen brothers, memories that drove them to live their lives each day as best they possibly could.

Whenever the world makes you cynical, stop and think of these men. Whenever you lose hope, stop and think of these men. Think of Wilson Colwell, who was told he couldn't pilot a plane without a high school degree, so he decided to jump out of a plane instead. And he did, here on D-Day, with the 101st Airborne, when he was just 16 years old.

Think of Harry Kulkowitz, the Jewish son of Russian immigrants, who fudged his age at enlistment so he could join his friends in the fight. And don't worry, Harry, but the statute of limitations has expired. Harry came ashore at Utah Beach on D-Day. And now that he's come back, we said he could have anything he wants for lunch today. He helped liberate this coast, after all. But he said a hamburger would do fine. What's more American than that?

Think of Rock Merritt, who saw a recruitment poster asking him if he was man enough to be a paratrooper, so he signed up on the spot. That decision landed him here on D-Day with the 508th regiment, a unit that would suffer heavy casualties. And 70 years later, it's said that all across Fort Bragg, they know Rock, not just for his exploits on D-Day or his 35 years in the Army, but because 91-year-old Rock Merritt still spends his time speaking to the young men and women of today's Army and still bleeds "O.D. Green" for his 82nd Airborne.

Whenever the world makes you cynical, whenever you doubt that courage and goodness is possible, stop and think of these men. Wilson and Harry and Rock, they are here today, and although I know we already gave them a rousing round of applause, along with all our veterans of D-Day, if you can stand, please stand, if not, please raise your hand, let us recognize your service once more. These men waged war so that we might know peace. They sacrificed so that we might be free. They fought in hopes of a day when we'd no longer need to fight. We are grateful to them.


And, gentlemen -- gentlemen, I want each of you to know that your legacy is in good hands. For in a time when it has never been more tempting to pursue narrow self-interest, to slough off common endeavor, this generation of Americans -- a new generation, our men and women of war -- have chosen to do their part, as well.

Rock, I want you to know that Staff Sergeant Melvin Cedillo- Martin, who's here today, is following in your footsteps. He just had to become an American first, as Melvin was born in Honduras, moved to the United States, joined the Army. After tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he was reassigned to the 82nd Airborne. And Sunday, he'll parachute into Normandy.


"I became part of a family of real American heroes," he said, "the paratroopers of the 82nd."

Wilson, you should know that Specialist Jannise Rodriguez joined the Army not even two years ago, was assigned to the 101st Airborne, and just last month, earned the title of the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault Soldier of the Year. And that's inspiring, but not surprising, when the women of today's military have taken on responsibilities, including combat, like never before.

(APPLAUSE) I want each of you to know that their commitment to their fellow servicemembers and veterans endures. Sergeant First Class Brian Hawthorne's grandfather served under General Patton and General MacArthur. Brian himself served two tours in Iraq, earning the Bronze Star in Baghdad for saving the life of his best friend, and today he and his wife use their experience to help other veterans and military families navigate theirs. Brian's here in Normandy to participate in Sunday's jump, and here, just yesterday, he re-enlisted in the Army Reserve.

And this generation -- this 9/11 generation of servicemembers -- they, too, felt something, they answered some call, they said, "I will go." They, too, chose to serve a cause that's greater than self, many even after they knew they'd be sent into harm's way. And for more than a decade, they have endured tour after tour.

Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg has served 10. And I've told Cory's incredible story before, most recently when he sat with my wife, Michelle, at the State of the Union address. It was here, at Omaha Beach, on the 65th anniversary of D-Day, where I first met Cory and his fellow Army Rangers, right after they made their own jump into Normandy. The next time I saw him, he was in the hospital, unable to speak or walk after an IED nearly killed him in Afghanistan.

But over the past five years, Cory has grown stronger, learning to speak again and stand again and walk again, and earlier this year, he jumped out of a plane again. And the first words Cory said to me after his accident echoed those words first shouted all those years ago on this beach: "Rangers lead the way."


Cory Remsburg has come back today, along with Melvin and Jannise and Brian and many of their fellow active-duty servicemembers. We thank them for their service. They are a reminder that the tradition represented by these gentlemen continues.

We are on this Earth for only a moment in time. And fewer of us have parents and grandparents to tell us about what the veterans of D- Day did here 70 years ago. As I was landing on Marine One, I told my staff, "I don't think there's a time where I miss my grandfather more, where I'd be more happy to have him here than this day."

So we have to tell their stories for them. We have to do our best to uphold in our own lives the values that they were prepared to die for. We have to honor those who carry forward that legacy, recognizing that people cannot live in freedom unless free people are prepared to die for it.

And as today's wars come to an end, this generation of servicemen and women will step out of uniform. And they, too, will build families and lives of their own. They, too, will become leaders in their communities, in commerce and industry, and perhaps politics, the leaders we need for the beachheads of our time. And, God willing, they, too, will grow old in the land they helped to keep free. And someday, future generations, whether 70 or 700 years hence, will gather at places like this to honor them and to say that these were generations of men and women who proved once again that the United States of America is and will remain the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known.


May God bless our veterans and all who served with them, including those who rest here in eternal peace. And may God bless all who serve today for the peace and security of the world. May God bless the people of France, and may God bless our United States of America.


It made me want to run through a wall for America. I’m not sure I was ever more proud to be an American.

Fast forward 4.5 years and I’d just assume skip the question if asked.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

Friendly reminder this weekend was supposed to be a celebration for him by having a military parade in D.C.

Also, I'm fully behind the notion of him not supporting the troops in every conceivable way. But one area where it actually benefits the troops is him not visiting a warzone.

When a DV visits an area downrange everything immediately ceases to be about the mission. It becomes the biggest clean up party all over the area. Every nook, cranny, hallway, vehicle, building, and thing that can be seen by him is polished and scrubbed until it's pristine. Hours and hours of hundreds of people making sure dirt shines.

I don't know exactly how to describe it. But I'll give you an example: when I was in tech school in 2001 an inspection team came to Keesler AFB to inspect the training units there. I hadn't started my tech school yet so my day consisted of being a janitor with no cleaning materials for hours on end within the unit. Well, this one particular day I and a dozen other people like me were told to pick clovers out of the grass. The inspector saw us doing this and asked why. Because clovers aren't grass, we said. The inspector was shocked and soon after that exchange we stopped having to do that.

Just think: that's the Air Force during an inspection. Imagine the Army or Marines mopping during a rain storm or sweeping during a sandstorm or something like that when it's the president. It's low grade hazing. So yea, I'm cool with Agent Orange staying away from everything military.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by sancarlos »

In addition to refusing to visit the battlefield, he also ripped the Baltic countries for starting the war in Yugoslavia in the 90's. Because he's such a moron he doesn't know the difference between the Balkans and the Baltic.

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by The Sybian »

Eh, it's just as well. The less time he spends with world leaders, the better it is for the world. Imagine if he gave a speech at the cemetery, on the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI. 3 minutes of nonsensical gibberish followed by a non sequitur making it all about how great he is, morphing into the unfair media attacking him and Mueller's investigation being a fake news total hoax. Maybe throw in some casual racism and talk of the horrific no-go zones in Paris.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by EnochRoot »

Pruitt wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:50 am
In a country that continually provides advertising air space to Peter Popov? Nothing’s shocking.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by DSafetyGuy »

Why do people act like there are not millions upon millions of Americans who are morons?
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by The Sybian »

Holy fuck, that isn't a parody? Sad state of affairs that they need to offer a payment plan for a stuffed animal.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

DSafetyGuy wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:23 amWhy do people act like there are not millions upon millions of Americans who are morons?
Correct answer.

And if you want to see a bunch of dumb memorabilia for a leader, visit the gifts shops outside of the Vatican.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my hope and change meeting rocking this:

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Rex »

The Sybian wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:23 am Holy fuck, that isn't a parody? Sad state of affairs that they need to offer a payment plan for a stuffed animal.
This is one product where "send check or money order" should probably be in larger print.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by brian »

As far as the first legislation a Democratic House should take up, this is pretty damn good.

Keep putting the Republicans on the wrong side of issues that poll at around 66-34. (Cannabis re-scheduling is another good one, though that one might well pass the Senate...obviously a good result either way.)
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

I will simply quote the first reply to this tweet:
Is it legal for the President to publicly side with one company over another?
I’m not a lawyer so just asking for a country.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by DaveInSeattle »

Hey...remember when conservatives got all bent out of shape when Obama went to Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, instead of Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day?

President Obama will skip Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery
Critics -- mainly conservatives -- have argued that attendance is more important with two wars ongoing. "Obama may talk about the government in the first person, but the men and women lying at Arlington know differently," commentator Eric Erickson wrote on the conservative site "Of course, Obama really doesn't like the military, does he." Fox News blared the headlines: "Trampling on Tradition?" and "Offensive to Soldiers?"
Wonder what those same people are saying about Trump not visiting Arlington today, because of 'rain'...
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

I hope Mueller's investigation uncovers drug use by this guy. I'd just love to see it.
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EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Johnnie »

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by rass »

I'm sorry. I know.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

It took him three days to come up with that comeback?

God help us.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Gunpowder »

And again, saying the US saved the day in WW1 requires one to have never even so much as glanced at actual history.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

Is the answer...Mueller?
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

Also, this country is damned:

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by degenerasian »

Macron may want to take this back.

Will he respond today or just let it go?
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by GoodKarma »

tennbengal wrote: Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:48 am

Is the answer...Mueller?'s a boycott. Fox is mad because of the incident with protesters at Tucker Carlson's house. Someone posted his address on Twitter and they did not immediately take it down. Fox is demanding (allegedly) an apology.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

I know they are claiming it is a boycott because of the thing they are trying to make a thing with Acosta, but I am thinking that is a cover for something else. Many of those accounts have been deleting tweets too...
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by tennbengal »

Um...Melania Trump fired the Deputy National Security Advisor?????

I know, I KNOW this is a tired observation, but...can you imagine if Michelle Obama had done that?
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by degenerasian »

I like this is the perfect first step. Dems first bill will force the Senate to say no to equal voting rights.
The bill would establish automatic voter registration and reinvigorate the Voting Rights Act, crippled by a Supreme Court decision in 2013. It would take away redistricting power from state legislatures and give it to independent commissions.

Other provisions would overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which declared political spending is First Amendment free speech; they would mandate more disclosure of outside money and establish a public financing match for small contributions.

Ethics language in the bill would strike closer to current controversies. When President Trump took office, he said — accurately — that the ban on conflicts of interest doesn't cover presidents. The bill would close that loophole, while expanding the anti-bribery law and requiring presidential candidates to make their tax returns public. ... cy-at-home
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by The Sybian »

degenerasian wrote: Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:15 pm I like this is the perfect first step. Dems first bill will force the Senate to say no to equal voting rights.
The bill would establish automatic voter registration and reinvigorate the Voting Rights Act, crippled by a Supreme Court decision in 2013. It would take away redistricting power from state legislatures and give it to independent commissions.

Other provisions would overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which declared political spending is First Amendment free speech; they would mandate more disclosure of outside money and establish a public financing match for small contributions.

Ethics language in the bill would strike closer to current controversies. When President Trump took office, he said — accurately — that the ban on conflicts of interest doesn't cover presidents. The bill would close that loophole, while expanding the anti-bribery law and requiring presidential candidates to make their tax returns public. ... cy-at-home
Yep. And all of those points are very popular measures. OTOH, the GOP will frame the Bill as Dems enrolling illegal immigrants and dead people leading to widespread voter fraud.

While it sucks that the GOP got to gerrymander for the past 20 years, but the Dems need to end the practice. In addition to gerrymandering subverting democracy, Dems would gain seats by enacting independant and fair districts, and we could hopefully maintain independently drawn districts in the future.
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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by sancarlos »

tennbengal wrote: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:51 pm Um...Melania Trump fired the Deputy National Security Advisor?????

I know, I KNOW this is a tired observation, but...can you imagine if Michelle Obama had done that?

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Pruitt »

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by Nonlinear FC »

Who fucking cares about a WH shake up? Honestly, it won't be any different no matter who's in there. A shitshow is a shitshow, regardless of the bit players.

But to take it from CNN and MSNBC, it's pretty much all their talking about.

Shut the fuck up. You're just promoting Trump.

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by brian »

This is at least the second time he's said you need an ID to buy groceries. What the actual fuck at this point?

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Re: Trump Admin Meltdown Thread Part III - A Democratic House

Post by sancarlos »

He thinks people write checks to pay for groceries.

And look, the media has already forgotten his embarrassing shitshow in France.
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