Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

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Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

A little stream of consciousness .. with historical posts!
hey, its one way of getting my post count up again.. i'd watch it though.. whenever my post count starts nearing 1000, the swamp dies and like the veritable phoenix, it is reborn in another color in another dimension (hosting site)
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

15 Dec 2011
Don't think i'll be able to arrange a swampmeet over here in Dar (Tanzania)..but i did manage to make my way to the local ex-pat pub... "The George and The Dragon" no website, only a fb page.. good local beer, placed was packed. Haven't had the local flavor food -- nor many chances to see things.. work, work, work. Gets dark around 730.
Traffic is madness and just found out that I'll be on my own the last week here as my friend is due to fly back to the states one week before me.... will need to get used to driving on the left and ignoring all rules.
read somewhere before coming that the locals like to pass on the right on the two lane roads... seen it nightly, its like playing chicken in very old corolla-like Toyota.

hot, although i'm ok mostly. power goes out often.
apparently there is a large Latin community here.. met folks from El Salvador and due to meet some Colombians this weekend. definitely expected a different culture, so no shock. hard to explain

had dinner by the Indian ocean yesterday, no pictures though.. by the time we got there it was dark and I didn't have my SLR.. the droid camera is good but not that good.

more to do later.. debating whether to go to zanzibar for christmas or drive 3 hours nw from Dar to go see the safari lands.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

16 Dec 2011

Hit the pub last night.. meeting people left and right - too bad i came just before the holidays as seems most of the heavyweight expats are flying home for a month of holidays.
There is serious money to be made here if you can hit the right niche... the guy who owns the company i'm consulting for owns most of the cell phone backbone for east africa (we spent a bit of time last night comparing notes about hoboken, nj bars where he lived for a couple of years not too long ago)
only downside so far is that we're out drinking every night, following it with 12+hour work days. hey, at least the AC is working.
looked into the safari -- might make the drive out to the reserve around new years, but zanzibar is still on the plan. i'm giddy.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

18 Dec 2011
spent the day sightseeing up the coast yesterday. came back to the condo around 8 thinking i was staying in for the night ... got a call from an acquaitance, he picked me up at 1030 last night... i saw the sunrise over the indian ocean as we walked out of the bar this morning around six. spent the night drinking johnny walker with a bunch of Colombians who are employed in the oil/gas industry.. what a parranda.. never had i partied up in a way where you buy bottles of scotch at the table... not drinks.. bottles.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

18 Dec 2011

Originally posted by garyclark
This is starting to read like Hemingway. Awesome stuff.
let's just say that 8 hours of drinking followed by some potentially bad chicken make you thank your lucky stars you packed lots of pepto and immodium. Wasted Sunday afternoon.... even had an invite to see some mixed martial arts.. UFC Dar style.

anyway, more long form writing and some photos are here if interested
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

20 Dec 2011
Two straight days that we wake up to thunderstorms.. .as no sidewalks and most side roads are 30yo crumbling asphalt, you can imagine the commute in... the little Toyota was able to ford the rivers and lakes.

Two day straight of walking in to find the second floor bathroom sprouting geysers of water from below,
two days straight of coming in to find the staff waiting to figure out how to stop it or at least deflect the water away from the main work room or server room
two days straight of reading really depressing stories about our so called leaders in Washington playing their stupid games and fucking us over (what's new, right?)

on a good note, my intestinal troubles seem to be over for the time being, so much chilli and pints were put away last night.
Oh, and I've been officially asked to come back in February to join the company as COO. Its a pretty good salary, of which i would only pay US taxes after the first 70K, and the money quoted is AFTER they pay the 20% taxes to the TZ gov.. plus they give me a car, pay for my housing and insurance. Its tempting... but i don't see how they can pay the salary they're talking about as sales is so infinitesimally small... that and they won't share their financials.. lots to think about... this ain't London or even Kentucky, it really is the 3rd world... need to give them an answer after xmas.

Back to the water!
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

26 Dec 2011

Originally posted by Staubach
That is awesome...Where do I send my resume!!?? Dar has to be better than Cincitucky.
Dude, you're supposed to be hooking me up in Elizabeth!

no seriously -- still mulling it over. They wont' negotiate over the money, and I really don't want to spend a year here -- outside of drinking there isn't much to do for the expats on weekends -- driving at night is a seriously bad idea.. bad drivers, no lights or signals (not that it would matter) = lots of accidents. i was used to traveling one week a month.. this is now the beginning of my third week away.
27 Mar 2013
hmm... on my way to nearly two years here. my weekends are used to catch up on sleep, go to the beach, cookouts, golf, football.. yeah.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

27 Dec 2011
Written on Christmas day eve.. just now having a chance to upload it.
Despite the copious amounts of wine, champagne and beer that were imbibed during the six hour Christmas dinner, the pain of loneliness of the reality were not avoided. of course we know, such libations only make such feelings that much worse, and yet we try for what else is there at that point.

The lack of communication and incomplete connections and calls via wondrous technology only made it worse. Some emails come through, a voice in the far away, a friendly face for a minute or two, but no real communications, just reminders of distance. Despite one’s best efforts to be nonchalant, despite best efforts over time to avoid the holiday hassles due to the multitude of familial problems it presents, at the very least at those times, family is near and all is forgotten after the run-up, only of course for small slights to be remembered and burnished to fester until the next opportunity at some other such holiday arises to air them out . The truth is laid bare, God how I miss them all. Who to blame for months of constant questioning, of past choices and turns taken? Knowing it was to be, knowing all such roads taken and forgotten or ignored are inconceivably entwined makes it no easier.

So far from home, so far from friends and family, with but a work colleague to ‘celebrate’, at least at a pub, but no footie on the tv.. pints yes, but music and cheer make it so much harder. What to do but stay and put on a serious session that will lead to no good, or go back to the confines of the cement and air conditioning, on the bed. Quicksilver calls, and for a few hours, its denseness and comingled story lines serve to dull the effects of the distance, yet at some point the eyes tire, lids droop and book must be tossed aside, and the effort of getting up to turn off the light serves to awaken one.. reaching for the droid, scrolling through pictures, remembering happier times, some but days and weeks old.

The phone rings, a known number on the screen. One after the other, but not all come on the phone to express their greetings, some are chocked up, which only makes it that much worse. The crickets and the occasional rooster on this end, while on the other sounds of family and cheer.

It was the right thing to do, the amount was much needed and its becoming clearer by the day that this may be the in fact the better opportunity for the future both in hard value and soft promises. Will it be easier? Will it be better on my own? What will he remember? What will he feel? For the sake of sanity and self and the ever present bills piling I see no other choice.

So off to yet another pub, to eat, to watch, to gamble and drink. The lack of knowledge and limiting company provide few choices as to actions available. Multitudes of pages read, many to go, hardest part of the job ahead… to train a staff that wishes not to be trained, to teach them what they don’t want to learn, to build a team where no desires to exist to act as such. Take the degree out for a spin the doc said, global management on the cv, then globally manage pop said. Righty-o. Keeping busy drives the melancholy away, but it remains so one must be vigilant lest it surfaces at inconvenient times to keep one from the task.

oh yeah, and today's its my birthday. yipee.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

28 Dec 2011
Originally posted by MrC
Happy Birthday, njf.
many Thanks for the wishes gents, those along with the PMs are much welcome.

Just posted longer thoughts over on the blog

the highlights this week were the traffic police, who dress like good humor guys stopping us twice this week (well, our car twice, i was only in it the second time)

the reason for the second stop? we apparently crossed the crosswalk at a red light (he called it the zebra) so he stepped in front of the car some 100yds after the light, motioned us over.. gave my colleague a hard time on his KY license, proceeded to tell us how he was going to write a ticket.. when we said ok, he got in the back of the car and kept on going on about the ticket in the book so we could get a receipt... but, there is only one book and its at the station.. so we said fine, let's go to the station.. he didn't like that. we paid him his 30,000TZs 'fine' and went on our merry way. All this time, on the left lane (they drive like brits), the real cop, in khakis with a big fat gun was not ten feet from us.. guessing they split the money.

and the second one... last night, at the George and Dragon, after a few pints and good meal, walking out, my colleague (boss, whatever) smiled at a woman in the corner.. i missed it.. but then she walks out of the pub, through the mass of Masai (most expat places hire them for security) to our car and leans into the window... yep, horrors of horrors.. she a ho! i couldn't stop laughing. JT is the LAST person to entertain that. And even though he's been here now two months, he hasn't really encountered it... heck, the bar i go see EPL games is filled with them (some lonely planet hot spot for backpackers).. the hotel (it really is, Tuesday night there was even families coming down the stairs) has hourly rooms, and the place crawls with them.. but they leave you alone unless you catch their eye and smile at them.. come in, have your pints, watch arsenal shit the bed again.. no hookers bother you).

anyway, work is going well. They have made a second offer that makes it nearly impossible to turn down, so unless something dramatic changes in the next week, looks like I'll be the 2012 East Africa swamp contingent.
Last edited by njflaco; 12-29-2011, 12:09 AM. Reason: can't spell for shit.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by Steve of phpBB »

This is great.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

yea, unfortunately i didn't save the other posts - these i found through google. but i'll post the ones from the blog.

32.75/53.25.. that is hours to wheels up and hours to wheels down...i'm giddy with anticipation - i depart these hot, wet, muddy lands to the US tomorrow. i leave maybe for good, maybe not. i leave having spent a year doing severe damage to my liver, although never missing work because of the drinking sessions. i leave at a hair under 200lbs (arrived closed to 230 in dec'11), having spent the last two months in the gym and so stronger and in the best shape i've been in the last 15 years.. i leave with significant international experience on my resume with the hopes that someone out there cares about that enough to give me a shot, i leave with an interview pending to go run a media company in south africa (just what i need, to get further away from my family.. the missus and the boy will not be amused).. i leave here having met some great people, having made some true friends, having seen and done so much i can't even begin to describe it. i leave with a couple of thousand pictures on the hard drive.. lots of editing to do...

lots of stuff here, lots of stuff at home.. regardless of opportunities in this side of the world, need to be home.. mom-in-law had valve replacement surgery down in dc two days ago.. some complications, cat scans mri next.. possible stroke.. missus is hanging in there, she's a tough cookie.. but she's only child and her dad is set to begin chemo shortly.... at least the boy has straightened out.. i'm trying to get the missus to stay down in dc with her folks and i'll just cab it from jfk to nj, get the boy from friend's, pack the car and head down.. what a life. lo que toca toca.
so boys and girls (yeah right), don't take anything for granted. routine is routine until it isn't.

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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by Johnny Hotcakes »

Thanks for sharing, Flaco. I enjoy reading these posts about life abroad (and similar ones from Johnnie, Dave, etc.). My childhood neighbour has actually taught in Tanzania for a few years now and seems to enjoy it, though she is batshit crazy.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by Ryan »

he’s a fixbking cyborg or some shit. The

holy fuckbAllZ, what a ducking nightmare. Holy shot. Just, fuck. The
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »


Flying back one week from today.

Many unwritten rants, a multitude of interviews, unknown number of resume versions, serious attempts at changing industries, rebranding myself, yada, yada, yada...end result? Either overqualified or not qualified enough. As my buddy rich tells it, sucking c*ck for gas money time. Looking like the big gig is still on track, but according to their corp HR, as it is a new position, it must wait until Jan '14....
as of 1 Nov, i'll be acting MD at the company in TZ, have a full slate of ops work to get done, some international biz dev (Dubai and Kenya visits in the plans), a bit of saturday morning golf overlooking the indian ocean, serious anxiety, tremendous loss not being around for the holidays, satisfaction of doing what needs doing to bring the shillings in, and staying steely as they do the full court press to get me to stay through June'14 (work visa expires then)
Next six days chock full of family time, driving down to md to visit the old folks, prepping the house for holidays and winter..
Fecking depressing. Gutted as dear ol' zumba would say. Totally gutted.

Off to Africa again boys.
Will resurrect the blog, and my curating the picture trove will have to wait.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by rass »

Bummer man. I hope it's as short and profitable a trip as possible.

And I'll refrain from bitching about the shitty beer in the fridge at my office in NJ for the duration of your stay.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by The Sybian »

rass wrote:Bummer man. I hope it's as short and profitable a trip as possible.

And I'll refrain from bitching about the shitty beer in the fridge at my office in NJ for the duration of your stay.

And I'll make sure to up the level of enthusiasm as to how awesome my job is. J/K Flaco, I really hope the big gig pans out for you. It certainly sounds promising.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

So a quick update..

Arrived in Dar two weeks ago Saturday. Very enjoyable 13hr leg do Dubai, then spent most of my time in the emirates business lounge. The dar leg... ugh. Either the plane is empty or full. This time it was full. What a jolt. At least the scotch was flowing, so no pain there. i fear i might have been snoring a bit though.

Arrival in dar.. no problem. no paperwork, as i hold a resident visa. so passport control was a breeze, even if i had forgotten even my basic swahili. 30minutes for the bags and then sweating customs, the bribe! fortunately it never came.

the company driver was waiting for me amidst the crowd (think JFK international terminal, but outside, hot as balls, and you are the different looking one).. and we embarked on a two hour + odyssey to the hotel. We even had a bit of a tussle with the police, as our driver (local guy, english so-so) was pulled over for no apparent reason and argued for some ten minutes so he wouldn't pay a fine... then another traffic polisi came over.. turned out to be a school mate of his (some 20yrs earlier).. and we were on our way.

Took a few days to get acclimated to the time again - not helped by an all night bender on the saturday i arrived.
office is fine, city is growing.. many towers going up, traffic makes NY/NJ look like Des Moines.

finally sorted my car situation, so will no longer be traveling in bajaj (aka tuk tuk)

have the skype # set up so it calls my tz phone, so in constant communication with the missus and the boy. Gutted in that regard, but on the other hand, work is very busy and exciting.. came up with a new inititiative to launch a market reserach study so have been meeting all sorts of editors at various papers and stations. The surprise this past monday was suddenly at my desk, was a woman who was introduced as Cristina from Millicom - she wants to hear about your business.. she then proceed to tell me she was Cristina S, the owner of Millicom. Needless to say, that threw me for a loop.

back to the salt mine.

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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

Another week done in Dar, another week under way.

A bit more exciting than last weekend -- having been out of the rat race, was not entirely accostumed to putting in 12+hrs of work each day.. a solid 12 that is.. week before last, was that. Friday I was in bed by 9 and saturday in bed by 10. now to be fair, i did play (walked) 18 holes on the saturday morning and did play two futbol games in the afternoon (arrived at the course to find a tournament under way.. they told us we could play the back nine.. or we could join the tournament for the same price... 15,000/- about $9.. got a johnny walker polo and hat.. and signed a scorecard that said 94 ..with a 27 handicap of course.. for the futbol, we won our 3pm game to get into the playoffs, got seeded 8th, played a 5p game vs top seed, undefeated lebanon.. took them to the wire, 1-1, lost in the last five, but i managed to stop a pk from an ex lebanon nat team player)

more the customary weekend this past fri-sat-sun.. lots of Castle Light shantys (with sprite)

some more light reading.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

A month in Dar.. not too long to go, although today.. today so far is the toughest day.

I wasn't there when my wife fell yesterday while loading the car for the trek to MD in the cold and snow... wasn't there to help her, wasn't there to load the car (as i always do)..wasn't there to drive the nearly 6 hours (almost double the usual time)...won't be there to cook the turkey at my parents house (have been doing the cooking with my brother and sometimes my sister for 12 years) or drink the usual bottle of scotch while doing so... won't be there to enjoy the family, even as they diverge into some politically related discussion and i slink away with my glass to the basement to fall asleep while the cowboys get trashed yet again... wont be there to break up the fight (and be somewhat proud) when the boy wails on his cousin..wont be there for the usual late night movie with the missus and my siblings, usually in rockville or sometimes in bethesda... won't be there to eat turkey leftovers on Friday (they wont' last beyond that) or make the usual stock or soup.. wont be there to see all other friends left behind long ago.. and wont be there on Sunday when the boy and the missus put up the Christmas tree and the pesebre.

yeah, yeah.. i know why i'm here. doesn't make it any easier.

so what am i doing? working.. probably until 7 or so.. then off to do laundry at a friends apt, then dinner.. and then i'll say i won't go out, but i probably will, and get home by 1, then up again tomorrow to do it again.

i know very few Americans, and the ones i do know are mere acquaintances. know lots of Colombians and other assorted latinos, but thanksgiving isn't' their thing (one of these days I'll have to write about the whole dual country thing..).. a couple did offer to get together tonight, cook a turkey, even some chickens.. but i can't. i did get invited to a Thanksgiving dinner at someone's house.. where none of the invitees know each other, just folks here looking to mimic what they are missing at home.. but i can't. i rather ignore it and have a few kilis then go home.

Curiously.. this is not what i came on here to say - once i started typing, it just came out.


Happy Thanksgiving Swamp. The enjoyment (and sometimes anger) i get from reading your posts, following your lives.. on this day and always, i'm thankful for my family, for my wife, for the boy and grumblings aside, for the opportunities i've had to keep them and i thank zumba once again for pressing until i finally joined this (now 6th version) interweb dive.

Happy turkey day boys.

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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by rass »

Happy Thanksgiving man.
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by Keg »

Happy Thankgiving, Flaco. Keep the updates coming...
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by Scottie »

All the best to you, elflaco.

In case you guys missed the dead car battery story on elflaco's blog, it's a must: http://viajesperegrinos.wordpress.com/2 ... ink-again/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Habari ya asubuhi rafikini

Post by elflaco »

Thanks Scottie.
The latest post, a teaser anyway.

http://viajesperegrinos.wordpress.com/2 ... ndom-days/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

An evening that started out at the Yacht Club, ended up on the opposite side of the peninsula, at Cocoa Beach. If a mention of the Yacht Club to many evokes a very colonial scene..you'd be right. Possibly in another time, in another situation, that's where I'd be.. but here and now, i prefer Cocoa Beach.

A sight I hadn't seen since a long ago October night driving north from the Florida Keys a at nearly midnight (Ft. Lauderdale to Key West and back in the same day, all to swim with the dolphins only to find out directions were misread, so had to settle for waterside beers and a few hours snorkeling... but that's a story for another time.)..Shooting stars crossing such a starry night I was sorry my camera and tripod were left at the apartment; then what appeared to be a comet fragment streaking down and disintegrating a few hundred meters out to sea while still overhead., and many, many expats amongst the locals, all fueled by local beers, Konyagi and shisha.. singing in many cases, bad karaoke. Who knew that La Bamba (the movie version, not the original one) would be such a big draw at Cocoa Beach in Dar es Salaam on a cool December Wednesday night?
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