To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Okay . . . let's try this again.

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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Johnnie »

Quick recap:

mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

I watched the Hearing. Didn't learn much new, except the documentarian embedded with the Proud Boys who filmed a secret meeting between the leader of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in a parking garage, he apparently turned over hours of yet unreleased footage. They also focused on the Oath Keepers entering the Capitol in military stack formations and showing it was a pre-planned and well coordinated attack by guys who were mostly retired military. Watching the videos, it really stood out. Mobs of yahoos in red hats, t-shirts and stars and stripes paraphernalia, then rows of guys in ballistic helmets, body army and quasi-military gear rapidly worming through the crowd with a sense of purpose.

The Committee is laying out a clear case showing Trump called for the insurrection and showing Trump fully knew there was no fraud and he knew he was calling for an insurrection and a coup. I have no faith Garland will do anything about it, and I know full well the people who need to see this won't and if they do, they will chalk it up to the Dems drumming up political theater because they are dirty tricksters and can't win without cheating.

The other live testimony came from a female Capitol Police Officer I surprisingly haven't heard of or seen before. She gave powerful recollections (with previously unreleased video) retelling how she was attacked by the crowd, overpowered and knocked unconscious when she was pushed over a step, fell backwards and cracked the base of her skull on a step. The camera zoomed in on face as she fought back tears watching the video. Then she detailed getting back into the fight when she came to, despite still not being medically cleared today due to concussion symptoms she still deals with. While it was powerful and emotional, I think it was wasted time. What I was moved by was the video of Bill Barr saying he told Trump there is no evidence of fraud, all of his legal arguments are lies and have no chance of working and he is damaging the country by persisting with his charade and Barr resigned because he refused to be a part of it. [Fuck Barr for not publicly crying it from the rooftops in November 2019-January 2020]. I also would have liked to seen more of the filmed testimony from Ivanka, Jared and others in the Admin saying damning stuff that everyone knew the Big Lie was just that, and everyone begged Trump to call of the insurrection but he was loving it. And video of insiders saying Trump's response to the "Hang Mike Pence" chants was "good, Mike deserves to hang for this."
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Shirley »

I watched last night because my wife wanted to and it was way more interesting than I expected it to be. I didn't expect the whole thing to be about Trump, but they really did a good job building a case that it all points back to him. Like Syb, I'm not sure if anyone watching is swayable, but hopefully they can move folks on the margins enough. First, there need to be consequences for this stuff and not just for the yahoos who broke in or fought cops. Second, those folks need to be convinced to not vote for Trump or his lackeys again. We'll see.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by L-Jam3 »

"Mr. Vance, you tout that you were endorsed by Donald Trump. If you lose the election this year, would you, like him before you, inspire your supporters to storm the state capitol to overturn the fairly-administered election?"
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by DaveInSeattle »

L-Jam3 wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:42 am "<#Republican Candidate>, you tout that you were endorsed by Donald Trump. If you lose the election this year, would you, like him before you, inspire your supporters to storm the state capitol to overturn the fairly-administered election?"
Fixed it for you...
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by DaveInSeattle »

And for the counter-programming on Fox News, Tucker brought in the big guns...

I was reading this morning that Tucker's show didn't break for commercials last night. Can't have the loyal Fox viewers turning away for even a moment...
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by degenerasian »

Trump is such an idiot. Of course there was no cheating.
And even if there was, then Trump is the dumbest person on earth. What sitting President gets cheated? Incumbents are the ones with all the advantages and do all the cheating. African dictators have run unfair elections to be in power for decades.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

I have been watching MSNBC on YouTube (clips) for weeks, and, man... Of course I agree with the vast majority of what they're saying, but talk about delusional. They've been pushing these "Primetime Hearings!!" for weeks, acting like "this is the thing that finally brings Trump down."

GTFO here with that. Ad nauseum: The ppl that need to see and hear this shit are being fed Jason Whitlock and similarly situated clowns. The ppl that don't care aren't going to start caring because this shit is on at 8p ET... And of course, again, we (this board) already know 95 percent of this shit.

Yes, it's satisfying seeing Barr be a semi-human, and for Ivanka to eat shit and admit she knew all of this was a Big Lie. But it's not going to move the needle one bit.

But, Gas Prices!! Is all they are saying, beyond calling this a partisan witch hunt.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by L-Jam3 »

Those of you who still have friends or are on FB, how do you guys deal with this? Maybe I have an issue that when I see something false my knee-jerk reaction is to immediately address it, which is one of the main reasons why I left. But when you guys see someone blatantly parroting TFG's lies on your feed, do you just let it slide? Do you block them? I felt like 95% of the people I was "friends" with I wouldn't have mattered if I never heard from them again, and there were people I legitimately defriended because of TFG.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by mister d »

Kinda wild to think Fox News hasn't quite reached confidence they're at this stage, as evidenced by not allowing the insurrection video to play: The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

L-Jam3 wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:53 pm Those of you who still have friends or are on FB, how do you guys deal with this? Maybe I have an issue that when I see something false my knee-jerk reaction is to immediately address it, which is one of the main reasons why I left. But when you guys see someone blatantly parroting TFG's lies on your feed, do you just let it slide? Do you block them? I felt like 95% of the people I was "friends" with I wouldn't have mattered if I never heard from them again, and there were people I legitimately defriended because of TFG.
I just hide them, but I have also had two high school baseball (meathead) dudes that I went nuclear on. Here's the thing, I will just delete your shit on my page if I don't like what you're doing. It's my page. But if you come into my DM (or Messenger) and start to get into it, it's going to go poorly for you.

One guy would get drunk (and probably coked up, knowing his circle) and would incoherently spout random Fox talking points. Then he'd sober up and quasi-apologize and then want to have a rational discussion. That happened once and I let it go, second time he got the full "Fuck you, you're absolutely a disgrace and don't ever contact me and if you see me on the street, keep walking" treatment. And we have many mutual friends and I was actually at a memorial service with him the other day... I looked right at him and he looked away and I just turned and gave him nothing but air. Fuck that guy.

Other guy was not long after that confrontation, and it was milder because that guy wasn't being a prick, he just wouldn't stop with the "Wouldn't it be BETTER if we were friends with Russia?" type of bullshit and I just kind of backed out of that and blocked him. Again, would've left well enough alone, but these guys were harassing me in Messenger. Fuck that noise.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by sancarlos »

I have unfollowed, but not unfriended, many relatives and high school compadres. So at least I don’t see the most egregious posts.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by GoodKarma »

I unfollowed my mother in law but that’s it. I actually like keeping that stuff in my feed…helps keep me from getting silo’d myself and I like to keep up to date on what is current with the crazies. Same reason why my Twitter follows still include more than a handful of conservatives or right wing folks.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by L-Jam3 »

I get that. I frankly have felt pretty let down over the years by friends*, so I feel like if it’d be better to just cut that whole section of personhood out of my life. I keep a very small circle anymore. I follow the rule of friends like kidneys: you need one, and two is probably ideal, but any more than that might be unnecessary. I would’ve mentioned something like this during the “Friends?” thread, but maybe this is something better served in therapy.

* And I’m talking about “friends” who claimed to be friends of mine throughout my life. I don’t mean anyone here on this board at all; you motherfuckers are alright.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by EnochRoot »

Nonlinear FC wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:12 pm
L-Jam3 wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:53 pm Those of you who still have friends or are on FB, how do you guys deal with this? Maybe I have an issue that when I see something false my knee-jerk reaction is to immediately address it, which is one of the main reasons why I left. But when you guys see someone blatantly parroting TFG's lies on your feed, do you just let it slide? Do you block them? I felt like 95% of the people I was "friends" with I wouldn't have mattered if I never heard from them again, and there were people I legitimately defriended because of TFG.
I just hide them, but I have also had two high school baseball (meathead) dudes that I went nuclear on. Here's the thing, I will just delete your shit on my page if I don't like what you're doing. It's my page. But if you come into my DM (or Messenger) and start to get into it, it's going to go poorly for you.

One guy would get drunk (and probably coked up, knowing his circle) and would incoherently spout random Fox talking points. Then he'd sober up and quasi-apologize and then want to have a rational discussion. That happened once and I let it go, second time he got the full "Fuck you, you're absolutely a disgrace and don't ever contact me and if you see me on the street, keep walking" treatment. And we have many mutual friends and I was actually at a memorial service with him the other day... I looked right at him and he looked away and I just turned and gave him nothing but air. Fuck that guy.

Other guy was not long after that confrontation, and it was milder because that guy wasn't being a prick, he just wouldn't stop with the "Wouldn't it be BETTER if we were friends with Russia?" type of bullshit and I just kind of backed out of that and blocked him. Again, would've left well enough alone, but these guys were harassing me in Messenger. Fuck that noise.
I hide them, but just yesterday a recently unhid fool (that several mutual friends have an apparent tolerance for) posted a picture of Amber Heard and Kamala Harris together, smiling for the camera. Like it was some big ‘gotcha’ moment. I started to reply about the convenience of that post to deflect from the hearing last night, but then figured “what’s the point?” I deleted the sentence I started and put him back on ‘ignore for 30 days’.

There’s one guy that I think I talked about here in the past year or two. He’s a software engineer working for a big company with a defense contract with the military. He has to maintain security clearance. So prior to the 2020 election, he started bitching on FB that Facebook had deleted some conversations with friends he was having on his wall. The conversations involved sharing a doctored video of Hunter Biden. I told him that social media profiles are absolutely fair game for the USG to suspend or revoke someone’s clearance (I even cited the act that broadened the power), and told him the clowns he’s chatting with (all various guys from 33-35 years ago in high school) had nothing to lose, but that he did. He barked something like “I’m allowed to have an opinion!” Sure dude. You’re also allowed to experience the consequences for sharing it. He announced he was “quitting Facebook,” but he was back a few days later. For all I know, he’s on some whackadoo RWNJ social media platform too.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

I won't belabor, but so many people don't understand the scope (often limited) of the First Amendment. It's like, yeah, you can voice your opinion, you can also suffer the fucking consequences.

I'm frustrated today. So much stupid.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by degenerasian »

Nonlinear FC wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:57 pm I won't belabor, but so many people don't understand the scope (often limited) of the First Amendment. It's like, yeah, you can voice your opinion, you can also suffer the fucking consequences.

I'm frustrated today. So much stupid.
Especially at work. We are under contract. We represent our company 24/7 on social media, not just during working hours.
I have a co-worker spouting "anti-vaxxers are the victims of a conspiracy" on facebook and now she's suspended from work. Of course she'll further feel victimized. She'll blame it on stress or a nervous breakdown or mental health or something and get paid leave.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by DaveInSeattle »

sancarlos wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:29 pm I have unfollowed, but not unfriended, many relatives and high school compadres. So at least I don’t see the most egregious posts.
I have done the same, including my Aunt who was posting some really batshit stuff during Trump's FIRST impeachment. I can't imagine what she's posting now.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by pruitt2 »


I guess it's all necessary, but the system now pretty much ensures that this is nothing but political theatre.

I mean - elected officials are ignoring subpoenas - there is no respect for the rule of law amongst half of the federal lawmakers. Someone please tell me that when this is all over, there will be consequences.

I am serious here - what is going to change? Congress has had almost 18 months to bring people to justice, and other than a bunch of fucking yahoos, who has been (or will be punished)? It is all so dispiriting.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by A_B »

Timing it closer to the midterms was probably the plan all along.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by sancarlos »

Serious question for the group. If Trump is formally charged with Jan 6-related crimes (and thus, at least technically be under arrest - though doubtful he’d be handcuffed), do you think his supporters would riot in the streets? I think that’s a real possibility. Violence and assaults. Could be history in the making?
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

sancarlos wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:16 pm Serious question for the group. If Trump is formally charged with Jan 6-related crimes (and thus, at least technically be under arrest - though doubtful he’d be handcuffed), do you think his supporters would riot in the streets? I think that’s a real possibility. Violence and assaults. Could be history in the making?
Possibly, especially if he called for it and others like Steve Bannon broadcast a plan. I do feel like he lost some juice.

One thing that surprises me, if so many Trump supporters truly believe the election was stolen, why haven’t they done anything after 1/6? Maybe they kept listening to all the promises of “Trump will be reinstalled by x date…” and thought they could wait for it to happen.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

I think the VAST MAJORITY of these mouthbreathing cultists are also all hat, no cattle. These are the same morons that have been strung along by the obviously fake/trolling of QAnon... Yes, one or two psychopaths actually "did something" about it, but the rest are just keyboard warriors. Real loud online, not a lot of actual "doing."

Yes, they bucked that trend for 1/6, but they're also seeing most of their friends who participated going to jail. Consequences are a bitch.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by mister d »

1,000 violent bigots + 200,000 grandparents driving designer pickups trucks all taking to the streets.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Johnnie »

Yes. This is why I always tell my liberal friends to buy guns and train with them.

I expect murders at the polls from here forward every election season now.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by pruitt2 »

The Sybian wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:49 pm
sancarlos wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:16 pm Serious question for the group. If Trump is formally charged with Jan 6-related crimes (and thus, at least technically be under arrest - though doubtful he’d be handcuffed), do you think his supporters would riot in the streets? I think that’s a real possibility. Violence and assaults. Could be history in the making?
Possibly, especially if he called for it and others like Steve Bannon broadcast a plan. I do feel like he lost some juice.

One thing that surprises me, if so many Trump supporters truly believe the election was stolen, why haven’t they done anything after 1/6? Maybe they kept listening to all the promises of “Trump will be reinstalled by x date…” and thought they could wait for it to happen.
Easy answer is because they are complete morons who couldn't wipe their own ass without explicit instructions.

Medium level answer is because the weather's been good and there's a lot of good sports on TV.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

mister d wrote: Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:04 pm 1,000 violent bigots + 200,000 grandparents driving designer pickups trucks all taking to the streets.
Sell this on tshirts
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

So, I didn't really watch the first hearing last week, just caught it in clip format.

I watched most of today's live. Despite thinking these won't really move the needle*, man... It sure is cathartic.

They are not fucking around.

My favorite is pointing out that Rudy was drunk on election night, and THAT was the guy Trump listened to, not all of campaign staff and lawyers.

Fucking moron.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

Nonlinear FC wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:42 pm So, I didn't really watch the first hearing last week, just caught it in clip format.

I watched most of today's live. Despite thinking these won't really move the needle*, man... It sure is cathartic.

They are not fucking around.

My favorite is pointing out that Rudy was drunk on election night, and THAT was the guy Trump listened to, not all of campaign staff and lawyers.

Fucking moron.
He will only listen to the person telling him what he wants to hear. If that happens to be the drunk addle brained mentally ill troll in the corner with hair dye leaking down his face, so be it.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

I decided to see what FoxNews has on their website. Gotta dig a bit for any mention of the Hearing as there is BIG news to report. "Rick Scott says Biden 'destroyed America's economy, calls on President to resign."

Go down the list of clips a ways and you can find "Democrats trying to convict Trump of being a terrible person."
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

* - Apparently Fox aired (some?) of today's hearing. Very interested to know how much and why.

You couldn't listen to today's stuff and not come to some pretty clear conclusions... Trump was told by over a dozen high level ppl on his staff that he lost the election. And that they knowingly sent out dozens and dozens of fundraising emails... all the way up to the insurrection.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by govmentchedda »

Nonlinear FC wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:22 pm * - Apparently Fox aired (some?) of today's hearing. Very interested to know how much and why.

You couldn't listen to today's stuff and not come to some pretty clear conclusions... Trump was told by over a dozen high level ppl on his staff that he lost the election. And that they knowingly sent out dozens and dozens of fundraising emails... all the way up to the insurrection.
I was surprised to see it on there as well. Lady next to me ony flight was watching it for a bit. DiS, I'm in your town for another few minutes!
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Nonlinear FC »

I mean... The way these "hearings" are being produced (literally, a former ABC News producer is coordinating all of this) is just amazing.

If any of you haven't watched this in real time, it's fucking amazing. There is ZERO bullshit going on. No Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz or (insert fucking moron) to throw out ridiculous misdirections and lies.

And everyone that you are hearing from are Trump people, or at least someone he appointed or hired. It's pretty clear that the lawyers and campaign staff were absolutely done with him by the end of November, let alone by 1/6 when most of them had cleared out while Rudy and that SheBeast were running around filing over 60 frivolous lawsuits.

So, the hosts and "anchors" over at Fox are going to have a hellevu time just waving their arms around and saying nothing to see her. It's REALLY well produced, to the extent I really couldn't just turn it off once it started rolling.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

I love the argument that it's a partisan witch hunt because there are only 2 Republicans on the Committee. They tried to bring on more GOP, but they refused to participate as they wanted to prevent the truth from coming out. You had your chance to be a part of the process, fuckos, you blew it.

I'm still doubtful Garland will get off his fucking ass and do anything. Well, it looks like he is going after the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, but I doubt he goes after anyone named Trump or in the Admin. I'm a little unclear on the test for proving Trump had knowledge he was lying. It'll depend on whatever crime they hypothetically charge, but if every expert and advisor told him there was no fraud and he said he still believed Rudy and the Kraken, I don't know if they can argue willful ignorance in ignoring reality. I would think there is a crime they could charge where all of his advisors including the AG and US Attorneys telling him they fully investigated and debunked all the claims. That should be enough.

I didn't watch live, but saw some clips. Powerful footage from Barr's testimony, but it worried me a bit when he said Trump was detached from reality and believed there was fraud. The way he said it made it seem like he was dropping a bomb on the knowledge test. That followed by the former-US Attorney in Georgia (Pak, I think), describing the supposed video evidence of boxes of ballots being illegally brought in after hours. This was a huge argument and the biggest evidence of mass fraud. He explained very clearly how the video was misleading, how the FBI interviewed everyone involved and how there was a very reasonable explanation for what actually happened. He also said he and others explained to Trump and his lawyers that the video was not proof fraud, yet they went forward with it in lawsuits and the media anyways.

I heard a former US Attorney now pundit explaining how the Committee revealed evidence of new crimes today. Trump and his campaign team sought donations based on a known lie. They created a campaign fund and accepted donations for fighting fraud based on specific incidents that were known to be false. She was making it seem like a very easy case to prove, but again, I'm sure Garland will fucking dither and do nothing.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by psunate77 »

I gotta ask, Trump was a real asshole and so are some Repubs reps, Thursday really told a story. But seriously, will he ever see jail? Think about it, as much of an asshole he was, he is still a former President with a pretty big backing. I think right now the best to wish for is him never being able to hold office again. I just don't see how anyone is going to go after him.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by EnochRoot »

He stole $250 million from donors on a lie.

But yeah, way to take the high road there, Nate.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by Johnnie »

Not worth responding to that fucking clown. Fuck him.
mister d wrote:Couldn't have pegged me better.
EnochRoot wrote:I mean, whatever. Johnnie's all hot cuz I ride him.
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by psunate77 »

EnochRoot wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:22 pm He stole $250 million from donors on a lie.

But yeah, way to take the high road there, Nate.
Will he ever see jail tho?
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Re: To the extent it comes up: Trump crap post-WH years

Post by The Sybian »

I went back and watched the whole thing. God Bless Youtube and their ability to watch at a higher speed. The last 20-30 minutes was all setting up how Trump and his campaign knowingly used false information (debunked conspiracy theories and flat out lies as determined by Trump's own appointees) to grift campaign funds. He collected $250 million(?) promised to pay for the legal fees to fight the election fraud. None of that money went to fight fraud, but instead went to the Trump Hotel Collection, Mark Meadow's private charity and a list of other businesses and charities associated with Trump and his minions. Now I think they are swinging the hearings to go after campaign fraud!

There was so much evidence of Trump and his family committing campaign fraud in 2016, so this tact surprises me a bit. Ivanka funneled millions of campaign donations into the Trump family business on top of the campaign grossly overpaying Trump businesses for use of hotel space, Trump Wine and various other Trump businesses. It's pretty hilarious that the victims of this fraud are the ones who still support him. It's so sad that so many people are this fucking stupid to worship a guy with a 40 year history of being a conman and a huckster, and throw money at his campaign for incredibly stupid and obvious lies. Early in the post-election begging for money I was saying the whole thing was a grift and he didn't really believe it*, but after 1/6 I forgot about all of that. The worst was Steve Bannon and a few others bilking dummies out of $millions to privately fund the wall. Those guys pocketed all the money with no intention of ever putting the money towards the wall. They were indicted (did they plead or get convicted, I can't remember what with all of the criminals running in Trump's circle) and the morons who were bilked cheered when Trump pardoned Bannon for ripping them off! I know it's cliche, but half the country is already living in Idiocracy.

*I'm not sure whether Trump actually believed the fraud bullshit. I said before the election that his mental disorder wouldn't allow for him to accept defeat and he'd create a narrative to avoid admitting to himself he lost, and I wouldn't be surprised if he willfully ignored all facts, evidence and counsel and chose to believe the crazy conspiracies because his delicate ego and his stunted personal development left him with a two year old's mentality, so he may actually believe his bullshit. I also wouldn't be surprised if the conman in him knew he could spout bullshit, and as long as he kept repeating his lies, his worshippers would keep sending him money. Fuck, initially announcing his campaign was only supposed to be a PR stunt to sell books for his re-release of The Art of the Deal.
An honest to God cult of personality - formed around a failed steak salesman.
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